"H20" Exploding the Pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 3

H20 Exploding the Pounds
Week 3 of 10 (8 weeks to go) IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN!!!

-Welcome, for those who have joined my challenges before you know a little bit about how it works. Over the next 8 weeks i will be posting weekly challenges to help you shred those egggstra pounds you have gained over the winter months, or to help you lose more of the weight you have been working so hard on shedding. I am going to do this just a little bit different this time around, I will explain below. For the newbies out there, I would love to invite you to join us. It is never too late to get in on the fun, or never too late to star losing weight. Welcome, and we look forward to getting to know you...


Spring, has finally sprung. The weather is warming up, the grass has turned green, the trees and flowers are blooming. Spring means new life, if you are struggling. May spring help you get out of you current struggle.

Walking challenge: How many miles do you have in of the 150.
Would you like a weekly challenge with the walking to help keep you accoutable for getting the 150 miles in?

Pilates Challenge: How many hours of Pilates do you have in of 100?
If you need ideas of how to find some Pilates exercises let me know. Ill help search. Maybe share links if you have any to some videos. :)

Workout Video Challege: how are you doing with your workout video. ARe you struggling.. if so maybe we can help you.


Challenge 1 - Week 3
(05/08) - Compete in a world wide H20 half marathon. Support your team H20 and make yourself a number and sign even if youd like. I want you to walk. jog, run, whatever works you. I want you to log your time when you have completed your half marathon. Show us your H20 spirit if you make yourself a "sign"

Challenge 2 - Week 3
(05/08) - ABS - 1000 Crunches & 1000 Reverse crunches for the week. If you manage to beat our goal, let me know how high we get.

Challenge 3 - Week 3
(05/08) - CARDIO - 500 Jumping Jacks & 1000 Step ups (or jump ups). Get that heart a pumping.

Challenge 4 - Week 3
(05/08) - STRENGTH - 500 100 Dumbbell Rows (Knees slightly bent, Arms form circle in front of body w/ bent elbows , Use upper back to pull elbows up and back, Exhale as you pull weights, inhale as you bring weight back to front) & 200 Shoulder Raises (With or without our makeshift weights in your hands, raise your shoulders up toward your ears, hold, then relax.)

Challenge 5 - Week 3
(05/08) - Drink your 8 glasses of water daily. Keep your sodium in the green. & 3 positives for each day.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK - “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -John Rohn

Sorry ladies that it took me soo long to get it together.. Its been a crazy week/weekend. Here is to a better week for all of us. I would like for us to send prayers out to a little boy in my community who passed away today. He was only 7 years old, and he had been battling cancer for a while. Keep his family and friends in your thoughts in prayers. With that said, try to always remember, even when we are having a bad day, its not where as bad as it could be. I cant even imagine how it is like being a parent going through that. Makes me more grateful for my life.

Have a great week everyone.

Until next week.
April Val :)


  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Bump for later!
  • jgerbe2
    jgerbe2 Posts: 57 Member
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Thanks April! Will read tomorrow!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Wooo Hoooo! Now THOSE are some calorie burners!!!! Love it!!! I'm going to try my best!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    In the past, I have just avoided any of the challenge exercises I couldn't do due to being high impact. I am challenging myself to find a low impact version!!

    Again, April... THANK YOU! You put so much time and energy into the group for us!! Please know you ARE appreciated!!
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    can't wait to get started! and now that i have some free time i'll be able to work on the challenges this week! the only thing is that i've had some difficulty finding time to do a workout video and 100 hours of pilates and run. how has everyone else been balancing this?
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks April for posting!! I'm back this week. Made it through final exams, tons of company in town, my husbands graduation and several parties... now trying to get back on track. Amazing how taking me out of my routine shakes everything up!

    This am I am at 172.2lbs. Hope to get into the 160's soon!

    I will try my best with all those cardio challenges, they are great! Still struggling with water, but I keep trying!

    I've been using the Jillian Michael's ultimate yoga video, it's great! Going to challenge myself to get all the way through it.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump :)
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for the great challenge again, April! My heart goes out to that family. I can't imagine!!

    I'm struggling this week, but I'm trying to still prod along and do what I can. Yesterday I wanted to throw in the towel and forget ever trying to lose any weight. I know I am losing, but it's SO S-L-O-W!!!

    I read stories of people losing 20 lbs in 12 weeks, or ever MORE and I'm like - :noway: I've been at this since January and I haven't even lost 15 pounds yet. :cry: What's up with that?

    I try HARD at this. I know I'm keeping my calories way up, but I'm exclusively breastfeeding, she hasn't started eating food, yet, so I don't want to lessen her calories, or make my milk supply go down.

    I don't eat junk - at all. (well, last night I ate chocolate and caramel coverd popcorn - not very much) I drink tons of water. I work out when I can, but not as much as I would like to. But still I only lose 0.2 lbs, or 0.4 lbs, or piddly stuff like that - ugh, I'm just impatient. :laugh:

    I am NOT giving up!!!!! TOM arrived over the weekend and I'm sure that is not helping my attitude with dealing with this. But this too shall pass as they say. :tongue:

    Thanks for letting me whine! :wink:

    So here are my 3 happies - I really think I need to think on happy things today. :happy:
    *Only 1/2 day of school left for my daughter and hubby!!!!
    *It's a beautiful day.
    *I'm going to FL next week with only hubby and the baby - we haven't done anything by ourselves in 7 years! :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Here's to a new challenge and week, Ladies!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    bump for now. busy with cable company and kids being butt since hubby gone for 2 weeks. try to come back later and also update spreadsheet for anyone using it.
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    My spreadsheet is updated for people using it. I'm going to try to get back on this wagon and work on all challenges.
    https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Au8C4a8Bhf3EdGQwRlZqUTBGeHpWZkRSakpSWUdUREE&hl=en&authkey=CKvzodQC go to download as and you can have the document.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy week 3! April, thanks again for a great set of challenges. You're awesome. :)

    I've updated the weigh-in spreadsheet and the website.

    Crystal, don't get too down on yourself. You're doing a great job! Like you said, it is probably TOM playing with your emotions right now. Weight loss is different for everyone. Have you measured yourself recently? Maybe you're showing more of a difference in those numbers than you realize. Yay for you and the baby having a trip to Florida around the corner!

    I'm so lacking on the 150 mile goal. Only logged two miles last week and not going to be able to get out there this week until tomorrow at the earliest. Little girl dog is in heat and my German Shepherd is very much interested in her goodies. :grumble: Neither are fixed so I have to keep an eye on them...don't want Lhasa Shepherds running around!

    Not predicting a stellar weigh-in tomorrow. Friday night we celebrated seis de mayo (as my tequila-induced backspace-filled post in last week's thread that y'all saw. :laugh: Oh and Cazz, my clothes stayed on! Who knew?!), and last night we ended up bar hopping with friends. We NEVER bar hop! We closed down a Mexican restaurant and then three bars. I always thought all bars were open until 2...not so in our little town. Restaurant closed at 10P, first bar closed at 10P as well (but they still served us one beverage each), next bar closed at midnight, and then the last bar closed at 2A. I'm surprised I didn't end up with a hangover this morning for the mixing I was doing last night (margarita, beer, red headed slut, Irish car bomb, Vegas bomb, and 2 vodka diets, in that order). Oy with the mass alcohol consumption!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello everyone! It's FINALLY awesome spring/early summer weather here in Michigan and I LOVE IT! I did my 2 miles tonight not only outside (which makes me happy) but in shorts and a t-shirt! No long sleeves, no heavy fleece vest... nada! It was awesome and I can't wait to keep running in this awesome weather. Of course, the new workout clothes I was wearing helps my attitude too... I'm such a girl that way! I got new stuff this weekend, shorts are a size small and tops are a medium... and they look good! I'm still a little ashamed of my jelly roll of a tummy, but it's shrinking, so there's something to be happy about!

    Love the challenges again... I have tons to be happy about right now. First off, I love my new size! Second, the sun is out and it's warm! Third... I was told by two people today that they've started exercising and getting healthy in part because of my sharing my journey with them! That just makes me so proud and affirms that this is the right thing for me and for anyone! Just because they read and hear and see my success makes others want to do it too!!!! Such a proud moment!

    Let's ROCK this week, ladies... because we are AWESOME!!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... off to the gym to work on the new crap the Slave Driver ordered me to do. OH! AND the stuff I hate that she increased... ugh!!!! (note to self: never complain that since you are smaller your butt is now looking saggy!)

    I have now lost a total of 60#... a milestone! YAY! THAT is my happy for today! :bigsmile:

    Will try to think of more at the gym though I doubt I will have much to feel happy about while there! :ohwell: ...just sayin'!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Thanks April :)

    I put on 3lb last week, but lost 4lb this week which I am happy about. Puts me back in the 140's. 2lb total for this challenge.
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Today I am celebrating my arrival into ONEDERLAND!!!!!! I feel like a different person today :-)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Today I am celebrating my arrival into ONEDERLAND!!!!!! I feel like a different person today :-)

    YAY!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: WELL DONE, YOU!!! :bigsmile:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks for the great challenge again, April! My heart goes out to that family. I can't imagine!!

    I'm struggling this week, but I'm trying to still prod along and do what I can. Yesterday I wanted to throw in the towel and forget ever trying to lose any weight. I know I am losing, but it's SO S-L-O-W!!!

    I read stories of people losing 20 lbs in 12 weeks, or ever MORE and I'm like - :noway: I've been at this since January and I haven't even lost 15 pounds yet. :cry: What's up with that?

    I try HARD at this. I know I'm keeping my calories way up, but I'm exclusively breastfeeding, she hasn't started eating food, yet, so I don't want to lessen her calories, or make my milk supply go down.

    I don't eat junk - at all. (well, last night I ate chocolate and caramel coverd popcorn - not very much) I drink tons of water. I work out when I can, but not as much as I would like to. But still I only lose 0.2 lbs, or 0.4 lbs, or piddly stuff like that - ugh, I'm just impatient. :laugh:

    I am NOT giving up!!!!! TOM arrived over the weekend and I'm sure that is not helping my attitude with dealing with this. But this too shall pass as they say. :tongue:

    Thanks for letting me whine! :wink:

    So here are my 3 happies - I really think I need to think on happy things today. :happy:
    *Only 1/2 day of school left for my daughter and hubby!!!!
    *It's a beautiful day.
    *I'm going to FL next week with only hubby and the baby - we haven't done anything by ourselves in 7 years! :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Here's to a new challenge and week, Ladies!!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Crystal: You WILL get there!! Everyone loses at different rates. I have decided that as long as I am losing, I am winning! :bigsmile: Sometimes, it's only 0.2 # and sometimes it's more. The thing is - you are sticking with it. Remember it isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You are doing an awesome job of it!!!!

    Have a fabulous time on your holiday! :happy:
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you, Cazz!! :happy:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    CONGRATS JustJenn!!