frustration beyond all else



  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    how can you expect sound advice when your diary is locked?!?!? This is something Ill never understand; people who want advice but keep everything locked so no one can actually give any
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Well, if you are starting to track your binge sessions I think that is a start. You are gaining personal insight, the first step in changing future behavior.
  • katiemufuknfitch529
    arlong1983 wrote: »
    Well She may have deactivated her account, however I was feeling really upset today. I had weigh day today and it was up, and the process of loosing weight is slow. So I was really down, I needed these comments, there are many that helped, and I for some reason didn't realize how much I can miscount my calories, I have been eating healthier foods, so was getting to that point where I said how much can these prunes be? Well 20 calories a prune! I appreciate everyone who commented today and it has given me that boost to keep going!And I am going to make sure I start being more diligent on counting my calories.

    i did not deactivate my account. just changed the name! Hope any of these comments make everyone feel better who needs to read it
  • katiemufuknfitch529
    how can you expect sound advice when your diary is locked?!?!? This is something Ill never understand; people who want advice but keep everything locked so no one can actually give any

    how do i unlock it? it is locked by default
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    well the exercise was just walking for a few miles like i used to do daily, so i figured i would be fine, then the next day it hurt going down the stairs. I've been trying for 5+ years to lose weight and cutting back on eating, and nothing really worked until i started my thyroid medicine and then that stopped working... Like right now i'm trying to focus on eating less junk food, eating out less, and trying to exercise twice a week. But I've been trying for months and seems to be I'm just getting bigger.

    Thyroid medicine can only do so much, but if you really believe you should be in a calorie deficit and aren't losing, then I'd suggest speaking to your doctor about adjusting the dose.
  • katiemufuknfitch529
    well the exercise was just walking for a few miles like i used to do daily, so i figured i would be fine, then the next day it hurt going down the stairs. I've been trying for 5+ years to lose weight and cutting back on eating, and nothing really worked until i started my thyroid medicine and then that stopped working... Like right now i'm trying to focus on eating less junk food, eating out less, and trying to exercise twice a week. But I've been trying for months and seems to be I'm just getting bigger.

    Thyroid medicine can only do so much, but if you really believe you should be in a calorie deficit and aren't losing, then I'd suggest speaking to your doctor about adjusting the dose.

    i spoke with her last week and she said i am in the "normal" range but i am having all the same symptoms as before i started the medication, if not worse and i had to ask her 3 visits in a row to check in the first place.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    well the exercise was just walking for a few miles like i used to do daily, so i figured i would be fine, then the next day it hurt going down the stairs. I've been trying for 5+ years to lose weight and cutting back on eating, and nothing really worked until i started my thyroid medicine and then that stopped working... Like right now i'm trying to focus on eating less junk food, eating out less, and trying to exercise twice a week. But I've been trying for months and seems to be I'm just getting bigger.

    have you consulted your doctor about the thyroid med no longer working?
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    If self control is the problem, try to control your environment as much as possible until you get better with that. Don't keep the foods you have trouble controlling yourself with in your house. If chips are your issue, don't buy them. Or sweets. Or whatever. If you really want it, you will need to leave home and go buy a single serving. Keep things like fresh veggies readily available at home. If you can't control yourself with the baby carrots, you can't really do much damage.

    In terms of saying no, you don't need to say no every time but you do need to pick your moments. Say yes only to the things that are worth it every once in a while. You need to work on this if you want to be successful.
  • katiemufuknfitch529
    yes i have. they say im in the normal range but it was hard to even get her to test it in the first place
  • LavenderLeaves
    LavenderLeaves Posts: 195 Member
    Hey Katie, I know first hand how much feeling guilty about food isn't going to help at all. I let myself get to a life-threatening weight because I did nothing but keep myself wrapped in shame and guilt about my body and anything I ate. When others say log religiously - they say it because it helps with accountability. Emotional eaters tend to zone out when they are emotionally eating, I know for myself, I often times can't recall everything I ate after a really severe binge. Logging has now become second nature to me. I don't restrict myself from any food I don't want, which helps a lot because most foods that I thought of as "off-limits" are now simply becoming a food like any other.

    On days where I don't eat exactly how I'd prefer, I still log. It hurts, but it's also incredibly cathartic at the same time. It's like once everything is logged, it's not a binge I feel guilty over swimming around in my head. It just is. It happened - oh well, I just need to move forward from then on.

    I personally keep my diary open with all my friends because it helps continue that sense of removing shame from what food goes into my mouth or the actions that led to it. If I struggled that day, I say something about it. It's always helpful to hear reminders from mfp friends that a day of mindless eating doesn't undo all my progress to date, and that they also have days where they struggle as well. If you like, please feel free to send me a friend request. I hope you start feeling some success soon. :)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Try this and I'm guarantee it will work.
    I drink 2 protein shake in the morning and lunch. I use muscle pharm combat protein powder from Costco , it has 5 kind of protein-8 hour release + 1 T of chia. Then just eat a regular dinner. I only exercise for de-stress, 30 minute walk. The protein drink stop my craving and hunger in 15 minutes. You don't have to take the protein drink...just eat 25g of protein instead. Just have to make sure to have 3 meals of protein to help burn fat. I have more time on my hand because less cooking and less exercise. I used to exercise 90 minutes at the gym. So far I lose about 7lbs but my stomach is a lot smaller
    You can start slow with just replace 1 meal 1st. Just try it for a week and you will see feel the different.
  • shaunsmoot
    shaunsmoot Posts: 37 Member
    I think you've been given some great advice in the previous messages. However, it all boils down to your attitude & how bad do you really want this? A POSITIVE ATTITUDE WILL BRING YOU POSITIVE RESULTS! Make YOU a priority in your life! Make sure to put yourself on your calendar for your daily appointment to the gym, zumba, yoga, DVD etc... You wouldn't break an appt to go to the doctor, right? You need to give yourself 21 days since they say this is how long something takes to become a habit. Make this 21 days the beginning of envisioning a happier, stronger, more beautiful you. Your attitude will either make you stronger or pull you down. You choose. YOU CAN DO THIS! Follow the advice from the others & change your outlook on things & you'll start seeing huge results. :)