Exercise is BOOORRING!!! What to do?



  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I enjoy roller skating (not blading), but that's not really a workout, it's fun, but I can't get going very fast in the rink, so I don't think my heart rate does anything spectacular.

    Who cares what the heart rate is? It's still exercise, and if you enjoy it you're more likely to do it. Of all the worthless myths about exercise I've run into, the myth that "unless it hurts, it doesn't do any good" is one of the biggest. Bodies are made to move...they sing when they move...you just gotta find the song that you want to sing.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Find a more fun excercise.

    If that doesn't work, change your attitude.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    I supposed you are running on a treadmill? I am too. I don't enjoy running itself but I like to be able to run. I make variations to my run to make them a little less boring:
    - make one of my runs in the week a long run and increase 0.5 to this run every week until I reach 10k (as suggested by runners here)
    - run with variable speed: I would start off with my normal run speed and then raise the speed faster and see if I can do a minute of it and then slow down to catch my breath. Do a couple of those and see how fast I could run for a minute :)
    - run like a race and see how fast I could finish a 5k
    - run with someone and not worry about speed

    Like you, I listen to podcast during the run to keep me at it.

    I do strength training on other days. Setting goals definitely helps.
  • rebeccalenk
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Sounds like for winter time, you need to keep looking for an exercise you enjoy. While I love running, I only enjoy it outside, and don't let weather stop me (but I live where it rarely snows). Indoor running constantly would drive me batty.

    For a gym/indoors, weightlifting is for me. Totally different feel than any cardio exercise, and is what is getting me stronger. While lifting a weight, I have to focus on form, so there's no "boredom" because I can't afford to get distracted. Like running, I feel great after a good strength training workout.

    I'd say try experimenting with various strength training workouts until you find one you like.

    Congrats on "getting through it" with the exercises you're not liking. Shows good determination.

    You are one of several people so far to suggest more weightlifting! Maybe that's my ticket.
    And yes, winter time is just.the.worst. I enjoy running/walking and cycling outdoors, but put all of that inside, and blerg...what's the fun of riding a bike that doesn't get you anywhere?!? :)
    So, yes, I will look into more strength training! :)

  • rebeccalenk
    hill8570 wrote: »
    I enjoy roller skating (not blading), but that's not really a workout, it's fun, but I can't get going very fast in the rink, so I don't think my heart rate does anything spectacular.

    Who cares what the heart rate is? It's still exercise, and if you enjoy it you're more likely to do it. Of all the worthless myths about exercise I've run into, the myth that "unless it hurts, it doesn't do any good" is one of the biggest. Bodies are made to move...they sing when they move...you just gotta find the song that you want to sing.

    :) thank you for the encouragement.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Sounds like for winter time, you need to keep looking for an exercise you enjoy. While I love running, I only enjoy it outside, and don't let weather stop me (but I live where it rarely snows). Indoor running constantly would drive me batty.

    For a gym/indoors, weightlifting is for me. Totally different feel than any cardio exercise, and is what is getting me stronger. While lifting a weight, I have to focus on form, so there's no "boredom" because I can't afford to get distracted. Like running, I feel great after a good strength training workout.

    I'd say try experimenting with various strength training workouts until you find one you like.

    Congrats on "getting through it" with the exercises you're not liking. Shows good determination.

    You are one of several people so far to suggest more weightlifting! Maybe that's my ticket.
    And yes, winter time is just.the.worst. I enjoy running/walking and cycling outdoors, but put all of that inside, and blerg...what's the fun of riding a bike that doesn't get you anywhere?!? :)
    So, yes, I will look into more strength training! :)

    That is because weight training can do wonders to a person body composition.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    If exercise is boring to you then you are doing the wrong exercise. Use your imagination. B)
  • rebeccalenk
    I also find ellipticals, walking, etc, boring, and I find many workout classes boring. I fell in love with classes like boxing, judo, and rock climbing, and if I'm working out on my own, I'm not bored if I'm lifting heavy weight. I think the key for me is if I have to focus my brain on the workout as well, because it's skill-based, then I won't feel bored. If my mind is wandering I will be bored for sure.

    Good thinking! yes, I think it's the whole having to have the brain engaged part. When I'm cycling outside, I'm always thinking, which way do I need to turn, how's the traffic, watch for cars, switch the gears up, but inside it's just...moving a wheel.
    I think, like people are saying, if I'm deeply engaged in it, like you have to be with weight lifting, I would enjoy it more.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Change your perspective. Make it your "happy time" No, not that kind of happy time.

    But cereallly, make it the time where no one and/or no thing is going to get in your way. I laughingly tell my collegues that I've never had a 45 plate tell me off, forget his homework, or demand to know why they got an F.
  • petrinasupler
    petrinasupler Posts: 50 Member
    Set a goal. Like running a 10K or a mini Triathlon (easier than it sounds), If you're working towards something rather than just working out for routine you will get excited for each training milestone. I would also join a buddy system training app, like Nike running where you can share with partner(s) through the app and/or through fb. While you're on your run everyone on your fb can see your running post and if they like or comment on the post you hear cheers in your ear. I keep my headphones in and generally the TV on with closed captioning to keep my mind busy. I tend to watch shows that you don't have to catch every little thing to enjoy, like game shows, news/talk shows, or the history channel.

    My workouts are my "me" time so I'm happy when they last a long time. lol.
    Right now I run, or walk or do eliptical. Again, I go, and it gets done, but I don't look forward to it. So, those are tolerable, but not enjoyable.
    I've done a variety of classes, but I never enjoyed them.
    I DO enjoy swimming, but I can't incorporate that into a daily workout.
    And I DO enjoy bicycling, but only outdoors, and it's 8 degrees and icy out today so...bicycling for me is a spring/summer/fall event.
    I've even tried snowshoeing and cross country skiing! I enjoyed the cross country skiing, but, again, not a realistic daily activity.
    Right now I download podcasts and listen to them while I run or walk or eliptical, hoping that my desire to hear the end will get me through, and it DOES help some.
    I read people on here say they look forward to exercise, and I want to know what they are doing differently than me!

  • mcjaegs
    I watch Netflix on my phone while doing cardio. While doing strength training I just listen to music. It doesn't distract from the fact that you are working out, but it does help pass the time instead of just staring at a spot on the wall for an hour.
  • petrinasupler
    petrinasupler Posts: 50 Member
    yusaku02 wrote: »
    You really hate running, swimming, hiking, basketball, football, tennis, badminton, baseball, soccer, volleyball, laser tag, frisbee, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, roller blading, skateboarding, biking, handball, martial arts, hockey, gymnastics, tag, climbing, dancing, golfing, ice skating, lacrosse and a thousand other things I'm missing?

    Maybe you're the boring one? :wink:

    I love your profile pic. I hate it when people say to me "you should eat a piece of cake, after all you deserve it, look at how hard you work at losing weight" Excuse me but that is the exact reason I DON'T want to eat bad foods, because I know the work it takes to stay healthy.

  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    I hate going to the gym...but I love playing dodgeball. I'm on three different teams and play multiple times a week. At this point it's not even exercise but rather a social event as everyone I play with or against, happens to be friends with me.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    mix it up. Take a class or two. To me my gym time is my time to get lost in my thoughts and be out of the house away from life for an hour or two.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    Change your perspective. Make it your "happy time" No, not that kind of happy time.

    But cereallly, make it the time where no one and/or no thing is going to get in your way. I laughingly tell my collegues that I've never had a 45 plate tell me off, forget his homework, or demand to know why they got an F.

    lol. lol. That's great. So true
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    Have you set any particular goals? Anything can be quite boring if you don't have anything your actually working towards. Continuous improvement. I imagine hitting an elliptical 30 minutes daily would be rather boring if there's nothing you're trying to accomplish.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I hate going to the gym...but I love playing dodgeball. I'm on three different teams and play multiple times a week. At this point it's not even exercise but rather a social event as everyone I play with or against, happens to be friends with me.

    This is great. Finding something active that you love to do is the best.

    OP, I hate cardio. I get it in 2-3 times a week by listening to my favorite music and riding on a stationary bike/doing intervals similar to how they run a spin class (which I do like). Work with what ya got, or find something you like to do.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    If your exercise is boring, you're doing it wrong. Shorten the duration. If you're lifting weights, limit yourself to 60 minutes, and lift heavy. It's impossible to be bored lifting a weight that takes everything you've got to squeak out 6 reps. If you're doing cardio, limit yourself to 30 minutes and do high intensity intervals. Again, it's not possible to be bored when it feels like your lungs are about to explode.

    When most people talk about exercise being boring I think what they really mean is that they're too lazy to properly challenge themselves.

    BTW, there's nothing wrong with long distance endurance cardio like running a 10k or half marathon, but the people into that type of exercise are typically anything but bored. They enjoy it.

    I love when people make bold (no pun intended) proclamations about the mental states of others. lol
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Also try belly dance to YouTube, or dance to Wii Fit. Or - finances and space permitting - an elliptical or stationary bike in front of the television with a movie you enjoy.

    If you have a smartphone, when you can walk or run outdoors, you can try something like the Charity Miles app which donates a few cents for every .1 mile walked/run/biked.

    Just because it's fun doesn't mean it's not exercise. You may not get a huge burn from roller skating for 15 minutes, but unless you're just coasting, you are exercising.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    If your exercise is boring, you're doing it wrong. Shorten the duration. If you're lifting weights, limit yourself to 60 minutes, and lift heavy. It's impossible to be bored lifting a weight that takes everything you've got to squeak out 6 reps. If you're doing cardio, limit yourself to 30 minutes and do high intensity intervals. Again, it's not possible to be bored when it feels like your lungs are about to explode.

    When most people talk about exercise being boring I think what they really mean is that they're too lazy to properly challenge themselves.

    BTW, there's nothing wrong with long distance endurance cardio like running a 10k or half marathon, but the people into that type of exercise are typically anything but bored. They enjoy it.

    I love when people make bold (no pun intended) proclamations about the mental states of others. lol

    For real. I love the exercise I do and I am not lazy. Do I think leg curls are boring though? Yes.