Terrible habit of not eating breakfast.....



  • skyfall91
    totally depends on my day. If tis a day I have to sort both kids out,then take the oldest to nursery, do the weeks food shop then put away and head back out to pick up from nursery school, all in 3hours then I don't eat breakfast as I don't have time! If its a quieter day and im not too busy in the AM I will, all depends if im hungry and have time. I hate all the "my metabolism doesn't work until I eat my breakfast" talk. Metabolism is always working, it will just slow down abit if you lose a lot of weight and don't eat a lot as your body doesn't need to burn as much to keep your body moving (hope that's right anyway!)
  • bmp1290
    bmp1290 Posts: 60 Member
    I don't eat breakfast when I work, but I do drink coffee with creamer up through about lunch, so that's about 120-250 calories right there. I often have a snack and then lunch at 12:30 pm. Some days I ate breakfast, I would still be hungry at lunch, so i think I would actually eat more calories if I ate breakfast.

    On the weekends I sometimes eat breakfast, but usually I sleep in, have some coffee, and by the time I eat it's snack time or lunch time anyways.

    It's not a big deal, you're not screwing up your diet if you don't eat breakfast.

    It's crazy because IF I do eat breakfast I am hungry again by 11 or 12 & then if I don't I'm not hungry at all till 1 or 2. So I'll just stick with what I'm doing because I do think if I ate breakfast I'd be more hungry ealier which would cause me to eat more
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    No it's not a bad thing. I wake at 3 a.m. and find if I eat before 10:30ish, I'm more hungry throughout the day.
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    If I eat breakfast, it's a cup of Greek yogurt, but usually just a cup of coffee. Breakfast kick-starts my metabolism and I am hungry by 11:30, otherwise I can hold out until almost 1 pm. It's crazy how that works.

    I am a night owl by nature, and I prefer to dedicate the 100-odd calories I spend on breakfast to an after-dinner snack, but that's just me. :) On weekends, I don't even touch breakfast because I sleep past it!
  • bmp1290
    bmp1290 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank yall for all your feedback! I was so sick of hearing how not eatimg breakfast was bad for me because I never saw the point in it if I wasn't hungry! :smile:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    bmp1290 wrote: »
    Thank yall for all your feedback! I was so sick of hearing how not eatimg breakfast was bad for me because I never saw the point in it if I wasn't hungry! :smile:

    Ignore them. Timing has no relevance, its CICO.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    bmp1290 wrote: »
    I do not usually eat anything until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Is this a bad thing? I just don't get hungry til then, but people always say not eating breakfast isn't good to do. What's your opinion?

    Don't see the problem. Depends how you eat at lunch - do you go degen or just eat your normal amount of lunch?

    I used to do 16/8 Intermittent Fasting but I prefer to have something small for breakfast as I'm quite active. One thing I learnt is that even if I'm hungry for a few hours, it won't kill me!
  • mrswestmoreland
    mrswestmoreland Posts: 27 Member
    I not a breakfast eater either and I hear all the time that I need to break the fast with breakfast but I just dnt like eating in morning. But what I do sometimes is sip coffee with heavy cream and stevia or lemon water. I usually have something small like a piece of fruit around 11. I've read reports that it is ok to fast about 16 hours a day. So I do whats best for me because although people maybe experts you are still the expert on whats best for you.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    bmp1290 wrote: »
    I do not usually eat anything until 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Is this a bad thing? I just don't get hungry til then, but people always say not eating breakfast isn't good to do. What's your opinion?

    I am super hungry at 6 in the AM and that is when I have to watch my caloric intake most. I can't skip because it makes me feel awful if I do not eat.

    Right now I am eating 1/2 cottage cheese to try and stop the ravenous hunger I have.

    I have always been a "breakfast person".

    I say if you can skip it and feel fine, then go for it.

  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    I have learned that you are either a "breakfast person" or you're not. There's not really an in-between - some people go postal if they don't get their yogurt or cereal or oatmeal or bagel, and some people couldn't care less. I don't think there is an in-between!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    No it's not a bad thing. I wake at 3 a.m. and find if I eat before 10:30ish, I'm more hungry throughout the day.

    Almost the same here. Except I get up at 4:30.

    OP, don't eat until you're hungry.

  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I usually don't eat my first meal until noon. I'm just not hungry in the morning, and I like to save my calories for when I am hungry. I eat most of my calories in the evening and eat right up until I go to bed, so don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't eat right before bed either. That's another one. Also, I find if I do eat in the morning, I tend to be more hungry throughout the day. I tend to overeat later in the day when I do eat breakfast, not the other way around. Yesterday, I decided to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning before I went out to shovel snow. Don't know why I did it. Anyway, I was so hungry all day. I don't know why that happens, but it's annoying. I was starting to run low on calories towards the evening even with eating back my exercise calories. I managed to muddle through though. :) Eat at what times work for you
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited February 2015
    If you aren't hungry in the morning, you have energy, no trouble focusing, are not moody and so on then what you are doing is working for you.
    I usually eat something an hour or two after I wake up otherwise I will not be functioning well. I don't eat a huge breakfast but it makes a difference to my day.
    People like to make up rules about food and a lot of them are just preferences.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    There is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    jnv7594 wrote: »
    I usually don't eat my first meal until noon. I'm just not hungry in the morning, and I like to save my calories for when I am hungry. I eat most of my calories in the evening and eat right up until I go to bed, so don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't eat right before bed either. That's another one. Also, I find if I do eat in the morning, I tend to be more hungry throughout the day. I tend to overeat later in the day when I do eat breakfast, not the other way around. Yesterday, I decided to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning before I went out to shovel snow. Don't know why I did it. Anyway, I was so hungry all day. I don't know why that happens, but it's annoying. I was starting to run low on calories towards the evening even with eating back my exercise calories. I managed to muddle through though. :) Eat at what times work for you

    I am the opposite: I eat a big breakfast in the morning, and often have eaten the bulk of my calories by noon or early afternoon. Then, I don't eat anything until a lighter meal and often a desert.

    Because I workout at 4:30 a.m. or so on the weekdays, I am so hungry!

    Weekends are a different story.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    If I eat breakfast, it's a cup of Greek yogurt, but usually just a cup of coffee. Breakfast kick-starts my metabolism and I am hungry by 11:30, otherwise I can hold out until almost 1 pm. It's crazy how that works.

    I am a night owl by nature, and I prefer to dedicate the 100-odd calories I spend on breakfast to an after-dinner snack, but that's just me. :) On weekends, I don't even touch breakfast because I sleep past it!

    Your metabolism never needs kick-starting because it's always going. :)
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    The first meal after waking up is breakfast, no matter what time you're eating it.

    That's always my tongue-in-cheek response to this question.

    So in that sense, eating breakfast keeps your metabolism going, because if you didn't eat breakfast you'd never eat, so your metabolism would stop. Permanently. :p
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    Only coffee and cream, here. I also work out "fasted". My body likes the 16/8 intermittent fasting schedule by nature, so I've stopped fighting it a long time ago. My appetite increases if I eat early in the day and that makes staying within my deficit hard.

    I get the "but it's the most important meal of the day!" remark and I say that I agree, I just eat it later than they do.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am going to swim against the tide here and make a few pro-breakfast comments.
    • The National Weight Control Registry tracks the habits of those who have successfully lost a significant weight and maintained that loss. 78% of those who have successfully maintained their loss, eat breakfast every day.
    • A breakfast routine may be a keystone habit.
    • Diabetics really have no choice. To externally control their food intake (while others depend on their insulin regulator), routine is key. That means having breakfast first thing in the morning and at the same time every morning to set the entire day off on the right note.

    My appetite also increases by eating in the morning, but I figure it sets me up for the day to eat the appropriate amounts at the appropriate time.