Your embarrassing fat shame moment

Reading a post here from a new poster, I had a thought. Similar to the confession page, I thought we should have a thread where people tell thier most humiliating fat story. Just so people know it's not just them.


So here is mine.

In college, one of my friends had pool party. I went, but declined to get in the pool, as I didn't want to take my shirt off.

One girl kept bugging me about it, saying "I know why you won't get in" and whatnot. Finally, just to shut her up, I got in.

That is where the nickname "mammy" (referring to my man boobs) was born, and it stuck for years. Always bothered me, but I never let on.

That's just one of many, but it stands out.


  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    Oh I've got a few of these too....

    My most recent embarrassing one that made me really realise I needed to make a change was a few years ago. I was in a meditation class and all they had were these crappy folding chairs that tend to have a low weight limit. Anyway my chair was already kind of messed up but when i sat on it....bam.....down I went. In front of a circle of other embarrassing that I never went back (never missed it really, too many new age foofs lol). But it sucked all the same.

    Around the same time, I flew up to Queensland to visit family and had to request a seat belt extender for both flights because the belt didn't fit around me. The return home flight was so turbulent that I prayed to God that if I landed safely I'd lose weight. LOLOLOL.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I was bringing my sister, who was in full labor, to the hospital. While checking in, the nurse asked us which one was having the baby. Dang, did that make me feel bad. Stupid nurse.
  • SassyMoonbeams
    SassyMoonbeams Posts: 229 Member
    ^^^^ ouchhhhhhhhhh. She should know better. Btw I LOVE your profile pic!
  • Hi Doug, are you talking about my post? :-)
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    ^^^^ ouchhhhhhhhhh. She should know better. Btw I LOVE your profile pic!

  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Doug, are you talking about my post? :-)

    Yes. Brought back memories. :'(
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    My first year teaching (kindergarten), I had read the "True Story of the 3 Little Pigs." On one page is a picture of the wolf with a super round belly from eating a piggy or two. One of my little girls came up to me and said I looked like him -_- I lost weight my 2nd year, but put some back on.

    This year, my 3rd, same grade level, another girl asked if I had a baby in there, as she pointed to my belly. 2 other teachers at the school are pregnant. Coupled with a few other things, here I am.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    All my life I was picked on for being a bit chubby by 'friends' and family. My friends were all skinny minis and I was always very clearly the fat friend. My family called me "wide load."

    I carry a lot of my weight around my hips and thighs...and my butt. I have a big butt! This one time in high school, a black chick grabbed a handful of my butt as I was climbing some stairs and said, "Damn, girl, you got a black girl booty!" I think I was perversely proud in that moment (l knew the girl, by the way, before you freak out. We weren't anything more than classmates, but still). If only I could have this donk without all the rest of this excess fat!

    Other than that, it never really came from other kids and strangers. I started to "own" that I was fat in college. Cracking jokes about being fat and food became second nature. I guess it's insult myself before they do... Except once. I was crossing the street to get to Subway and a truck was barreling down the pedestrian friendly path, so I stopped to let them pass. They stopped instead and motioned for me to pass. As I was crossing, the driver (some old lady) said, "Yeah, go on, fat girl." I turned around to flip them off and she mumbled something to the effect ofc "Back atcha," and sped off. I felt humiliated that someone would go out of their way to make me feel bad.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited February 2015
    I have several. Everyone underestimates my weight. I've learned not to trust people when they say "Dont worry it will hold you"

    I've had seat belts on planes that don't fit. I never asked for extensions. I just tucked it under my belly and pretended it was fastened.

    Broke a few lawn chairs as well lol

    The worst (and probably my turning point), was when I went to a public toilet, which was very small, and realized I couldn't reach to wipe. Was not publicly embarrassing but was humiliating non-the-less
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    When I was about 13 I remember my grandma and two of my aunts sitting me down and forcing me to eat green peppers and telling me I needed to lose weight. The odd thing was they were all morbidly obese.

    I've been asked once if I was pregnant. It was bad timing considering my husband had died a few months prior and I had started gaining weight due to my emotional eating so I had a bit of a meltdown right there.

    My sister posted a full body pic of me on Facebook. I was so mortified that I started crying as soon as I seen it.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    edited February 2015
    I was in nursing school and doing one of my rotations. Of course we wear those horrible scrubs which are not the least bit flattering on anyone, but one of of the patients asked me if I was pregnant.

    I'm a sarcastic smartass by nature, and I blurted out, "No, I'm just fat."

    Of course, this embarrassed her, which was my intent, but it made me feel bad too. Not only the way I immediately reacted, but that someone would even ask me that. But if they asked me that, there must be a reason. And that reason is, I'm overweight.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2015
    Oh I've got a few of these too....

    My most recent embarrassing one that made me really realise I needed to make a change was a few years ago. I was in a meditation class and all they had were these crappy folding chairs that tend to have a low weight limit. Anyway my chair was already kind of messed up but when i sat on it....bam.....down I went. In front of a circle of other embarrassing that I never went back (never missed it really, too many new age foofs lol). But it sucked all the same.

    I had a very similar experience. It was like you, my most humiliating experience. We were at a family camp-out thing, and I was with my boyfriends family. I was sitting on one of those "saggy bum" chairs, of which we left out in the winter all season...and had it for a few years. The chairs were in rough shape, but I did not notice. I was sitting on it, and it eventually gave out and I hit the ground through the frame of the chair. It was very embarassing, and I had already lost like 20-30lbs when this I had a good cry about it and just doubted the whole weight-loss thing after this.

    I can kind of look back and think how I wanted to give up, and here I am at 90lbs down...and I am glad I did not let this experience stop me.

    Along with the many times I was asked if I was pregnant...ugh.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    When I was about 13 I remember my grandma and two of my aunts sitting me down and forcing me to eat green peppers and telling me I needed to lose weight. The odd thing was they were all morbidly obese.

    I've been asked once if I was pregnant. It was bad timing considering my husband had died a few months prior and I had started gaining weight due to my emotional eating so I had a bit of a meltdown right there.

    My sister posted a full body pic of me on Facebook. I was so mortified that I started crying as soon as I seen it.

    Sorry to hear that. :(

    Similar story with my grandma: she was on some bizarre diet and made me do it with her for three days. I was a total space cadet those days... It was VLC and she kept having me chug water every hour. I lost five pounds and as soon as I got home, I ate EVERYTHING. It was miserable.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    I wasn't even fat.

    But I've always had a lower tummy. Not so great when it's sticking out just below the waistband of your Catholic school uniform. We were standing in line to go outside. The two girls in front of me, who were not skinny, decided to notice it that day. "Poke," they said, and poked me in the stomach. "Pooch! Poke!" I said, "Stop it, I don't like that" and crossed my arms over my stomach. A habit I have never broken. They said, "Can't you take a joke? You look pregnant! It's funny!"

    We were in fourth grade.
  • TasnimEz
    TasnimEz Posts: 280 Member
    The most recent one is when I got on the bus and a lady offered me her seat because I shouldn't be standing up "in my condition", looking at my belly. Couldn't really laugh about it. I mean, I'm swedish and IF we DO talk to strangers on the bus, that's not the right thing to say unless someone is obviously pregnant, lol. I wasn't THAT big..

    I became painfully aware of my weight, the size of my waist line and people's cruelty though the first time when I was about 11 and found a note in my desk, a drawing of me with messy hair and a huge belly. That one still hurts, actually. The teacher taking the side of the bullies in front of the whole class didn't help either. I thought of myself as fat ever since. Looking back at photos I became skinny after that age and during my teenage years but I thought I was huge. :|
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I broke a toilet seat once in a new place

    Getting harassed by some young punks I tried to chase them away only made it worse. I end up fake calling the police. They ran away
  • sharonandwyatt
    sharonandwyatt Posts: 86 Member
    I have a few of these myself but the most recent is a full body picture my sister in law placed on Facebook of me without my permission. It was a horrible picture. I have only placed head shots of me on Facebook in the past because I was a shame of my body. I was so embarrassed of the picture that I have now decided it's time for me to do something about my weight and to enjoy this weight loss journey with MFP.
  • CapnVillainBLK
    CapnVillainBLK Posts: 157 Member
    I've got 2:

    I went to an amusement park, tried to get on a ride and couldn't get the lap bar down completely.

    I was walking do the hallway at work one day, and my belt just exploded at the buckle. It made a loud metallic popping sound, as I stepped down. It just broke from being stretched to the max.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Last year someone posted a candid shot on Facebook of me sitting on the bleachers watching my daughter's softball game. It was summer in Alabama, and I was wearing gym shorts and a tank top. I was probably about 220lbs at the time. I didn't recognize myself.

    We were hiking in Dismals Canyon and there is a narrow pass called Fat Man's Misery. I got stuck. I pretty much had to go back while my family finished the hike.

    I mean, I know I am big, but I didn't think I was THAT big. My husband made it through with the baby in the Kelty backpack.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I went out to lunch with the CFO of our company and a vendor. Someone snapped a picture of us both sitting there with me stuffing my face. You could barely see the CFO in the picture because of my huge arm. Then, of course, someone posted the picture on the company web site. I was MORTIFIED! Stupid really since everyone can see me at work each day, but to see it on the company home page made me ill. Funny, the CFO is the only one at work who has said anything really positive about my weight loss. I am sure she remembers that picture, too. Ha Ha.