


  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    with chemicals. I like sugarfree hazelnut or french vanilla coffeemate creamer.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I think it is an acquired taste for many people-not all.
    As someone who has been drinking coffee since I was 12 years old, I can say I didn't like it much at first, but wanted to feel grown up so I put lots of sugar and milk in it and drank it.

    These days it's French press with a little whole milk/half and half and/or some flavored creamer. If the coffee is good enough, just a splash of whole milk or half and half. Not a huge sweet coffee person.

    I usually buy whole bean coffee and grind it fresh myself-tastes way better.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    I prefer my hot coffee black, but for some reason I'm not fond of the way iced coffee tastes black. I usually add whole milk and sometimes protein powder, which makes for a good pre-workout snack.
  • FitMelody4Life
    FitMelody4Life Posts: 106 Member
    I like to make protein lattes. Today's morning coffee went as such:
    20g Phase 8 Milk Chocolate protein powder
    1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
    30g Torani sugar-free dark chocolate macadamia nut syrup
    Shake all this ingredients in a shaker bottle first, then add your coffee (this helps avoid the powder from clumping by mixing the cold ingredients first, once is has all dissolved adding hot coffee won’t cause it to clump).
  • 00_Staarling
    00_Staarling Posts: 12 Member
    I have moved to just taking caffeine pills if I need a boost in the morning. At zero calories its a completely guilt free way of getting your caffeine fix and they are pretty cost effective and you can carry them with you in your bag and have them available any time.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    You know, I have absolutely no idea what 'creamer' is.

    I take my coffee strong with a dash of milk.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    You know, I have absolutely no idea what 'creamer' is.

    I take my coffee strong with a dash of milk.

    Here are the ingredients to a common coffee creamerxcmxylyf1mgb.png

  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I used to drink my coffee with Truvia and either almond milk/milk/half-n-half. Now I've learned how to drink (and enjoy) it black. I think ultimately it will just be better for me.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited February 2015
    I like 18% cream in my coffee, about 2 tbsps. And I use 1-2 packets of artificial sweetener (I know it is bad for you but is the only artificial sweetener I use). And I use flavored k-cups. I drink about 2-3 per week as i find coffee makes me retain water.
  • I love my coffee I have it whole milk with 1 artificial sweetener few times a day I'm still losing weight
  • maccarossi1
    maccarossi1 Posts: 58 Member
    Adding stuff to coffee? Noooooooo! Black, no sugar is the only way to go, can't dilute that coffee flavour! :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    First 6-8 (or more) cups a day I drink black, in the afternoon I sometimes add in a scoop of gelato.

    Try different beans until you find one you really like, or drink the coffee the way you enjoy it and just log it.

    I will never give up the coffee, the lives of those around me depend on that.
  • wootrition
    wootrition Posts: 15 Member
    I take my coffee black.
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    I add flavored creamer that has sugar in it. I used to drink alot more coffee, now I'm down to no more than 2 cups a day. And I do not get coffee or lattes anymore from DD or Starbucks. I do not plan on changing it anymore than that!
  • PinkGemini612
    PinkGemini612 Posts: 63 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    You know, I have absolutely no idea what 'creamer' is.

    I take my coffee strong with a dash of milk.

    Mine is lactose free & definitely not real food!
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    If it's good coffee, black. If i'm on the road & it's coffee from a fast food place (like Tim Hortons), 1 milk 1 sugar to cover the bad tasting coffee flavour.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Half and half. Or in the case of having used all my precious half and half, my kids whole milk (which is what I'm using this morning. It's just not the same!)
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    about 30 years ago my doctor recommended I switch from whole to skim milk... it was horrible... I wasn't giving up coffee so I just started to drink it black, no sugar... it took me less than a week to get used to it and I haven't looked back.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I drink coffee with artificial sweetener and half n half. I just account for the calories in the half n half and am done with it.


    Good coffee is important. Fresh ground beans roasted to your taste (i do prefer the ragged edges of a good dark roast) and a really nice, fresh pourover adds significantly to the experience.
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    I drink mine black. But it's up there with beer and red one likes it at first. But once you acquire the taste, it's one of the most awesome tastes in the world!