

  • jessicagaray
    Username: jessicagaray
    First name: Jessica
    Height: 5 ft 3
    Starting Weight: 146
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 138
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Lots of walking with my little guy now that it's nicer out, eat nutritious and delicious foods, and a random assortment of all the cardio videos collecting dust :)
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! I have one that I would love to fit into that I already own! I think I last wore it on my honeymoon which was only about 6 lbs lighter then now - however it didn't look very nice then haha
  • krissybug72
    krissybug72 Posts: 35 Member
    Usertname: Krissybug72
    First Name : Krissy
    Height: 5'7''
    Starting Weight: 159
    Goal Weight :145
    I am doing 2 months of "Insanity" workout DVD's .
    I have several bikinis that haven't worn in 3 years. However, if I reach goal - I think I deserve a new one. :)
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I'm excited to see so many familiar faces here, but new faces too! YAY! And welcome everyone!!

    Username: Lesliemk
    First name: Leslie
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight: 148
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 138-140 (but I'd LOVE 135!!)
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? ChaLEAN Extreme 3x a week for strength training, Brazil Butt Lift for targeted booty work and some high intensity cardio and running to shed the last layer of chub!
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet! I've got start browsing for my reward!!!!
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    Username: swimmer23
    First name: Alex
    Height: 5'6''
    Starting Weight: 127
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 122
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Swim, run, or bike (cross-training) 6 days a week, weight train + abs 3 days a week
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! YES OF COURSE. It's adorable :)
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    Username: Mollyanne01
    First Name: Molly
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight: 125
    Goal Weight By 7/4/11: 120
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Running, P90X & Insanity
    Do you have a bikini picked out yet? YES! And it's fabulous.
  • 3girlmommy
    3girlmommy Posts: 24 Member
    Username: 3girlmommy
    First name: Leah
    Height: 5'6''
    Starting Weight: 149
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 140 (a little less would be birthday is on the 7th!!)
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Zumba, 30 day shred, walking, EA sports active 2
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! I've got several but could always add to my collection :happy:
  • sybil1106
    sybil1106 Posts: 71
    Username: sybil1106
    First name: Sybil
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 177
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 157
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? walking, circuit training, roller skating
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet.. But soon!!
  • haydan7707
    haydan7707 Posts: 22 Member
    SW: 165
    GW: 150

    Zumba, Walking, Counting Calories.

    No bikini yet.
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    Username: Maurey
    First name: Maurey
    Height: 5'10
    Starting Weight: 170
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 160
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Cardio (including treadmill and walking outside), and eating better (ya for calorie counting)
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No... but have a few in a drawer that i bought years ago and they still have the tags on them. If i reach my goal i will splurge and buy myself a new one!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Hi All! I so need some support. It's been about 2 years or so that I remember putting on a suit and feeling okay about it. I want to feel great about it this year!!

    Username: lbetancourt
    First name: Laura
    Height: 5'5
    Starting Weight: 131
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 124
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Calorie counting, calorie counting, calorie counting... 30DS.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No. I'm not ready to even think of trying one on.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Username: BeckyJill7
    First name: Becky
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting Weight: I'll have to get back to you- it's between 165-170
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 150
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? JM's 30DS, Ripped in 30, 6 week 6 pack, etc, walking/running
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! I actually wore it in February but actually want to look good in it this summer!!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Ooh- and I would really like to meet my goal (or get really close) by June 25- girls' weekend and I'm friends with freaks of nature who have super hot bodies! (not freaks of nature really- just marathon runners and health gurus...)
  • natmadc
    natmadc Posts: 116 Member
    Username: natmadc
    First name: Madison
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight: 162
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 147
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Squats, walking/jogging
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! not yet ill pick it out closer to my goal
  • macdaddyyall
    Username: macdaddyyall
    First name: Claire
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: Between 154 and 157...
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 140 (realistically 145)
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Swimming competitively 4x a week, kickboxing, and running, as well as strength training!
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Yes!!! It's adorable haha

    PS this is my first time posting on the forums/in a challenge so forgive me if I screw up at first :)
  • heyitskaydee
    heyitskaydee Posts: 27 Member
    can i join??
    First name: Kaylee
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight: 142
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 130
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? try my best to cut back on food and exercise more... idk what else to do besides that
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! yuppp its pink and yellow from old navy :)
  • KathreneW
    KathreneW Posts: 66 Member
    Username: KathreneB
    First name: Kathrene
    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight: 149
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 130 (by 7/19)
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Cardio X, Kenpo X, Core Synergenitics, Self: Bikini Ready Fast,(One cardio from P90X in the AM, and Self: Bikini Ready Fast in the PM: 6 days a week) Counting Calories
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Yes!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Username: fanceegirl75
    First name: Maliaka
    Height: 5'9
    Starting Weight: 170
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 155
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Goal is to burn up at least 3500 cals/wk in the gym (Cybex Arc Trainer, Stair Master, run/jog/walk intervals on the treadmill, kickboxing class & Zumba)
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! Not yet...but I've been browsing!!

    Good luck all!! :drinker:
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Username: Fromaquizer

    First name: Jessica

    Height: 5'4"

    Starting Weight: 123

    Goal Weight by 6/19/11: 118 (also as I am concerned with tone as well as weight I want to take 5cm off my thighs, 5 off my bum and 3 off my tum :)

    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Each week - Cardio x 6, strength x 3, stretch x 2 + 6 healthy meals and 118 grams protein/day

    Do you have your bikini picked out yet? Not yet but a shopping trip will be planned :):)
  • MommyAleong
    MommyAleong Posts: 12
    can i please join?

    username: MommyAleong
    First name: Karen
    Height: 5'2"
    starting weight: 156
    goal weight by 7/4/11: 145
    To get bikini ready: tracking calories religiously on MFP, boot camp 2x per week, running 2 days per week, pilates 2 days per week
    Do I have a bikini picked out? Not yet but I am going to Mexico in August so I will pick one out for then :)
  • jannapurna
    jannapurna Posts: 49 Member
    Hello everyone! This is my first time joining a group on MFP, and I'm thankful for the extra support.
    Good luck!

    Username: jannapurna
    First name: Anna
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight: 160
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 152 (just trying to be realistic, but lower would be great, too!)
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? Calorie counting, Moksha yoga, kung fu training, cycling to and from work daily, occasional hockey.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! If I get to my goal weight, I'll definitely be splashing out for a nice new one!