I think I've plateaued



  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.
    130 puts you at a healthy BMI for your height. You already seem to be living a pretty healthy lifestyle anyway. Going from 130 to 120 doesn't mean you'll become more healthy anyway. And comparing your current body to your HS freshman body as you did in a different reply does you no favors. Even if you get to 120, you're not going to get that body back because you're no longer 14 and you're presumably a fully grown adult. Not trying to be snarky, just being realistic.

    It seems you're pretty hard on yourself in terms of being anxious about gaining weight, but remember you are in an adult body, not a teenage body, and you've are already putting in the work to be at a healthy weight.

    If you want to have a more sculpted body, weights and strength training help. If you're just trying to look more slender - realistically without a scale you're not going to know how much you're truly eating, so it is possible you're eating more than you think in general - not overeating per se, just eating at maintenance. Being so close to goal with not much to lose, there's not much margin for error.
  • deaniac83
    deaniac83 Posts: 166 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    She's lost 40 pounds in four months that's fast - there's no way she's in a plateau now - it hasn't even been long enough.

    Her body is slowing down the weight loss, that's all. That's normal and natural. You can't sustain that sort of loss rate long term and expect to be healthy. Make sure you're eating enough and relax on the exercise.

    I will try to. If I relax on the exercise will it cause me to gain weight or anything? That makes me a little nervous.

    No, it won't.

    You'll do okay, it's just that with so few pounds left to lose, it's going to slow down quite a bit - and that's okay. You've done a really good job - try to celebrate that and let the rest come off at a slower pace.

    Thank you. :)
    so i shouldn't up my calories?

    If you put your weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week - what calorie count does MFP give you?

    which to me is a lot.

    No, it's not. That's what you need to eat, AND you need to eat back your workout calories. Here's the solution to your plateu: EAT MORE. For the next two weeks, eat at your maintenance level. That will be helpful in two ways: first, it will help with your stress, allow you to relax, and worry less.

    Second, and this is the kicker: it will reset your body's metabolism. One reason you may be "plateuing" is that your body has slowed down your metabolism, gone into survival mode, and is storing everything it can. As a result, you are burning fewer calories throughout the day. The diet break will allow your body to reset metabolism and get out of starvation mode. And when you begin your diet again in two weeks (but don't be as severe), your body will continue to burn more calories with usual activities, because it "thinks" it will get those calories back. When it doesn't, it will begin losing again.

    Please, please, please take it easier on yourself. Your diet is too strict. Your workout is too heavy and too frequent. You look good now, so take pride in that and focus on being healthy rather than just being thin. Continuing the torture you're putting your body through has two possible outcomes: the first, and the better one is that you will go back to binging and gain back more weight than you were at before. The second, and the worst outcome is that you will develop an eating disorder that will harm your body and health long term.
  • SammyBlz1
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.
    130 puts you at a healthy BMI for your height. You already seem to be living a pretty healthy lifestyle anyway. Going from 130 to 120 doesn't mean you'll become more healthy anyway. And comparing your current body to your HS freshman body as you did in a different reply does you no favors. Even if you get to 120, you're not going to get that body back because you're no longer 14 and you're presumably a fully grown adult. Not trying to be snarky, just being realistic.

    It seems you're pretty hard on yourself in terms of being anxious about gaining weight, but remember you are in an adult body, not a teenage body, and you've are already putting in the work to be at a healthy weight.

    If you want to have a more sculpted body, weights and strength training help. If you're just trying to look more slender - realistically without a scale you're not going to know how much you're truly eating, so it is possible you're eating more than you think in general - not overeating per se, just eating at maintenance. Being so close to goal with not much to lose, there's not much margin for error.

    I want to look leaner and more sculpted. I definitely don't think im eating maintenance because I know that I don't put much into my body at all, even without a scale. Chartwells-the system used for our school- is teamed up with mfp and i don't really eat much.

    I understand I am no longer a teenager but I also get extremely disappointed at the gym. I see people my age have much nicer bodies than I do and it just upsets me because I work very hard. I really shouldn't compare myself but I do.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    deaniac83 wrote: »
    Here's the solution to your plateu: EAT MORE. It will reset your body's metabolism. One reason you may be "plateuing" is that your body has slowed down your metabolism, gone into survival mode, and is storing everything it can.

    I really don't know why people keep posting this advice. It's clearly not true.

    "Survival mode" is a myth. You're not starving yourself unless you are REALLY starving. Not a term to use lightly when you look around the world and see people who are actually starving.

    "Resetting your metabolism" is a myth. There's no ctrl-alt-del reboot switch on a body's metabolism.

    If you're not losing weight, there are three possibilities:
    1. You're eating too much / eating more than you think. Measure better or eat less.
    2. You haven't given it enough time. You're not really stalled; you're just in the middle of a fluctuation. Weight loss isn't linear.
    3. You don't actually need to lose any more weight -- you're at a healthy weight for your height, and if you're still dissatisfied with your body, you should be looking at weights to tone up, or possibly at getting a counselor for body dysmorphia.

    In your case I'd say it's a combination of #2 and #3.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    I'd really appreciate if someone could help me get out of my plateau :) It would make my day. lol

    This sounds like natural weight fluctuations to me. When we overeat on a day, our body naturally holds on to water.

    A plateau is the same as eating as maintenance, but you've lost 40 pounds and want to lose 10 more. Those last few pounds will come off slower, so you need to be patient.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    Water weight at TOM is caused by hormones (even if your period is early, you still have the hormones present that cause the water weight). Now because it's early you may not have as much water weight, but you will have at least some (given that it's been your bodies standard). The fact that you can feel the bloat also indicates you have water weight. The final few pounds are going to come off slower than the first pounds you lost did. Have you been taking measurements as well? Are you seeing any results on those?

    Yes. My pant size has gone from a size 11 to size 7 and I have a flat stomach now. I have some before and after photos too.
    I just feel so stressed. I'm trying to get to 125 before this month is up but i'm unsure if I can do it.

    Try this: Sit still, close your eyes, and inhale as much as you can and hold it while counting in your head to 3. Now exhale slowly for at least 5 seconds.

    Alright, now hopefully you have become a bit more relaxed. It sounds like your problem is mostly anxiety. It is not realistic for someone your size to lose 8 lbs. in the next 2.5 weeks. Don't expect something unreasonable and you won't be dissappointed when it doesn't work out. Set a reasonable goal (0.5 lbs./week) instead.

    Yes. Just yes.
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.

    Since you care about your body and well being, don't be in such a rush to lose these last 10 pounds. I think you need to listen to your body...you have lost a lot of weight already fairly quickly, sounds to me like your body is telling you to slow it down a little bit.

    If your TOM is going wonky, it might be time to get a general physical. My college had a med serve clinic that was very cheap. Does yours?

    For what it's worth, in my opinion, if you are eating only what you listed in your original post, you are not eating near enough. You workout ALOT, walk everywhere, and seem to eat as though you are afraid to. Don't be!! Fuel yourself adequately and you will still see great results, maybe even better than you are now.

    Caring about your body should be less about how it looks and more about how it functions and feels. Honestly answer yourself.....which are you more concerned with?

    (FYI: Our campus fitness center also had a trainer who would test your body fat percentage/help develop a workout routine, etc. If your campus has one, call and check it out. Once per semester for us was free.)

  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    2. You haven't given it enough time. You're not really stalled; you're just in the middle of a fluctuation. Weight loss isn't linear.
    I've never understood this advice. If you're in a deficit then wouldn't you lose weight? People throw this around and I get daily fluctuations but if you're stuck at the same weight for several weeks, the whole while being in a deficit, why would you not lose weight. It's complete crap.

    Because sometimes your weight goes up and down over the space of a couple of weeks. Time of day of weigh-ins, time of month, hormonal fluctuations, water weight, losing a bunch in a hurry and then stalling... Weight loss over the course of months or years can have these stalls sometimes. Our bodies aren't simple machines: CICO, sure, but the graph isn't 100% straight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited February 2015
    Looking at previous months did you gain during your TOM? was it consistent? I gain 5-7 pounds every single month the day before TOM, it drops off before my period ends. My suggestion is keep doing what you are and wait to see what the scale says after your period ends.

    Oh man, I'm glad I'm done! :D
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Looking at previous months did you gain during your TOM? was it consistent? I gain 5-7 pounds every single month the day before TOM, it drops off before my period ends. My suggestion is keep doing what you are and wait to see what the scale says after your period ends.

    Oh man, I'm glad I'm done! :D

    I wish I was. :\
  • SammyBlz1
    pplastics wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.

    Since you care about your body and well being, don't be in such a rush to lose these last 10 pounds. I think you need to listen to your body...you have lost a lot of weight already fairly quickly, sounds to me like your body is telling you to slow it down a little bit.

    If your TOM is going wonky, it might be time to get a general physical. My college had a med serve clinic that was very cheap. Does yours?

    For what it's worth, in my opinion, if you are eating only what you listed in your original post, you are not eating near enough. You workout ALOT, walk everywhere, and seem to eat as though you are afraid to. Don't be!! Fuel yourself adequately and you will still see great results, maybe even better than you are now.

    Caring about your body should be less about how it looks and more about how it functions and feels. Honestly answer yourself.....which are you more concerned with?

    (FYI: Our campus fitness center also had a trainer who would test your body fat percentage/help develop a workout routine, etc. If your campus has one, call and check it out. Once per semester for us was free.)

    I actually was just at the clinic for a obgyn appointment. I was very stressed last week and i think thats why it started so early. TBH, I'm trying to transfer colleges right now because i'm very homesick and far far away from where I'm originally from. So I get very stressed. The exercise helps a lot.

    I'll try eating more. it makes me nervous but I'll definitely try.
    It costs us money for a personal trainer. :( Or I'd definitely do it!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    She's lost 40 pounds in four months that's fast - there's no way she's in a plateau now - it hasn't even been long enough.

    Her body is slowing down the weight loss, that's all. That's normal and natural. You can't sustain that sort of loss rate long term and expect to be healthy. Make sure you're eating enough and relax on the exercise.

    I will try to. If I relax on the exercise will it cause me to gain weight or anything? That makes me a little nervous.

    No, it won't.

    You'll do okay, it's just that with so few pounds left to lose, it's going to slow down quite a bit - and that's okay. You've done a really good job - try to celebrate that and let the rest come off at a slower pace.

    Thank you. :)
    so i shouldn't up my calories?

    If you put your weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week - what calorie count does MFP give you?

    which to me is a lot.

    I know it sounds like a lot - but give it a try for 2-3 weeks, so how you feel.
  • SammyBlz1
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    She's lost 40 pounds in four months that's fast - there's no way she's in a plateau now - it hasn't even been long enough.

    Her body is slowing down the weight loss, that's all. That's normal and natural. You can't sustain that sort of loss rate long term and expect to be healthy. Make sure you're eating enough and relax on the exercise.

    I will try to. If I relax on the exercise will it cause me to gain weight or anything? That makes me a little nervous.

    No, it won't.

    You'll do okay, it's just that with so few pounds left to lose, it's going to slow down quite a bit - and that's okay. You've done a really good job - try to celebrate that and let the rest come off at a slower pace.

    Thank you. :)
    so i shouldn't up my calories?

    If you put your weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week - what calorie count does MFP give you?

    which to me is a lot.

    I know it sounds like a lot - but give it a try for 2-3 weeks, so how you feel.

    Okay. I'll try
  • deaniac83
    deaniac83 Posts: 166 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    deaniac83 wrote: »
    Here's the solution to your plateu: EAT MORE. It will reset your body's metabolism. One reason you may be "plateuing" is that your body has slowed down your metabolism, gone into survival mode, and is storing everything it can.

    I really don't know why people keep posting this advice. It's clearly not true.

    "Survival mode" is a myth. You're not starving yourself unless you are REALLY starving. Not a term to use lightly when you look around the world and see people who are actually starving.

    "Resetting your metabolism" is a myth. There's no ctrl-alt-del reboot switch on a body's metabolism.
    There's nothing "clear" about what you just posted. Survival mode and starvation mode are real. It doesn't mean your body magically finds calories where there are none, but our bodies are adaptive machines. When it doesn't get enough food for a sustained period of time, it absolutely tries to save energy wherever it can: it feels more sluggish, metabolism slows down, and you burn energy at a lower rate during regular activities (measured exercise notwithstanding). Someone at peak metabolism burns more calories standing, walking, sitting and sleeping than someone in starvation mode.

    As for resetting metabolism, that's real too. No it's not like restarting your laptop. It's more like slowly readjusting and retraining the body to expect more food - hence it takes two weeks of maintenance level eating and not one binge session.
  • pplastics
    pplastics Posts: 135 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    pplastics wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.

    Since you care about your body and well being, don't be in such a rush to lose these last 10 pounds. I think you need to listen to your body...you have lost a lot of weight already fairly quickly, sounds to me like your body is telling you to slow it down a little bit.

    If your TOM is going wonky, it might be time to get a general physical. My college had a med serve clinic that was very cheap. Does yours?

    For what it's worth, in my opinion, if you are eating only what you listed in your original post, you are not eating near enough. You workout ALOT, walk everywhere, and seem to eat as though you are afraid to. Don't be!! Fuel yourself adequately and you will still see great results, maybe even better than you are now.

    Caring about your body should be less about how it looks and more about how it functions and feels. Honestly answer yourself.....which are you more concerned with?

    (FYI: Our campus fitness center also had a trainer who would test your body fat percentage/help develop a workout routine, etc. If your campus has one, call and check it out. Once per semester for us was free.)

    I actually was just at the clinic for a obgyn appointment. I was very stressed last week and i think thats why it started so early. TBH, I'm trying to transfer colleges right now because i'm very homesick and far far away from where I'm originally from. So I get very stressed. The exercise helps a lot.

    I'll try eating more. it makes me nervous but I'll definitely try.
    It costs us money for a personal trainer. :( Or I'd definitely do it!

    Stress can do funny, awful things to your body and mind. From here on out, when you feel the anxiety coming on, remind yourself of your amazing accomplishments so far and be proud of them! Smile and laugh even when you don't feel like it. Find the good and happy all around you, instead of only thinking about what you are missing......I guarantee you are missing out on a lot by letting the stress/homesickness take over. Until you are able to sort this all out, practice focusing on what you do have that is positive. Attitude is everything, not location.

    Also, remember that these moments, this time in your life, is not the-end-all-be-all-if-I-don't-get-this-perfect-my-whole-life-is-ruined-time. This should be learning & living time! Don't let anxiety get in the way of living your life. Have fun!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    She's lost 40 pounds in four months that's fast - there's no way she's in a plateau now - it hasn't even been long enough.

    Her body is slowing down the weight loss, that's all. That's normal and natural. You can't sustain that sort of loss rate long term and expect to be healthy. Make sure you're eating enough and relax on the exercise.

    I will try to. If I relax on the exercise will it cause me to gain weight or anything? That makes me a little nervous.

    No, it won't.

    You'll do okay, it's just that with so few pounds left to lose, it's going to slow down quite a bit - and that's okay. You've done a really good job - try to celebrate that and let the rest come off at a slower pace.

    Thank you. :)
    so i shouldn't up my calories?

    If you put your weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week - what calorie count does MFP give you?

    which to me is a lot.

    I know it sounds like a lot - but give it a try for 2-3 weeks, so how you feel.

    Okay. I'll try

    Good for you. If you need anything else, let me know. I'm happy to try to help.
  • SammyBlz1
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    She's lost 40 pounds in four months that's fast - there's no way she's in a plateau now - it hasn't even been long enough.

    Her body is slowing down the weight loss, that's all. That's normal and natural. You can't sustain that sort of loss rate long term and expect to be healthy. Make sure you're eating enough and relax on the exercise.

    I will try to. If I relax on the exercise will it cause me to gain weight or anything? That makes me a little nervous.

    No, it won't.

    You'll do okay, it's just that with so few pounds left to lose, it's going to slow down quite a bit - and that's okay. You've done a really good job - try to celebrate that and let the rest come off at a slower pace.

    Thank you. :)
    so i shouldn't up my calories?

    If you put your weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week - what calorie count does MFP give you?

    which to me is a lot.

    I know it sounds like a lot - but give it a try for 2-3 weeks, so how you feel.

    Okay. I'll try

    Good for you. If you need anything else, let me know. I'm happy to try to help.

    Thank you so much:)
  • SammyBlz1
    pplastics wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    pplastics wrote: »
    SammyBlz1 wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Why did you change your goal from 130 to 120?

    I'll field this one. Probably because she's 20ish and needs to fit in a smaller bikini for Chad's awesome pool party.
    It's actually because I care about my body enough to want to feel healthy and by the time I'm 30 trying to get rid of it then when its easier for me to lose weight now and maintain. I'm trying to be responsible about my body and make changes now.

    Since you care about your body and well being, don't be in such a rush to lose these last 10 pounds. I think you need to listen to your body...you have lost a lot of weight already fairly quickly, sounds to me like your body is telling you to slow it down a little bit.

    If your TOM is going wonky, it might be time to get a general physical. My college had a med serve clinic that was very cheap. Does yours?

    For what it's worth, in my opinion, if you are eating only what you listed in your original post, you are not eating near enough. You workout ALOT, walk everywhere, and seem to eat as though you are afraid to. Don't be!! Fuel yourself adequately and you will still see great results, maybe even better than you are now.

    Caring about your body should be less about how it looks and more about how it functions and feels. Honestly answer yourself.....which are you more concerned with?

    (FYI: Our campus fitness center also had a trainer who would test your body fat percentage/help develop a workout routine, etc. If your campus has one, call and check it out. Once per semester for us was free.)

    I actually was just at the clinic for a obgyn appointment. I was very stressed last week and i think thats why it started so early. TBH, I'm trying to transfer colleges right now because i'm very homesick and far far away from where I'm originally from. So I get very stressed. The exercise helps a lot.

    I'll try eating more. it makes me nervous but I'll definitely try.
    It costs us money for a personal trainer. :( Or I'd definitely do it!

    Stress can do funny, awful things to your body and mind. From here on out, when you feel the anxiety coming on, remind yourself of your amazing accomplishments so far and be proud of them! Smile and laugh even when you don't feel like it. Find the good and happy all around you, instead of only thinking about what you are missing......I guarantee you are missing out on a lot by letting the stress/homesickness take over. Until you are able to sort this all out, practice focusing on what you do have that is positive. Attitude is everything, not location.

    Also, remember that these moments, this time in your life, is not the-end-all-be-all-if-I-don't-get-this-perfect-my-whole-life-is-ruined-time. This should be learning & living time! Don't let anxiety get in the way of living your life. Have fun!

    I'll try! I do stay very positive on the outside for everyone. I just miss my family very much.