132 pound loss with pictures!!!

mart001 Posts: 194 Member
Funny, but every insecurity I have had about myself, whether it be looks, weight or what ever, I have heard people on here saying the same thing about themselves. And the funny thing is, I look at those people and think,what are they talking about? they look fine to me.
I guess we see ourselves differently than others do. I put up a post yesterday asking for everyone’s opinion if they thought I looked ok at the weight I am at now, as I have reached my goal. You do not realize, that reading almost every response being positive means so much to me. I have gone thru the days of not wanting to be in pictures because of hating what i saw, seeing people laughing as I walked by, hating to go out to eat figuring people thinking, look at that fat guy, he should not be eating that. walking in and praying i would be able to fit in that booth, avoiding traveling because afraid i would not be able to fit in the planes seat. not wanting to go see shows or sporting events for fear i wouldn’t fit in the seats or bother the person next to me with taking up to much space. walking into a store in the mall, and having nothing in your size to buy. It is all so degrading.
People on here ask how I have stayed so strong for these 2 years that I have been on My Fitness Pal and its because of the reasons above. I am mad at myself for putting myself in that position. My stroke that I had was mostly caused by my weight.That is something I will live with the rest of my life with the damage it has done. It has taken me now 2 years, to feel normal for the first time in many years. Just so much wasted time where I could have been enjoying myself, instead of being miserable. So why have I been so good? Because I know those feelings and vow to never live like that again.
And most of my success is because of you. All the likes and comments, really do mean something. Especially when you have gone thru years of not hearing positive things.
So next time you think are alone in this, you are not! We have all gone thru the same insecurities and emotions that you have and having friends on here helps so much.
The one good thing about feeling hurt and embarrassed, is that is what is what makes me stronger now.
I will be staying on mfp when I reach my goal because I know I need this and have read to many stories of people that reach their goal, leave, and are back a year later, regaining everything they lost, plus some. So thank you to everyone whether we have been friends for 2 years or one day. I want to be here and celebrate when each of you reach your goals.
I know this is the time of the year that alot of people begin their diets, as I did 2 years ago and not knowing if i would last a week, but for what ever reason, this inspired me and I have been very strong even till this day. So those just starting, i am proof this will work. i just stayed within my calories and did alot of walking. After 2 previous strokes, if i didnt do it, i may not have been here at this point. I went from a 48 waist to a 31 and from a xxl shirt to a small. Here is a before and after picture.


Feel free to add me as a friend!!! :):):):)


  • kgasca25
    kgasca25 Posts: 1 Member
    way to go!!!! good for you!!!
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Holy cow, you look AMAZING!!! I'm in awe of your dedication. You must be so proud of yourself :)
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    You are an inspiration!!!
  • ola130
    ola130 Posts: 39 Member
    Great job!!!
  • Congratulations! What a transformation!
  • Trerika
    Trerika Posts: 52 Member
    Wow! You are truly amazing! What an inspiration.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    You look amazing .........Congrats :)
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    What an absolute inspiration. Way to go!!!
  • Nottafattie
    Nottafattie Posts: 140 Member
    You are my new hero. I have to show my husband your story. Even though I have lost weight doing this, he doesn't believe that just sticking to the guidelines works. Maybe this will finally inspire him, possibly saving his life. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! You accomplished an amazing feat. Congratulations.
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    Congratulations! You look amazing and your dedication as well as kindness and support of others also comes through in your post. I wish you the best.
    P0PTART Posts: 50 Member
    You are an inspiration!
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    days of not wanting to be in pictures because of hating what i saw, seeing people laughing as I walked by, hating to go out to eat figuring people thinking, look at that fat guy, he should not be eating that. walking in and praying i would be able to fit in that booth, avoiding traveling because afraid i would not be able to fit in the planes seat. not wanting to go see shows or sporting events for fear i wouldn’t fit in the seats or bother the person next to me with taking up to much space. walking into a store in the mall, and having nothing in your size to buy. It is all so degrading

    YOU SIR UNDERSTAND THE TRUE PAIN BEHIND OBESITY. and sometimes a wonderful thing happens when the pain makes you stronger.

    so happy for you! live the life you deserve to live now (*)

  • mandamrtz
    mandamrtz Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! You are truly an inspiration.
  • You look fantastic! Well done you and thank you for inspiring me!
  • AdelleDazeem
    AdelleDazeem Posts: 12 Member
    You look amazing. Such an inspiration.
  • VanessaRudden
    VanessaRudden Posts: 198 Member
    youre a true inspiration xx
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    So inspiring :) Way to go! :)
  • Amazing!!! you are very inspiring, you should be extremely proud of yourself
  • haydiz70
    haydiz70 Posts: 56 Member
    Truly inspirational and I'm so happy for you! I think a lot of people need to read your story. Be proud and enjoy yourself! It's also a good idea to stick around and still keep track of calories and fitness, like you said. I was one of those who gained it back and then some. I don't intend to do that again.
  • Wow! Excellent stuff bud
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