Taking refined sugar out of my diet - need snack ideas

So it's been two weeks since I removed refined sugar from my diet at the suggestion of my acupuncturist along with caffeine and alcohol. It was a rough first week but now I am really starting to feel good! So I am thinking the weight should just slide off by eliminating these items from my diet, because sweets are a big weakness of mine. But I find myself reaching for nuts, seeds, cheese for a snack, which I know are OK in moderation but I am falling flat on ideas. Any suggestions are welcome, note I am not completely avoiding carbs but want to keep them moderate. Thanks!


  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    You could always get a nice bar of dark chocolate, melt it down, and dip strawberries into it. I know there are sugar free/lower sugar dark chocolate options out there. Kill a sweet tooth craving while feeling like you're indulging in something good at the same time!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Oranges, apples, bananas....at home I snack on turkey burgers, no bun, and hard boiled eggs.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Oranges, apples, bananas....at home I snack on turkey burgers, no bun, and hard boiled eggs.

    Oh man...eggs.
    I recently discovered this. I can go through a dozen in less than a week now. Awesome protein packed snack for a reasonable amount of calories.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Fruit reductions or dried fruit.
  • mkraizel
    mkraizel Posts: 22 Member
    If weight loss is your ultimate goal, just know that eating at a calorie deficit is the only way to lose. Taking sugar out won't cause weight loss if you're eating more calories than you burn.

    That being said- I second the dark chocolate with berries idea! I'm a big fan of veggies and dip. Any fruit really. Air popped popcorn with no butter is good for "TV snacking". I snack on cereals too if you can find a low sugar version?
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    The weight will fall off if you're in a caloric deficit from the removal of the foods containing refined sugar. Replacing the calories from the removed foods with other calories from other foods will not make the weight fall off. The deficit is what will make the weight fall off. The removal of the refined sugar may help with overall health. You're right, nuts and seeds are a good snack. Be careful not to allow those things to cause you to go into a caloric surplus. Good luck.
  • Angelasadorkable
    One of my favorite go to snacks is a stalk of celery, a piece of string cheese (tear in half in lay in the groove of the celery), then wrap it with a couple of pieces of deli turkey. Also, if I eat nuts I try to get them in the shell, that way it takes longer to remove the shell and slows down how much I eat. Lastly, I drink La Croix berry flavored water with a twist of lime poured over ice (sometimes I add a splash of no sugar added juice for extra flavor). Staying hydrated helps kill the cravings, and it is a nice substitute for alcohol.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    Fruit is always a good option, low in calories and no sugar. Veggies are another choice but they don't always satisfy the "sweet" crave.
  • misscrankyfatpants
    I find when I remove sugar, I crave less so eat fewer calories on the whole. I like to snack on hard boiled eggs, fresh green beans, cucumbers, broccoli, avocado, seaweed snacks and nuts.

    That said, I try not to snack too much simply because I want a calorie deficit.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Processed foods are one of the biggest dietary sources of refined sugar. Eating fresh fruits and veggies or dried fruit should do you no harm and other items I would just recommend checking labels and eat in smaller portions or moderation. I agree sugar craves sugar.
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    edited February 2015
    There is a
    You could always get a nice bar of dark chocolate, melt it down, and dip strawberries into it. I know there are sugar free/lower sugar dark chocolate options out there. Kill a sweet tooth craving while feeling like you're indulging in something good at the same time!

    There is a %90 cocoa Lindt bar that might go great with this. It's pretty bitter by itself, but I bet it would mix well with fruit. It's not %100 refined sugar free, though.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Fruit is always a good option, low in calories and no sugar. Veggies are another choice but they don't always satisfy the "sweet" crave.

    Did you really just say Fruit has no sugar??? .... :|
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    snow peas
    carrots and humus
    home made bars etc.
    hard boiled eggs

    ps: I limited my intake of refined sugar about 14 years ago. Best decision I ever made.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I cut out sugary things in January (just temporarily) and did olives and avocado and cheese and nuts and dried fruit, in addition to yogurt/cottage cheese and fruit, but that's because I was at a deficit either way so needed a few more calories. (I added these to meals in place of a dessert type item, mostly, as explained in my last paragraph.) It sounds like what you are asking about is simply lower calorie snacks?

    If so, fruit is great, especially berries (something like a banana has more calories, of course). Raw veggies--I like carrots, although they are kind of obvious, and also radishes and kohlrabi, among others. If protein helps you feel more satiated maybe something like smoked salmon or a hard boiled egg, although the salmon in particular will have more calories.

    Just as a personal note, what helps me in sticking to a deficit more than cutting out any particular type of food is just cutting out or way back on the snacking. For me snacks tend to be food when I'm not truly that hungry and more likely to be less satiating calories. When I eat meals, I tend to eat pretty balanced anyway, and it's easy to tell myself to wait until my next meal when hungry. People are different, but maybe others are like me.
  • ThePilatesPrincess
    Thanks for all the ideas - please keep them coming.

    I am a dark chocolate lover & I asked my acupuncturist about having small quantities and he nixed that idea as not only does it still contain sugar it has caffeine as well. I was a bit bummed to say the least but this is a temporary situation. I should be able to introduce a little bit of sugar back into my diet after 3 months or so. I'm hoping at that point I will have lost my cravings. I know it's a healthier way to live.

    I know I need to be calorie deficient, that's why I need snack ideas that are lower in calories thank cheese and nuts. I do well with my meals...I think my biggest challenge has been after dinner when I usually would have some sort of sweet snack and enjoy my wine, now I tend not to have anything, which is good but I am not satisfied. I think it's the habit that I need to break more vs. what I was snacking on.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas - please keep them coming.

    I am a dark chocolate lover & I asked my acupuncturist about having small quantities and he nixed that idea as not only does it still contain sugar it has caffeine as well. I was a bit bummed to say the least but this is a temporary situation. I should be able to introduce a little bit of sugar back into my diet after 3 months or so. I'm hoping at that point I will have lost my cravings. I know it's a healthier way to live.

    Not trying to be rude...but does this man have any nutrition credentials at all? I wouldn't be taking diet advice from an acupuncturist...I would be taking it from a registered dietician, or my doctor if there was a need to eliminate something out of my diet for my health. I'm not sure he has the creds to be making that kind of call.
  • ajarmold27
    it takes time to get used to new routines. Stick to your "no refined sugar" rule, and gradually the doors to new things open up.

    As already suggested, raw fruits and veggies are good snacks. I tend to go on "fads" of snacks for a few weeks at a time - for a while it was a little cheese with some grapes or an apple, then it was lots of celery with a little Greek yogurt dip, then for a while I had a protein bar (200 calories and 20 grams of protein) and now it is an apple and 20 almonds.

    I also drink LOTS of water. Not all at once, but about a cup every hour.

    I do get cravings for sugary things from time to time, but the more I avoid sugar the less I struggle. Good luck!
  • ThePilatesPrincess
    Thanks for all the ideas - please keep them coming.

    I am a dark chocolate lover & I asked my acupuncturist about having small quantities and he nixed that idea as not only does it still contain sugar it has caffeine as well. I was a bit bummed to say the least but this is a temporary situation. I should be able to introduce a little bit of sugar back into my diet after 3 months or so. I'm hoping at that point I will have lost my cravings. I know it's a healthier way to live.

    Not trying to be rude...but does this man have any nutrition credentials at all? I wouldn't be taking diet advice from an acupuncturist...I would be taking it from a registered dietician, or my doctor if there was a need to eliminate something out of my diet for my health. I'm not sure he has the creds to be making that kind of call.

    No offence taken...my acupuncturist is actually an MD as well. So I believe I am getting very good care and advice. I've done a lot of research on my own and I am trying to address a health issue and acupuncture methods have proven to be very effective in my case, so I am giving it a go to avoid drugs or other procedures.
  • 4MeThisTyme
    4MeThisTyme Posts: 16 Member
    Do you eat meat? I like teryaki flavored jerkey and a handful of almonds.... nomnomnom! Very filling. One or two clementines is also a nice sweet treat.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    Fruit is always a good option, low in calories and no sugar. Veggies are another choice but they don't always satisfy the "sweet" crave.

    When did fruit stop containing sugar? Tell me more about this magical fruit.