Grocery store nightmare



  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    I've always wanted to start a grocery store that was organized by recipe. All the ingredients for the meal would be sitting together, along with the recipe.

  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    DeWoSa wrote: »
    I've always wanted to start a grocery store that was organized by recipe. All the ingredients for the meal would be sitting together, along with the recipe.

    Ugh my grocery store sort of does that in a limited way and it's infuriating. Like, they keep lemons in the seafood aisle; they sell chocolate syrup in the ice cream aisle. They sell pizza crusts and parmesan cheese in the canned tomatoes aisle.

    What if you want to buy chocolate syrup because you want to make chocolate milk? You have to know they keep it with the ice cream. It's stupid.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    DeWoSa wrote: »
    I've always wanted to start a grocery store that was organized by recipe. All the ingredients for the meal would be sitting together, along with the recipe.

    Publix kind of does this, they'll have an employee cooking and there will be a case next to her with all of the ingredients.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    My first job was as a clerk at a grocery store. I spent hours every week staring at the shelves (I was a facer, basically I brought items to the front and made the shelves look nice). I guess I got kind of immune to it.

    Honestly, the whole time I've been purchasing groceries, I've been on a strict budget. I meal plan, write a list if I'm getting more than essentials, and take cash. If I want to fill my cart with cookies/donuts/Doritos, I'm not going to have enough cash to purchase bananas/milk/meat, which is hard to explain to my family. I do usually buy at least one treat per trip, which tends to be something like ice cream, which is worth every calorie to me because I love it.

    I know when you are used to quick meals, it seems intimidating to make stuff from scratch. Maybe it would help you to make a list of meals you can either prep ahead of time, like a crock pot meal, or things you can throw together quickly, like stir fry or a pasta dish. That way you won't equate convenience with unhealthy.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    DeWoSa wrote: »
    I've always wanted to start a grocery store that was organized by recipe. All the ingredients for the meal would be sitting together, along with the recipe.

    Ugh my grocery store sort of does that in a limited way and it's infuriating. Like, they keep lemons in the seafood aisle; they sell chocolate syrup in the ice cream aisle. They sell pizza crusts and parmesan cheese in the canned tomatoes aisle.

    What if you want to buy chocolate syrup because you want to make chocolate milk? You have to know they keep it with the ice cream. It's stupid.

    Yeah! I had a Christmas cookie recipe that called for chocolate syrup and I ended up having to buy it at the third store I went to because this is an industrywide practice?? I'm scouring the cereal aisle, lifting dry Quik mixes and peering behind them.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    The only store I find a nightmare is Wegman's- that store STRESSES ME THE EFF OUT.

    Not sure why- just the lay out- and the packed- yet weird open feeling it has- I just- i hate it.

    but otherwise no.


    The advice to not shop when hungry is true.

    The advice it shop the permiter of the store is actually pretty solid.

    The advice to realize that the store lays things out purely to make money and to catch your eye.

    Use your big hooman logic to recognize that and then stick to the man and buy what you need for YOUR needs and what fits in your budget- not what's been splashed in front of your eyes.

    At some point you need to move past being a wide eyed 5 year old who gets starstruck with EVER advert in the store. Seriously- why do you think they put kid foods at kid eye level???

    I <3 wegmans, it's my grocery store of choice.

    Personally I never make a list or anything and go, see what proteins or produce looks good and then figure out what to make while shopping.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited February 2015
    The grocery stores I go to have the fresh produce right as you walk in the door. Next comes fresh meat and fish, bakery, dairy. Not hard to find at all. I have been doing this for almost 3 years now and I know that there are a lot of people that disagree, but for my family, it is definitely cheaper for groceries and cooking 99% of our meals, with very limited "over processed" foods and seldom eating at a restaurant.

    BTW, grocery stores are in the business to sell food that their customers want. Even in the short 3 years that I have been trying to eat healthier, I see more and more options available all the time, which indicates to me that there are more and more people making healthier choices, at least in my area.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    edited February 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I still don't get this idea that it's hard to find the "good" stuff. In my grocery (all three of the ones I go to, but I'll focus on the Jewel) you walk INTO the produce section. I assume produce is "good." You keep walking past it to the back and hit the fish. Go right along the back walk and get to meat, the stairs to the alcohol, then soda, dairy and eggs. Turn left instead and you get cheese, the salad bar, and the deli and bakery (in its own section so you have to go there specifically). All of this stuff is super easy to find, and the frozen section is also pretty obvious. Anything else I don't buy super regularly I can never remember where it is--by its nature the shelves are harder to find things in than the perimeter and more annoying to shop in.

    Same layout in the three stores I shop. Minus the alcohol, sadly.

    I spent an extra 10 minutes wandering around the store trying to find my beloved Raspberry Zingers last week. Never did locate them. Now *that* stressed me out.
  • melifairy
    melifairy Posts: 19 Member
    Woah, lol. Thank you to everyone for sharing your opinions and suggestions. :) I know that some things work for some people and other things don't work for others. Hopefully, we will all find a way to lose weight and be healthy that works for us.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    Shop the periphery of the store. I do Cooksmarts meal planning, so I can just print out my grocery list and all the meals are so healthy and delicious. I don't mind food shopping as much anymore and LOVE cooking. I swear I'm not selling anything. Just wanted to share about cooksmarts because it has helped me a great deal.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    DeWoSa wrote: »
    I've always wanted to start a grocery store that was organized by recipe. All the ingredients for the meal would be sitting together, along with the recipe.

    Publix kind of does this, they'll have an employee cooking and there will be a case next to her with all of the ingredients.

    For some reason this made me think of how in book stores they will have those cards with some employee recommending specific books. It would be hilarious if grocery stores would do something similar. I'd browse the aisles much more.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh gosh Wegmans. LOVE their bakery/prepared food section and their selection as a whole... and their store brand is great too. I love the store on week days but it's a nightmare on week ends. Half the registers closed, not enough space for two carts in the produce section AND they restock on Saturday afternoons with their huge carts of produce... Horrible. It's farther for me too so I just don't really go there anymore, unless I need something specific (like their frozen Belgian waffles...). Their prices kinda suck too, to be honest, and there's no flyer for sales so I'd rather rely on the stores that do have a flyer for my grocery shopping. But typically I can buy the same things at Shop Rite or Acme for 30% less anyway.

    Generally speaking though, grocery store during the week end sucks, unless you're there at 9am or something...

    And always keep in mind that it's easier not to buy something than trying not to eat it when it's in your kitchen.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I love the grocery store! I love food!!!

    Me, too <3 And, it's the one shopping excursion I can enjoy by myself, sans children (they've no interest in coming with me). It's a lovely, peaceful 1 hour of my life every week. "Me" time. And yes, I love looking at new products and what not--some are fun or convenient things I may or may not choose to buy. Most things I purchase are ordinary, basic produce, meat, and dairy items. No one's making me do it, nor do I feel compelled or tricked into buying anything.

    To the "you can't get fat eating only veggies and fruit" comment. LULZ, if I had the time or desire, and if anyone gave two hoots about lil' old me, I'd totally take the challenge--sort of a reverse "Twinkie Diet" (they guy who lost weight eating nothing but snack cakes and sweets). I would show how to GAIN weight eating solely fruits and veggies.

    Mixed spinach and veggie salad: 200 calories for a big ol' bowl
    Various mixed steamed and raw veggies 3-6 cups: 300 calories
    10 bananas: 1,000 calories (approx.)
    3 avocados: 1,000 calories
    5 apples: 500 calories

    That's 3,000 calories right there (estimated), and that's enough for me to gain 2 lbs/ week (1,000 cal/day surplus).
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited February 2015
    sympha01 wrote: »

    Ugh my grocery store sort of does that in a limited way and it's infuriating. Like, they keep lemons in the seafood aisle; they sell chocolate syrup in the ice cream aisle. They sell pizza crusts and parmesan cheese in the canned tomatoes aisle.

    What if you want to buy chocolate syrup because you want to make chocolate milk? You have to know they keep it with the ice cream. It's stupid.

    That sounds like a total nightmare! There's a grocery store near my house and a grocery store near my work -- same company -- and they are organized totally differently, so I have the WORST time finding things. I hate both of those stores.
    Acg67 wrote: »
    I <3 wegmans, it's my grocery store of choice.

    Personally I never make a list or anything and go, see what proteins or produce looks good and then figure out what to make while shopping.

    The Wegman's I used to go to had a couple of computers on either side of the store so you can punch in what you are looking for, and it tells you what aisle it is in.

    Awesome! Wegman's is my favorite grocery store.

    But I do agree with JoRocka -- there is something weird about the space in Wegman's -- it's both open and crowded at the same time.
    lemurcat12 wrote: »

    For some reason this made me think of how in book stores they will have those cards with some employee recommending specific books. It would be hilarious if grocery stores would do something similar. I'd browse the aisles much more.

    That is an awesome idea. I vote yes for it.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    You need to drop the victim mentality and take control of your own life. Pointing the finger at the grocery store, acting like they have some sort of conspiracy going on to keep you fat, or that it's their job to nanny you into fitness because you can't make good decisions on your own, is not constructive. It's not helping you. It's never going to help you.

    Mad reps for you.


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Ok, so I'll admit something.

    I get really stressed out by asian markets, japanese ones in particular. Not being able to read what the eff something is, paired with everything in an individual package, and all the waste... Or in the chinese markets, where you're shopping, the entire aisle is empty, but there's a dude rubbing his junk on your thigh on one side of you, and an old grandma cramming her elbow into your kidney just because you exist.

    Oh, and don't even think about touching stuff, it ain't fun to get bit by a turtle that died a couple minutes ago. Seriously.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Ok, so I'll admit something.

    I get really stressed out by asian markets, japanese ones in particular. Not being able to read what the eff something is, paired with everything in an individual package, and all the waste... Or in the chinese markets, where you're shopping, the entire aisle is empty, but there's a dude rubbing his junk on your thigh on one side of you, and an old grandma cramming her elbow into your kidney just because you exist.

    Oh, and don't even think about touching stuff, it ain't fun to get bit by a turtle that died a couple minutes ago. Seriously.

    Wtf db. Lmfao.
  • melifairy
    melifairy Posts: 19 Member
    Btw, I wasn't blaming the grocery store for making me overweight. I was simply stating that they make it hard to resist the foods that I know, personally for me, are trigger foods. That's it. I know that ultimately it is up to me to choose what and how much to eat. The grocery store I was in however... the first thing you walk into is the bakery section. You are bombarded by cakes, cookies, chips, soda, etc. as soon as you walk in. I know it is my choice to buy those items or not. All I am saying is that I wish there was a store where I live that had a healthier mindset. :)