Post here if you want more friends!



  • JoJoBeans22
    JoJoBeans22 Posts: 114 Member
    I like friends. You can add me
  • I'd love to make some friends! I need people to keep me accountable and I do love to chat =)
  • rscunu
    rscunu Posts: 37 Member
    Just bought my own condo, in a new town. I can now control what is brought into the house! However, now I'm kind of far from all my friends. So I need some help in this journey, people to share their success and tips. Talk soon!
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Always looking for new friends! Add me!
  • I'm always up for new friends with the same mindset on getting fit, please do add me.
  • blakembp1
    blakembp1 Posts: 1
    edited February 2015
    Really need some good motivation please!..feel free to add me!
  • DuckieSteph
    DuckieSteph Posts: 43 Member
    I'm always up for more friends!! Anything to keep us all motivated and on track!
    I'm a 25 year old vegetarian and a mother. I'm looking to drop from 195 to 140. Feel free to add!! :D
  • Rexakate
    Rexakate Posts: 6 Member
    I'd love some more friends! I BEST part of MFP is the community. I have a long road ahead and love to give and get encouragement!
  • wayander
    wayander Posts: 21 Member
    i like reading posts, feel free to add me as friend
  • ekg0328
    ekg0328 Posts: 90 Member
    Me me me.
  • jorodri7
    jorodri7 Posts: 1,025 Member
    Wanting more supportive friends! Please!!!!
  • Hi I am a newbie and looking for some new friends please add me :)
  • JonathanG2200
    JonathanG2200 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi im new on here so some active friends would certainly be good for motivation :)
  • Always looking for more motivation and new friends :smile:
  • mardyc
    mardyc Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all. Almost 4 weeks in and going well so far. Finding mfp really makes me accountable.
  • Apple_1977
    Apple_1977 Posts: 9 Member
    feel free to add me..need all the motivation I can get
  • Kateelizabeth67
    Kateelizabeth67 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes please. New and could do with some motivation :)
  • mlamathews
    mlamathews Posts: 4 Member
    Always looking for friends to keep each other motivated! Add me if you'd like!
  • evitamac
    evitamac Posts: 22 Member
    Hey add me! I don't really have friends and I like having people to talk to that have the same need or interests (eating healthy, working out, working hard to lose weight, sculpt our body, or maintain a good physical condition) I am very committed to my new life style!
  • Hi I'll be one of your friends you can't get enough