ladies, how do you stay motivated through pms?



  • I take magnesium and calcium supplements and up them during the week before and of my period. Literally get little to no cramps now and magnesium is a natural calming supplement for irritability ! It also curbs chocolate cravings which magnesium deficiency can cause and can help smooth out headaches. For nursing mothers this also help keep milk supply from dropping during their cycle. Hope that helps, it literally changed my life.
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    My number one symptom of PMS is not out-of-control appetite or even cramps. It's out-of-control crankiness! I get irritated at everyone and everything and, quite honestly, that's when I need my gym time. So, I go hit the treadmill or lift some weights while giving all the muscle men the stink eye (you lookin' at MY squat rack?!?) and everyone is happier for it.

    Hahahah I love it. When I'm out of control cranky I do kickboxing and picture my ex boss. *sigh of relief*

    Also giving cut eye to gym strange men would work wonders! You made me lol
  • kcmccormack
    kcmccormack Posts: 71 Member
    nessa1441 wrote: »
    I take magnesium and calcium supplements and up them during the week before and of my period. Literally get little to no cramps now and magnesium is a natural calming supplement for irritability ! It also curbs chocolate cravings which magnesium deficiency can cause and can help smooth out headaches. For nursing mothers this also help keep milk supply from dropping during their cycle. Hope that helps, it literally changed my life.

    Ohhhh awesome suggestions! I'm gonna try magnesium with my primrose oil, sounds like they could be some serious bffs. Thank you :)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Calcium and Magnesium. Flaxseed (Omega 3's) also help. I feel the same way. I do keep working out but I have to take more breaks during my bodyweight circuits. I drink all the water I can hold. I have eaten at maintenance a couple of days this week and once above it (yikes) but I know my cycle should start tomorrow and I will feel sane again.

    I was thinking today how unfair it is, but we are amazing creatures who are able to bring forth life, so there's that, lol!
  • JM1481 wrote: »
    Yeah, tricks up this sleeve. I wish there was. The only thing to gets me through is upping the good old fashioned determination within.
  • NicoleS9
    NicoleS9 Posts: 62 Member
    I drink a small glass of wine!
  • veanna111
    veanna111 Posts: 22
    edited February 2015
    I usually skip out on those days but last couple of months I pushed myself harder as I had XMAS party's to go to and wanted to shape up so took a pain killer such as an Advil or Tylonal and I start feeling better soon after enough to do a work out. Also for me after a workout my cramps are completely gone until next morning unless I'm almost done.
    I love the calcium and magnesium also !!!! :)
  • thepinkshoe
    thepinkshoe Posts: 26 Member
    Often I just can not be bothered doing a hard workout so just convince myself to walk the dog. If that is still too hard I make sure I drink a heap of water so at least I'm not so hungry.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Exercise actually makes me feel better. I take some paracetamol, stick one of those heat pads which they sell for muscle pain on my belly, then go for it. The only thing I don't do is outdoor running - mine are too heavy and too 'sudden' to be far from home with no toilet facilities close at hand, and high impact makes that worse for the duration! If I feel really crap I might just go for a walk but I swear movement helps. Plus, I know I'm going to eat extra so I might as well offset that.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    My number one symptom of PMS is not out-of-control appetite or even cramps. It's out-of-control crankiness! I get irritated at everyone and everything and, quite honestly, that's when I need my gym time. So, I go hit the treadmill or lift some weights while giving all the muscle men the stink eye (you lookin' at MY squat rack?!?) and everyone is happier for it.

    ^^ haha - this. Except I run hard (mean) on the TM - stare myself down in the mirror, mad at the world. It improves my workout, once I get there. I practice A LOT of denial - am easily tricked by myself, and I have no filter for the week leading up. When I hit menopause, my family is going to disown me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My number one symptom of PMS is not out-of-control appetite or even cramps. It's out-of-control crankiness! I get irritated at everyone and everything and, quite honestly, that's when I need my gym time. So, I go hit the treadmill or lift some weights while giving all the muscle men the stink eye (you lookin' at MY squat rack?!?) and everyone is happier for it.

    about 2 days in advance I turn into a raging uber *kitten*. There isn't much to be done-I just try to crank down on self discipline and up the "fitler what you say dial" but since it's 2 days in advance- I usually am a little under prepared. I'm on seasoneque- which means I pretty much have to do some major *kitten* kissing apologies every 3 months when I lose my *kitten* on my boyfriend.

    But ultimately I'm required to continue to show up to work and to dance class- and my workout schedule pretty much fits in there nicely like a little lego block- so If I miss one it might throw me off- but if I go to work- odds are I'll be at the gym- like it or not.

    Just keep doing the things. no tips or tricks here.