Other peoples comments...



  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    So all this lady said was "Oh my god" and then gave you a look like she was constipated? Errrr, and?

    Maybe she said "oh my god" and then thought "that muffin looks delicious, I am so sneaking one in when no one is looking"


    "oh my god" and then thought "look at that girl, she can just eat anything she wants and stay slim. I wish as I was her..."


    "oh my god" and then thought "I hear that MSF posts on MFP. He is like so totally dreamy. Sigh"

    My point is you can't control other people's reaction but you can control your reaction to their reactions and choose errrrr, not to react. I'm in the middle of a chain reaction here it seems...

    HAHAHA that made me ROFL!! xx
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I do it enough, that everyone just says, "Free day?"
  • fraises
    fraises Posts: 16
    Oh I can relate to that. I eat junk extremely rarely... yet every time I do, someone I know sees it and comments on the unhealthiness. Kind of makes me paranoid that they think I'm lazy and a bad eater :( It's quite silly though