Desperate and about to give up.

I've been doing MFP a year. Lost 3stone 7lb. Slacked a bit over Christmas.

I'm feeling really down at the minute.

The last 2 weeks I've stayed the same. I haven't gone over my cal allowance, (1370) and on top I've been swimming for around 6 hours a week, playing badminton, walking and regularly hit my 10,000 steps. I've always been quite active, I've just ramped the swimming Up a bit more now I've had go ahead from physio for a pelvic problem.

I still have around 5 stone to lose. I am FAT.

I weigh everything, I don't cheat, I have no sneaky bites of the kids lunch etc, log everything, even squash at a couple of cals a glass,

I'm trying so hard and finding it so hard, all the temptations, but I don't mind when I feel like it's worth it. I feel like I've worked so hard for nothing.

According to MFP if 'every day was like today' then I should be losing 5lb a week - odd days more (mostly exercise cals, but I have it set to lose 2lb a week anyway)

I don't have a thyroid issue, I do have POCS.

What more can I do? I can't really eat any less, and if can't really exercise any more.

I feel so down and upset today, I'm tempted to just Jack it all in. I just feel like it's not working. Why? Can't anyone give me some reassurance please?


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ok, you've come quite far. And looking at your diary your logging is excellent. The ramping up of exercise might make you flat line on the scale a few weeks. It will come off.

    As you have PCOS expect your work to be harder than most - you'll need to stay a little bit more active, observe tightly your macros.

    It's my understanding from both my reading and some friends on here that weight loss with PCOS might be more effective when carbs are brought down a bit. You can try to set them a little lower, and follow that for a month and see if that helps. That's not eating less, but setting your macros to more protein and fat.

    There is also a PCOS group here. They might have input.

    Even if your struggle is harder, if you keep at it, you'll make it. Keep your eye on the target.

    Don't forget to take a short break every 6-12 weeks (a few days, calories a little higher, not permission to do just anything) both for mental and hormonal well-being.

    Good luck.
  • barry1992
    barry1992 Posts: 692 Member
    Wow. You have lost over three stone and thats amazing ! Ive heard of these "plateaus" we reach and maybe thats where you are. I would hate for you to lose all that hard earned weight loss because you obviously have worked so so hard for it. Adopt the fighting spirit, push through this plateau and I will see you on the other side. You look great ! Keep going
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks, I really have no idea about 'macros' maybe it's something I should look in to.

    I'm probably just over emotional at the minute but I'm trying to not be to hard on myself. But I think I'm just stuck in a 'I really don't like myself' rut at the moment.

    I know I'd think anyone else would have done really well. And I know it's psychological/emotional probably rather just than emotional.

    I think it's this "wall" everyone talks about. Hopefully I'll smash the f***er down soon!

  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    Thyroid has very little to do with weight, when you take right's an excuse. I lost 8 stones in 2 years. You need to change your life style and just accept new ways and stick with that. What part of being healthy you are fed up with? If you get emotional when not eating its probably part of some mental issues you may suffer. I recommend to see a specialist. I wish you to overcome your problems. You are on good way, you are here and being open about what bothers you..that is half of your success already. Being honest with yourself makes you a winner. Good luck.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Thyroid has very little to do with weight, when you take right's an excuse. I lost 8 stones in 2 years. You need to change your life style and just accept new ways and stick with that. What part of being healthy you are fed up with? If you get emotional when not eating its probably part of some mental issues you may suffer. I recommend to see a specialist. I wish you to overcome your problems. You are on good way, you are here and being open about what bothers you..that is half of your success already. Being honest with yourself makes you a winner. Good luck.

    She's not complaining about a thyroid condition.
    Your loss has nothing to do with her.
    She is eating.

    Everyone's allowed bad days.

    Rayray, do work on the self love/emotional strength as it part of the arsenal of tools to successful weight loss.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    Plateaus are so, so common when losing weight. Stick at it, the scales *will* start to move again.

    Are you eating back any exercise cals? As perverse as it sounds, try eating slightly more for a week if you're not. I lost three stone a few years back and sometimes a (within reason) larger meal followed by being strict again seemed to kickstart things once more!

    I stayed the same two weeks in a row just recently, and after a roast and dessert at the inlaws at the weekend I've suddenly dropped 2lbs this week. I went a couple of hundred cals over that day and then stuck to my limit all the other days in the week.

    I know it's utterly demoralising but if you're eating less than your burning then the weight *will* start moving again - it has to. Don't give up!
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone..

    Hastingsmassage, I don't have a thyroid issue. I mentioned this so people wouldn't say it might be worth checking this. Nor do I have any mental health issues, I'm actually a trained psychologist. I just feel fed up with working so hard and not losing. I'm not an emotional eater, I'm not emotional when I'm not eating. I'm emotional because I feel like I'm working so hard and not getting anywhere. I'm confused to be honest.

    EvgeniZyntx, thank you for your helpful feedback, I will have a good look over everything. I think I need to 'understand' this weight loss thing more.

    I try not to eat back any exercise cals, but sometimes when I've swam for 2 hours for example, I eat around 200 more, as 1370 just isn't enough, and I'm genuinely hungry.

    I just want to do this right, I want to learn how to do it correctly. I get confused as some people say don't eat exercise cals back as you need that deficit. But then I'm exercising a lot on 1370 cals and worry I'm not eating enough and going into starvation mode, but then if I eat over I worry I'm going over! I don't want to eat too little, or too much.

    I have cut my carbs down to 40% it's default at 50 and I do notice I eat too many carbs and not enough protein. So I'm going to read all the links, try to lower my carbs (I maybe need to plan meals better and in advanced and put my cals in for the day in a morning and stick to it. As opposed to getting hungry and going for something carb heavy - usually multigrain bread)

    Pinkteapot - thank you, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one who has gone through this.

    Thanks everyone for all your useful comments, I really appreciate it, and if anyone can offer further advice/links etc, I'd find that very useful.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Rayray, fall back on science, if you are doing everything right, and it appears that you are, the weight will come off. For whatever reason sometimes we hit those spots where it slows or stops for a short time. That is the time to focus like a laser with determination!!! You can break through this. Persevere.
  • gongol07
    gongol07 Posts: 18 Member
    I started doing this beginning of Jan, first week put on 2lbs (!) and then lost nothing for 3 weeks. All of sudden, dropped 4 lbs in the last week. There were so many times I felt like giving up. But, I kept dipping in here and everyone was saying "just keep at it" and "weight loss isn't linear" and they were right! I knew I was doing everything right, weighing food, exercising, eating back only some of the exercise cals and couldn't understand why the scales wouldn't shift and then all of sudden they did. I was working on losing 1 lb a week and I guess averaged out over those 4 weeks I did, it just didn't come off every week.

    I know it is easy to use this as an excuse to give up as well as I was so close, but just keep logging and if you are genuinely doing everything right, you will see the scales go down in the next couple of weeks I'm sure.
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    Everyone has their own view on eating back exercise cals so it is very confusing.

    I feel strongly that they should be eaten back, but at the same time I only log "proper" exercise (cycling and running for me). I don't do a bit of weeding and call it 30 mins 'gardening'. :)

    To me it's obvious: If you spend one day sitting on the sofa and the next climbing mountains, of course you need more calories on the second day. I have friends who are labourers, doing very physical jobs, who eat around 5,000 cals a day and are still stick thin. They'd collapse on 1,500 cals!

    I lost three stone about five years ago with Weight Watchers (before realising that MFP works in exactly the same way and is free). With WW you're strongly encouraged to eat the points you earn from exercise, for the same reason.

    The issue some people have with MFP is that they feel that the cals earned from exercise in the database are overstated. I don't think anyone is actually against eating more when you've exercised in principle. I think the issue is disagreement with the quantities given.

    For me, eating them all back works and I'm losing weight at the rate I wanted to. Though as I said, I only log 'proper' exercise (strenuous) as exercise, not every 2 minute walk I do during the day.

    We spend our holidays hill-walking and I eat a lot more when we've spent 6 hours hiking and climbing, compared to when I've spent a day in the office. That seems entirely natural and logical to me.

    As you're stuck on a plateau anyway, why not try eating say half your exercise cals back and seeing what happens? My mum's currently doing Slimming World and was extra good as she got stuck. Her group leader told her to eat more this week!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited February 2015
    message board fail.....I was trying to post my weight lost chart to illustrate how non-linear weight loss is. Can't do it from my iPad. Perhaps someone else can post one to illustrate.
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    Rayrayfitz, you have done amazeballs so far and you will again in the not to distant future, hitting a plataue can be very disheartening but you stick with it, the weight will shift. This is a link that I like,
    I only lose weight every 3 weeks or so, I am short and older than you BTW, but it might help you.
    Please don't get disheartened/discouraged this is a silly old blip in a bigger picture.

    This is also very good advice
    Ok, you've come quite far. And looking at your diary your logging is excellent. The ramping up of exercise might make you flat line on the scale a few weeks. It will come off.

    As you have PCOS expect your work to be harder than most - you'll need to stay a little bit more active, observe tightly your macros.

    It's my understanding from both my reading and some friends on here that weight loss with PCOS might be more effective when carbs are brought down a bit. You can try to set them a little lower, and follow that for a month and see if that helps. That's not eating less, but setting your macros to more protein and fat.

    There is also a PCOS group here. They might have input.

    Even if your struggle is harder, if you keep at it, you'll make it. Keep your eye on the target.

    Don't forget to take a short break every 6-12 weeks (a few days, calories a little higher, not permission to do just anything) both for mental and hormonal well-being.

    Good luck.

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited February 2015
    Don't worry about starvation mode. If you take breaks (and you did over the holidays) every few weeks (6-12) and are losing slowly, you are less likely to see adaptive thermogenesis other than the normal lost weight type.

    See my profile for a long review that I posted here on thermogenesis and "starvation mode".
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Sometimes weight loss comes with stalls broken by whooshes. I've lost 10 lbs so far this year, all of it in about 3 2-3 day whooshes, followed by 10 day or so stalls. No rhyme or reason to why it goes that way.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Two weeks is a stall, (totally normal) just keep doing what you're doing and be patient.
  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    I think it is easy to discount the progress you've already made when you are upset.

    Take a deep breath, take a step back, maybe look at an old photo to remind yourself that progress is progress.

    Perhaps you should consider on requesting a MFP mentor HERE: for some 1:1 guidance & assistance.

    A lot of times, just having someone to share your frustrations with makes all the difference.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Ooci
    Ooci Posts: 247 Member
    Don't forget to measure every single bit of you - there might be a loss that the extra muscle is hiding. You have done fantastically, if you want to eat at maintenance for a few weeks that is allowed! It's hard to go on and on with this - just make sure the maintenance is counted and controlled.

    The 5 stone is going to take another two to three years in all likelihood. You need to prepare mentally for that - this is not a quick process. I've lost three stone in 14 months and am pretty certain the last stone and a bit will not be done in 2015. Two weeks is nothing. I maintained between October and Jan and then another three pounds slithered off in a heap. It's not linear, it's maddening, it will take every scrap of patience you possess. But honestly, all it takes is time and keeping on doing it - and you will get there. Wishing you all the very best.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    You are doing well actually! Having PCOS and trying to lose weight is very difficult. Not sure if you have read up on it but this is a good read below.

    Also, I would tell you to see an endocrinologist and see if you need some meds. I know that Metformin is one of the "treatments" used in woman with PCOS. I would only do meds with the guidance of an endocrinologist and not a reg. doctor.

    If you are that frustrated and continue to "stall" for weeks and weeks, I would most certainly tell you to incorporate a medical doctor to help you.

    Keep it up!!!