Gastric Sleeve

Are there any groups for Gastric Sleevers?


  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    I am just over a year out from my sleeve! Feel free to chat with me anytime. :) I could use a buddy as well.
  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    I started a gastric sleeve group! Feel free to join!
  • Redab51
    Hello my name is Frieda and I am here to help me continue my success. I had a gastric sleeve done on 8/25/14 and I have lost 50 lbs.

    I am now using myfitness pal to help me track my food intake , which is not very large.

    If there is anyone else on here that has had gastric weighloss please connect with me. I am also on

    Thanks Be Blessed
  • ktpie76
    ktpie76 Posts: 24 Member
    Here is my group! Im a year out, give or take. Best decision ever!
  • busymom438
    busymom438 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the sleeve 3 years ago, lost 85#. My low was 169, then over holidays i put on 30 lbs. I think it stayed when i had an egd and was told my stomach was back to normal size
  • tanya54727
    tanya54727 Posts: 16 Member
    busymom438 wrote: »
    I had the sleeve 3 years ago, lost 85#. My low was 169, then over holidays i put on 30 lbs. I think it stayed when i had an egd and was told my stomach was back to normal size

    I had my gastric sleeve 4 years ago and lost 150 lbs and one year ago yesterday I had a hysterectomy and gained 30 lbs since. I worry that my stomache to has returned to size. Have you tried the 5 day thing that you are supposed to do to restart it? I would love to stay in touch with you as we have similar goal to lose 30 lbs. I could use someone in the same boat. :)