10 pounds lighter and tighter by April - Support thread!



  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    I'm in. I was always an athlete in school and even though it's been a REALLY long time since I could call myself that, people tell me "why do you want to lose weight? You look fine/good." The problem is that I didn't feel good, and my clothes were all too tight. I wasn't being active and I ate whatever I felt like. At my high (low) point last spring I hit 165#. I started working out almost daily and trying to eat right, but it took me 6 months to drop 10#. Super discouraging. The next 5# were a little easier, but I have basically plateaued at 150#. At this point, my goal is to tone and tighten, and hopefully lose 5-10# down to 140-145# and continue to improve my fitness. I would love to have some likeminded folks to motivate and support each other, share things that are working for us, etc.

    My stats:

    Female, 33 years old, 5'8"
    Current weight 150#, goal of 140-ish.
    Working out 5+ days/week most weeks (trying to mix it up between different cardio and bodyweight stuff)
    MFP goal calories for losing 1lb/week is 1520

    Feel free to add me!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Zumba is so much fun! I wish I didn't already have a dance class on the night my fave Zumba instructor does her thing. I used to be doing Zumba at the gym, but a lot of things just turned me off, so I stopped. Sometimes I follow Zumba routines on YouTube at home. That was a lot of fun. I need to make some more floor space if I want to do that again. Haha.
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    At a work conference for the week and I am definitely indulging in drinks during networking events and eating the hotel food, while doing the best I can to estimate calories on MFP.

    That being said, my challenges this week are not being able to log my food properly and eating over my goals...

    My win: during the conference today, my company hosted a 5K for charity and I ran it AND convinced a colleague to run too, even though she hadn't run in a while! It was so great!

    Hope all are having a good week and keep up the fantastic work!!
  • I've never joined a group chat before and need the 'go team' boost!
    I lost 12 pounds 6 months ago from 151 to 139 and was hoping to get down to 134. Then I gained back 9 pounds. Very frustrating. Too much stress eating! I'm trying hard to focus on making this about being healthy and making the best nutrient rich choices. I've never yo yo dieted before but middle age the weight is just creeping up.
    i live in a house with 2 kids who are underweight and need additional calories. Although we don't have excess junk in the house we do have a certain amount just stuff that kids eat that I wouldn't need to eat but there it sits!
    The hardest part for me seems to be portion control overeating and stress eating. AND I need to get more exercise in super busy working and being a mom makes like NO time. Have to figure that piece out.
    My ultimate goal is to get down to 132 but starting w just losing 10. Thank you!
  • cdl1967
    cdl1967 Posts: 2 Member
    huango wrote: »
    Jemcad: I think that's a GREAT idea!
    I used to reward myself, into a jar, $1 for every time I worked out. I was saving up for a Burberry handbag. (Yeah, I think that's where I went wrong: WAY too big of a goal; I needed intermittent in-between goals/rewards.
  • cdl1967
    cdl1967 Posts: 2 Member
    I need this 5'2 157 goal 140. I work out 5 to 6 days. 1lb a week.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's been a month since I got on the scale.
    Lost 4pounds.
    age: 42
    height: 4'11"
    CW: 121.2
    I'm still 4.6pounds from my lightest weight of last Spring.

    The number doesn't mean much.
    I'm staying with my same plan, same cut of low/high calories and "break" weeks, keeping moving, smaller portions, and no night-time snacking.

    IF I lose another 4 pounds in just 4 weeks, then I'll adjust my allotted calories up.
    1pound a week is much too fast for me.

    34 days of no night-time snacking!!!

    I'm thinking of rewarding myself with this silver Stella&Dot engravable necklace charm, with my kids' initials:

    I used to be in the mindset of eating at work functions or receptions just because the food was there and FREE, even if I wasn't hungry (I have this thing about free stuff).
    But now I know that I don't need to.
    You can do it. Just move away from the table, holding a big glass of water. It's hard to eat with just 1 hand. :)

    @MsTracy1972‌ and @sellerskennington‌:
    Missing your check-ins.

    Tracy: How's that commute home and fruit? Any pit-stops for ice cream, or are you holding off?
    Now when I go shovel snow, I think about you and my picture of the marshmallow on my deck. :)

    sellers: where in NY are you?
    My inlaws are in Manhattan and we go visit about 2-3times a year.
    My addiction there is Doughnut Plant: crazy awesome donuts!!!

    did you imagine that we would get 8 pages of committed members?

    GAME ON!!!
    It's Hump Day!
  • angela101427
    angela101427 Posts: 19 Member
    How are we all doing?

    I did a mid-week check this morning and gained 2lbs :'( I am thinking it is due to the fact I have been hitting the gym almost everyday except Sunday *hope it is a good sign*! Still holding my head up...................GAME ON!!

    Keep up all the great work guys we can do this :D
  • vgrinest
    vgrinest Posts: 4 Member
    Im game! i have lost 10 pounds already. Trying to stay on the bandwagon without falling off.
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    Amanda @huango‌ I live in Chelsea and work in Manhattan on 2nd Ave. We just moved her in August from Alabama and will be here for 3 years. Thankfully, I am able to steer from doughnuts! Whew.

    My low for the past few weeks is this knee therapy. I can't do lunges, squats, run, etc. My inner thigh muscles are so weak that my knee caps are becoming lopsided. Working on rebuilding those.

    My HIGH for this week: I set a goal of 11K steps on FitBit, in bed by 9:30pm, gym every day, and logging food in MFP every day and not use exercise calories as part of my count. So far, I have been right on! So excited!

    GAME ON!
  • melissa318is
    melissa318is Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I'll be looking on here for inspiration and motivation! Good luck to everyone!!
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Amanda @huango‌ I live in Chelsea and work in Manhattan on 2nd Ave. We just moved her in August from Alabama and will be here for 3 years. Thankfully, I am able to steer from doughnuts! Whew!

    Hi @sellerskennington‌ - I'm in Manhattan too! Live in Hell's Kitchen and work on 5th in midtown! Just moved about a yr ago from LA. Having to walk everywhere in the city has definitely helped me maintain a more healthy lifestyle! Keep up the awesome work!
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    I am sooo hungry today! This is becoming more and more of a pattern for me this week. I have been walking about 12-13K steps a day, but that shouldn't make me hungrier, should it?!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'll be 928 calories burned after tonight's stairs.
    What I shoveled today (75minutes), AFTER my gym work-out. About to pass out...

    This path is to our deck, from the side garage door.
    Can't see the other half of our deck, behind that big mound on the Right:


    This one for the dog we're adopting this Saturday, so that he can do his business.
    So excited!!!
    My daughter has been petitioning for a dog for over a year.
    Our previous shar pei passed away from old age 6years ago. We are ready to love another one.


    Can't see the bottom half of our swing set:

    And we're supposed to get ~1-10 inches more this week.

    That's a lot of walking. Are you a nurse? or Walk to commute?
    Absolutely: walking/working out will result in great need for fuel.
    Make sure you drink a lot of water. Get really good protein to help you feel fuller.
    Aim for AT LEAST half your body weight.
    I shoot for 84+.

  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    edited February 2015
    huango wrote: »
    did you imagine that we would get 8 pages of committed members?

    GAME ON!!!
    It's Hump Day!

    Yes n no, and I think it's awesome!!! haha!

    GAME ON!!!

    I went over my calorie goals twice in the past week but I am so determined to keep up my positive progress overall by remembering each day is a chance to get it right! Today I did great, keeping up my daily exercise and eating normal portions. My biggest challenge these next few days, I think, is to cope with my stress and feelings separately from food. It'll take some yoga, maybe some time outside, and writing in my journal to relax :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    edited February 2015
    Raven1968 wrote: »
    Then I gained back 9 pounds. Very frustrating. Too much stress eating! I'm trying hard to focus on making this about being healthy and making the best nutrient rich choices. I've never yo yo dieted before but middle age the weight is just creeping up.
    The hardest part for me seems to be portion control overeating and stress eating. AND I need to get more exercise in super busy working and being a mom makes like NO time. Have to figure that piece out.
    Welcome! Try to find out what is stressing you most. Notice what your triggers are. What are you SAYING to yourself (thinking) at those moments? If you can break routine habits by noticing triggers and consciously changing your thoughts about those situations/whatever it is, then it might give you a handle on the stress eating.

    One example of this that I have been doing is when I drive, I've noticed I've been getting a lot more agitated by drivers around me that are unsafe. In effect, I believe I'm attracting MORE unsafe drivers around me cause I'm always focused on that. NOW, when I see someone driving a little carelessly, I try to think "oh, there's a reminder that I should be driving safe" or "that person's lucky they cut in front of a safe driver like me".

    I'm a big stress eater, too. I'm still working on changing thoughts about stress. Most recently I we presented with the idea of changing the WORDS I use to describe emotions (see: Anthony Robbins). For example, if I am stressed, my focus is on that emotion (and the reactions that come along with it, but maybe if I say "I'm tired" or "I'm procrastinating" or whatever the CAUSE of my stress is, then I am more empowered to do something about that (ie. take a break, or get to work!).

    Hope that helps some way. :) Have a great day!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did a mid-week check this morning and gained 2lbs :'( I am thinking it is due to the fact I have been hitting the gym almost everyday except Sunday *hope it is a good sign*! Still holding my head up...................GAME ON!!
    Mid-week check-ins are tricky. Haha. I am up too (but with a "better" [or worse] reason that yours). We just gotta keep marching forward. It'll all be fine in the end anyway.

    @sellerskennington - Sending good vibes to your knees. May they be awesome again! Way to go on your commitment despite it all!

    @huango - Oh shoveling... Looks like a valiant effort! I wish I'd taken before and afters of the car...

    @faelight‌ - I love that you have all those great strategies to deal with your stress. I might borrow some (yoga). I love to journal and walk (in the sun).
  • sellerskennington
    sellerskennington Posts: 77 Member
    @Steph_135‌ thanks! Today the knee is killing me, but must not be lazy about the therapy if I want to be full force again!

    Amanda, @huango‌ I drink over 1/2 my body weight daily. I drink 100+ daily. Should be doing 80oz. Not a nurse. I walk my kids to school (only a block away) than 4 more to subway and 2 from Grand Central to office. Then walk around office. Plus play with boys after school. Just moving lots to see if helps with Weightloss!
  • I really want to start this even though I'm in a little late! I've been working hard this past week at eating right and going to the gym so I can get ready for my cruise on April 6th! My current weight is 131 (5'3) and I want to get to 120! I haven't been able to break through the 125 line in forever and that was really when I felt I looked my best. I'll be looking back to support everyone and get some motivation, super excited!! Good luck! :)
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Hey, guess what?
    It's snowing again.
    And we're forecasted to get another 5-8 on Sunday and 10-12 on Monday.
    So much shoveling!!! = burning more calories!!! ?yay?

    Pro: had good control last night at GNO, only a few bites of the crab cakes, and no drinking. It was nice to see my girlfriends.

    Pro: I got to take a nap today.
    Was so tired waking up before 5am to get work done, prepping for my 11am concall, so all that kept me together was the joy of my 12noon nap.
    BUT darn it: the dang telemarketer phone call woke me up.

    --> Anyone getting push backs from friends/family about your goal of losing weight?

    My gfs think I'm nuts to want to lose any weight.
    They think I'm fine, just perfect for my height.

    I'm SOOOO glad for this forum, because if I can't talk to my friends/family about my goal, I truly appreciate everyone here.

  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    stepherz84 wrote: »
    Can I join in! I'm a bit late but I'm new to posting on the boards.

    I started on the 5th jan and have lost 12lbs so far.

    Height 5ft 11.5in (the half inch makes all the difference! :wink: )
    SW: 187lbs
    CW: 175lbs
    GW: 153lbs

    Week one : 2 lbs lost so...

    New CW 173lbs
  • borntowin4me
    borntowin4me Posts: 178 Member
    I know I'm a bit late but I would like to join. I need some motivation.

    Height: 5' 4"
    SW:147 lbs
    CW: 147lbs
    GW: (for this challenge) 137 lbs

    I just started New Rules of Lifting For Women for the umpteenth time. I want to stick to it this time and finally get past stage 1. I also do a Run 10 k app, that I'm also starting over for the umpteenth time but need motivation to stick to it this time. So those will be my work outs. Lift 3 days a week; Run 3 days a week.

    Wishing everyone luck!

    When do we weigh in?

  • meglettuce
    meglettuce Posts: 17 Member
    I would like to join in too!!

    My gym has a competition to lose the most body fat %... I started on Monday at 24% and am aiming to get to below 20% when the competition ends on 31st March... Here goes!! Good luck everyone!
  • yesjessiam
    yesjessiam Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! I've been losing weight for 7 years now and I'm ready for that last push to get to my final goal.

    Age 37, Height 5'3"

    SW: 230
    CW: 138
    GW: 130
    SGW: 120

    You guys are inspiring!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    edited February 2015
    SW: 170
    LW (1/30): 166.8
    CW (2/6): 169.8*
    GW (April 1): 160

    Oops. Wanting to get back to the 3 meals and maybe a veggie snack again. I've also been eatinig late at night, because I tend to eat small dinners and then get really hungry. I had more gusto during week 1. I want to get back to that happy place (where I eat when I am actually hungry).

    Some changes have been GREAT though! I'm haven't eaten any foods that I'm sensitive to (wheat, dairy, etc) in over 3 weeks! Some of my ailments are non-existant right now! I just need to make some better choices and eat more rounded meals in one sitting. Back to it!
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    Yay: no more cutting for 17days!!! I'm reseting at maintenance until 2/23Monday, so I don't feel deprived, like I'm dieting FOREVER!!!

    So at maintenance, I should be able to improve my heavy lifting.
    My numbers have been very sad and going down = discouraging.
    Focusing on my arms/shoulders for the next 2 weeks, since I'll be wearing a strapless gown to the cancer fundraiser on 2/14Saturday.

    Last night was 36days w/out night-time snacking. <<<---- totally one of the ways my "dieting" is working this time.
    I used to consume 100-1000 calories with each night snacking, 95% on WASTED low-nutrient food.

    I've pre-logged some treats for the next 2 weeks:
    - whoopie pie
    - Boston creme donut
    - corn beef hash w/ eggs
    - champagne
    - brownies
    - noodles

    Welcome newbies.
    Come share your highlights and lowlights/what you'll be focusing on.
    Like @faelight‌ said: You can do this! GAME ON!

    @meglettuce‌ : "to lose the most body fat %"
    HOW are you doing that?
    What program(s) are you doing?

    That's my main focus also. Would love to learn new tips/ideas.

    @Steph_135‌ "eat when I am actually hungry"
    You know what you need to do.
    YOU can do it!!!

    "I haven't eaten any foods that I'm sensitive to"
    Do you often follow Paleo, since it's no starch/dairy?
    What kinds of recipes do you have?
    I did Paleo for 5weeks and got some great recipes.
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    edited February 2015
    Finally back home from a week away for a work conference- lots of drinks, food, and no exercise except for a run on Tuesday.
    - Win for the wk: finishing my 5k company run on Tuesday!
    - Another NSV: I bought a new dress to wear to our work fancy gala and it was a size 4- it fit perfectly :)
    - Something to work on: logging. My week has been awful and I could not accurately log the food we are at the conference.

    Happy to be back home in NYC, where I can get back to walking everywhere and staying active during the day!
  • jlkermode
    jlkermode Posts: 82 Member
    Aww- my post got cut off!

    I wanted to say congrats to all those who have lost! So many lbs are GONE!!!
  • estrella8282
    estrella8282 Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost a total of 5.5 lbs so far.. I'm really :D happy..
  • Islandgirl52
    Islandgirl52 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy Friday!

    I'm Down 3 lbs in 2 weeks! I tweaked my back last week so have been taking it easy on the strength training and doing more cardio than I usually do.....
    Evening snacking still happening, but tracking everything and keeping it within allowed calories.....