Wine...I can't seem to give it up



  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    Either make room for it in your calorie count, or don't keep it in the house at all.
    If you have no off-switch, you either need to not start, or find a way to impose (healthy) limits on yourself.

    Agree with this. If I have room, I have a glass or two. And most of the time I refrain from drinking during the week. But a lot of people on here have no problem fitting it into their lifestyle. It just depends on you.

  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Oh, and definitely measure! I was bummed when I saw that what I thought was 4oz of wine was actually closer to 6oz. :(
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited February 2015
    Check out my diary! There is wine in it every day! I cannot give it up, and if I don't lose the extra 10lbs I'm struggling to lose, then so be it. I will continue to try and fit it in, but when it doesn't fit, I just drink it and move on. I am a Shiraz lover as well!! With 2 small children at my age, it's what keeps me sane.

    Your diary is private.

    OP: I have wine most days as well. I have a small carafe that holds 12 ounces. Some days I have that. Some days I have one glass. Some days I have more (social events, PMS etc lol).
    But my general "max" is that carafe.

    ETA: I'm basically at maintenance, but drank wine most days when I was losing too. In fact, while I was losing, I asked my doc about having wine most days. She said "what about the other days"? lol
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    My problem is my favorite wine is a local sweet wine. No idea how many calories but I'm sure it's's a sweet blackberry merlot. Omg. I told myself no wine till I lost 25 lbs. Then a treat of my favorite wine...but I may have to go back on that lol
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Make room in your allotment, or move more to earn extra calories.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    I fit one drink a night, with dinner, into my calories. Wine and beer fit in just fine on days I work out. The nights I want cocoa with Baileys are a little harder ;)
  • NicoleS9
    NicoleS9 Posts: 62 Member
    Is anyone out there having a hard time giving up Wine? for me its shiraz and it doesn't stop at 1 glass...any suggestions for me? Help...
    Well, if it doesn't stop at one glass what about only buying one of those teeny bottle at a time? Forced portion control!
  • winedrinker60
    I enjoy wine and yes a couple of glasses end up being a bottle but I don't do this every weekend anymore since trying to diet just on special occasion so why not save some calories so you can have the wine once in a while
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    Yummmm wine! I've cut down quite a bit. One thing that helped is drinking a large glass of water before drinking the wine. That way I'm not chugging (lol) a glass because I'm thirsty.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Why would you give up wine?
    I was on a kick where I had a glass with dinner almost every night. It's delicious, has some health benefits...

    Cabernet Sauvignon
    Pinot Noir

    My favorites. I would never give up red wine unless I became deathly allergic.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    29g (two tablespoons) of wine:

    Calorie Information
    Amounts Per Selected Serving
    Calories 24.5 (103 kJ)
    From Carbohydrate 3.2 (13.4 kJ)
    From Fat 0.0 (0.0 kJ)
    From Protein 0.1 (0.4 kJ)
    From Alcohol 21.3 (89.2 kJ)

    Read More

    Wine definitely isn't "free".

    But it's basically fruit!!!

    (totally kidding)
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    Oh, you can't give up wine, it's the only thing that's truly worth the calories!


    I am an amateur orchardist and vintner - grow my own grapes and trees to ferment my own wine (and strawberry wine ( and blackberry + elderberry wine ( and hard apple cider ( and pear brandy ( and peach schnapps (and moonshine )))))

    Life without wine/alcohol would suck.

    That being said, I (mostly) abstain during cut/loss cycles because there are too many calories and I'd rather have food to fill the belly ... but I always come back when calories arent so tight ... always.

  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Not a wine drinker but I used to have a 6-10 pack of scotch and coke most weekend.

    I just stopped drinking, not worth the kj. So in the past 6-8 months I have drunk 3 nights. 2 of those I kept it in my calorie limit and 1... well the weekly energy graph in mfp looked like a giant middle finger

    Don't buy it, don't have it in the house or find the will power to not drink, or to stop before the end of the bottle.
  • gretchenzg
    gretchenzg Posts: 8 Member
    I lost twenty pounds last winter and drank wine only on Friday and Saturday nights. Then I maintained my weight through 2014 drinking moderately, but daily. This winter I decided to lose the remaining ten or so pounds, but never stopped with my few glasses of wine each evening. I just upped my workouts. Have been losing steadily, and enjoying life. I suspect that one of the reasons we dieters are encouraged to give up alcohol is because when you catch a buzz, you might be inclined to chow down on junk food late at night. The key there is not to have any junk food around. Once in a while I will eat one Triscuit late in the evening. One dry Triscuit washed down by a gulp of wine. Lovely.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    edited March 2015
    I will never give up wine. I drink it in moderation and plan ahead for splurges. Yesterday my husband and I went to a great wine tasting event at Domaine Drouhin and had a blast. We have enjoyed and collected wine for about 20 years now and have a fairly large cellar. This is what happens when you live in one of the best wine growing regions in the world...we consider ourselves lucky.

    One thing that helps me is to enjoy it only on weekends (outside of some special event or celebration). It also helps me focus on eating under my target calorie goal the other 5 days. So in a sense, the glass or 2 of wine is my reward. And I'm still able to lose weight, albeit slowly, which is what I prefer anyway.