10 pounds lighter and tighter by April - Support thread!



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I ate well on Saturday, sort of well yesterday, but with the snow day today, I was tired of feeling restricted and put honey in my tea, and ate some other sweet and carby things. Not the end of the world; just looking forward to a new day.
  • riegrac
    riegrac Posts: 12 Member
    I would like to join this group. I am 5'7" and currently weigh 155. In April I would like to be 145. Any of you all can add me as a friend. My biggest weakness is sweets.....gotta fight my sweet tooth especially when I want to stress eat ;)
  • jgrabowski33
    jgrabowski33 Posts: 19 Member
    @huango It's hard! I attempted Paleo at one point and it was very frustrating- I like the general idea behind it but consuming that much protein is so hard. I managed to get my protein intake up yesterday, but still not up to where it should be. I'm finding that to be at my ideal protein level I will have to add something like yogurt to my breakfast, and cottage cheese to my lunch. Which is fine, because I love them both!

    In other news, I have lost about 4 pounds in two weeks! Yay, on to week three!
  • yminaya
    yminaya Posts: 4 Member
    @riegrac‌, I'm also addicted to sweets. I don't have a preference. I'll eat anything that's sweet.
    On another note, I did an hour of Zumba! This is my first workout in years. To those of you who are feeling down, please know that every little bit helps. One hour today maybe a little more tomorrow but I'm working on it.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's Cut-Day and all I want to do is eat.
    Saving calories for Thursday's GNO.

    I used to turn down invitations to eat out, but now, I'm okay: managing my calories and looking forward to seeing my girlfriends.

    Anyone doing any challenges this month?
    My friend and I are doing this one BUT only half of the numbers. And instead of leg lifts, I'm doing pushups: my arms need work.
    YES, that's 300 sit-ups, 300 twists, and 150pushups by Day 30!!!

    @Steph_135‌: "looking forward to a new day"
    It's just one day at a time for me.

    @MsTracy1972‌: Yup, I have to shovel more snow (got another 14" yesterday), and Zumba dancing tonight. (I call it dancing because my friend Zumba instructor is so awesome and makes it so fun!).

    For all the newbies: GAME ON!
    Bring it!!!

  • ladypitek
    ladypitek Posts: 91 Member
    I am getting married on October 25 and would love to lose 30-40 lbs by then. I know it's important to set smaller goals because oftentimes the bigger goals seem insurmountable, but it's really only about a pound a week from now until mid October. But to think a little more short term and feel victory in meeting smaller goals I think 10lbs by April seems totally reasonable. I'm so on board!!
  • nabamukhtar
    nabamukhtar Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm a 5'6 college girl. I started at 130 lbs a couple of weeks ago and now I'm at 128. My goal weight is 120, And I would like to lose a pound a week. I try not to exceed 1400-1500 calories a day, to eat healthy, and to exercise, but with all the homework I have to do and the temptations at the Caf, it's so hard! I tend to cheat more often than I should. I don't like pizza and I can resist salty foods, but sweets are my weakness!
  • sarbear112084
    sarbear112084 Posts: 19 Member
    10 pounds in my goal! I am currently working on having it off by April 1. I am 5'5 and weigh 163. I have a 1 1/2 year old daughter and that is when I gained alot of weight and still working on getting it all off. Before pregnancy I weighed 148lbs and was a curvy and fit size 7. I want to be back at that. I have already lost 55 lbs. Daily calorie goal is anywhere from 1200 to 1500. Currently I do 20 min of HIIT followed by 20 min of moderately heavy lifting 5 days a week. I am trying to watch and make sure I don't eat too many carbs, too much sodium, and too much sugar. It not realistic for me to cut those out completely so everything in moderation. Def trying to up my water intake and eat a large serving of veggies with either lunch or dinner every day. I could use the support and like minds in this challenge/journey. I need to work on uploading a current photo, a pre-pregnancy photo, and hopefully an after photo showing my success. Good luck to you all!
  • sasha_golden87
    sasha_golden87 Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    I'm in! 5ft4"
    SW 187
    CW 179
    GW 140
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    I need to do this! I'm 5'6" and currently about 142b. Target 127lb, though possibly a bit less if I can make that! Fitting into my skinny wardrobe would mean getting closer to 121lb, but that would also mean having virtually no boobs!
    My daily calorie goal is 1200-1500 and at the moment I'm slacking a bit on the exercise, apart from walking/running with the dogs every day. Diet wise I'm a vegetarian and would usually eat reasonably well, except that chocolate is my downfall. At least I know where to start improving!
  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    I'm in. I was always an athlete in school and even though it's been a REALLY long time since I could call myself that, people tell me "why do you want to lose weight? You look fine/good." The problem is that I didn't feel good, and my clothes were all too tight. I wasn't being active and I ate whatever I felt like. At my high (low) point last spring I hit 165#. I started working out almost daily and trying to eat right, but it took me 6 months to drop 10#. Super discouraging. The next 5# were a little easier, but I have basically plateaued at 150#. At this point, my goal is to tone and tighten, and hopefully lose 5-10# down to 140-145# and continue to improve my fitness. I would love to have some likeminded folks to motivate and support each other, share things that are working for us, etc.

    My stats:

    Female, 33 years old, 5'8"
    Current weight 150#, goal of 140-ish.
    Working out 5+ days/week most weeks (trying to mix it up between different cardio and bodyweight stuff)
    MFP goal calories for losing 1lb/week is 1520

    Feel free to add me!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Zumba is so much fun! I wish I didn't already have a dance class on the night my fave Zumba instructor does her thing. I used to be doing Zumba at the gym, but a lot of things just turned me off, so I stopped. Sometimes I follow Zumba routines on YouTube at home. That was a lot of fun. I need to make some more floor space if I want to do that again. Haha.
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    At a work conference for the week and I am definitely indulging in drinks during networking events and eating the hotel food, while doing the best I can to estimate calories on MFP.

    That being said, my challenges this week are not being able to log my food properly and eating over my goals...

    My win: during the conference today, my company hosted a 5K for charity and I ran it AND convinced a colleague to run too, even though she hadn't run in a while! It was so great!

    Hope all are having a good week and keep up the fantastic work!!
  • I've never joined a group chat before and need the 'go team' boost!
    I lost 12 pounds 6 months ago from 151 to 139 and was hoping to get down to 134. Then I gained back 9 pounds. Very frustrating. Too much stress eating! I'm trying hard to focus on making this about being healthy and making the best nutrient rich choices. I've never yo yo dieted before but middle age the weight is just creeping up.
    i live in a house with 2 kids who are underweight and need additional calories. Although we don't have excess junk in the house we do have a certain amount just stuff that kids eat that I wouldn't need to eat but there it sits!
    The hardest part for me seems to be portion control overeating and stress eating. AND I need to get more exercise in super busy working and being a mom makes like NO time. Have to figure that piece out.
    My ultimate goal is to get down to 132 but starting w just losing 10. Thank you!
  • cdl1967
    cdl1967 Posts: 2 Member
    huango wrote: »
    Jemcad: I think that's a GREAT idea!
    I used to reward myself, into a jar, $1 for every time I worked out. I was saving up for a Burberry handbag. (Yeah, I think that's where I went wrong: WAY too big of a goal; I needed intermittent in-between goals/rewards.
  • cdl1967
    cdl1967 Posts: 2 Member
    I need this 5'2 157 goal 140. I work out 5 to 6 days. 1lb a week.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's been a month since I got on the scale.
    Lost 4pounds.
    age: 42
    height: 4'11"
    CW: 121.2
    I'm still 4.6pounds from my lightest weight of last Spring.

    The number doesn't mean much.
    I'm staying with my same plan, same cut of low/high calories and "break" weeks, keeping moving, smaller portions, and no night-time snacking.

    IF I lose another 4 pounds in just 4 weeks, then I'll adjust my allotted calories up.
    1pound a week is much too fast for me.

    34 days of no night-time snacking!!!

    I'm thinking of rewarding myself with this silver Stella&Dot engravable necklace charm, with my kids' initials:

    I used to be in the mindset of eating at work functions or receptions just because the food was there and FREE, even if I wasn't hungry (I have this thing about free stuff).
    But now I know that I don't need to.
    You can do it. Just move away from the table, holding a big glass of water. It's hard to eat with just 1 hand. :)

    @MsTracy1972‌ and @sellerskennington‌:
    Missing your check-ins.

    Tracy: How's that commute home and fruit? Any pit-stops for ice cream, or are you holding off?
    Now when I go shovel snow, I think about you and my picture of the marshmallow on my deck. :)

    sellers: where in NY are you?
    My inlaws are in Manhattan and we go visit about 2-3times a year.
    My addiction there is Doughnut Plant: crazy awesome donuts!!!

    did you imagine that we would get 8 pages of committed members?

    GAME ON!!!
    It's Hump Day!
  • angela101427
    angela101427 Posts: 19 Member
    How are we all doing?

    I did a mid-week check this morning and gained 2lbs :'( I am thinking it is due to the fact I have been hitting the gym almost everyday except Sunday *hope it is a good sign*! Still holding my head up...................GAME ON!!

    Keep up all the great work guys we can do this :D
  • vgrinest
    vgrinest Posts: 4 Member
    Im game! i have lost 10 pounds already. Trying to stay on the bandwagon without falling off.
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    Amanda @huango‌ I live in Chelsea and work in Manhattan on 2nd Ave. We just moved her in August from Alabama and will be here for 3 years. Thankfully, I am able to steer from doughnuts! Whew.

    My low for the past few weeks is this knee therapy. I can't do lunges, squats, run, etc. My inner thigh muscles are so weak that my knee caps are becoming lopsided. Working on rebuilding those.

    My HIGH for this week: I set a goal of 11K steps on FitBit, in bed by 9:30pm, gym every day, and logging food in MFP every day and not use exercise calories as part of my count. So far, I have been right on! So excited!

    GAME ON!