GET FOCUSED IN MAY Challenge - 5/10 Mini Challenge



  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Oh my.. there are soo many things.. basically have done a complete 180 since January. I would have to say all of the changes I've made combined have helped me get where I am and where I will still go but these are probably the top of the list.

    - Breakfast EVERY day
    - Water
    - Low carbs & early in the day
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    A Primal Lifestyle. I cut ALL grain. No rice, nor bread, no oats, or pasta. Guess what, cured my sweet-tooth as a result.
    Lifting HEAVY weights. "Go Heavy, or Go Home!"
    :sad: yes, alcohol had to be cut too:sad: but the good news is I do enjoy a drink or two on the weekend and get buzzed MUCH faster:laugh:
    SQUAT everyday. Your *kitten* will :heart: :heart: you for it (and so will your husband!:smokin: )
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    My quick trick - Labrada Lean Body Shakes (in a box)...40g of protein, 0 sugar, less than 300 calories, and YUMMY! Bananas 'N Creme and Vanilla Ice Cream are super deeelish. Put in the freezer for an hour or two, and it's slushy like a shake - a great meal replacement or bump to cals and protein if you need to up them. I wish I'd brought one to work today.
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I fight with the scale so am a big proponent of finding other ways to measure success. Tape measure is probably the biggest thing. Also have a hand-held body fat monitor. I share moments of victory and frustration with the MFP community no matter how small they may seem. Along with keeping one accountable and the sharing of knowledge, they are a fun and amazing cheering section. That goes a long way in staying motivated and feeling good about yourself which we all want to do, right?!?!

    Thanks to All!! :bigsmile:
  • dthompson17
    dthompson17 Posts: 24
    No soda for me......kinda hard because I am a stress soda drinker.
    Exercise.....I know try to do something everyday.

    Also, the best is having my best friend do this at the same time as me. She is doing so much better and I feel that this pushes me a little more to keep up with her. It also gives me someone to talk with daily about this with and I think my discussions don't sound stupid to her. Most people cringe when you say diet and don't want to discuss ideas. Together we are open to trying anything that is healthy for us.
  • rore1
    rore1 Posts: 110 Member
    My digital food scale And measuring cups! Mustard or lemon as a condiment!!!I weigh and measure ALL my food. I plan and pack all my food when I go to work. I only drink water. I push a little harder at gym. I have a mini calendar in my bathroom and log my weight every morn. I can c the progress better that way. I wld write better and more but it's SO hard with my stripper nails!!!!!xoxo
  • tigereyz30
    tigereyz30 Posts: 35
    Logging my food and tracking my calories has caused the bigget change and in turn I am not "grazing" as much when I get home from work and while I make dinner. I certainly don't want to have to add to my food diary a bite or this, a mouthful of that, a spoonfull of something else.... so I stick to my three meals and a snack or two and leave it at that. I don't even miss the grazing! Changing up my workouts help too. I don't get bored when I do the Wii a couple days, then the sationary bike the next, an hour or two of gardening on the weekends, etc. I feel the workout each time but I guess because I'm changing up different muscle groups, I'm not getting discouraged with pain either.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    The 30 Day Shred has been great for me, because I know it is exactly 22 minutes, so even if I am exhausted, I can convince myself it's only that amount of time, I can do it. I've worked out a lot more lately because of it!
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    What's worked for me is if I bite it, I write it. Even on weekends when I make birthday cake or dessert for family I'll note IF I stole a swipe of homemade frosting or snagged some chocolate chips. (It all counts!) Also now I immediately throw away or wrap up the kid's leftovers. I used to be a big time grazer without even realizing it!

    Besides that I get on an average day no less than 4 servings of veggies or fruit a day along with plenty of lean protein. Also I've learn not to be afraid of good fats from almonds, olive oil, avocados and such-- a little goes a long way in satisfying my hunger.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Honestly, I do pretty much what everyone else has listed. I measure, I log everything (whether I want to see it or not), I drink tons of water and not much else, I limit my alcohol (to the point where I'm a pretty funny lightweight now), I try to do something active everyday, I eat smart calories, I measure instead of weigh (most weeks), and I do it all for myself because if I feel if I need outside motivation then I will always have an excuse to fail. One thing that really helped my outlook on exercise and lifting/strength training was an article I've seen multiple times over the years on here and other fitness sites. I think it sums up my views on exercise in general, not just lifting.
  • dandydalek
    dandydalek Posts: 158 Member
    One of my first weeks on here I decided to (just for a week!) drink nothing but water. It was really hard for me (I was a soft-drink junkie) but I convinced myself to keep at it because it was just for a week. At first I was counting down the days, but by the end of the week I was so used to drinking just water that I FORGOT to go back to drinking anything else for several days after the week was over. I've had no problem reaching my eight glasses a day since, and usually end up drinking more.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Okay a few things that I feel have helped me .... hummmmm

    1. Support! I have tried and failed at this numerous times! Infact I was at the point where I felt hopeless and had given up on ever being fit again when a friend of mine said hey come join me @ myfitnesspal! Strangers became family, things are shared, talked out, openly debated (sometimes a bit over board, but it is that passion that fuels so many of us), and when I have felt like walking away someone gave me a hand up, dusted me off, and pushed me back in the game.

    2. Making it fun makes for a permanent change! I refuse to ever diet again. I came in all nervous that there would be a diet plan to follow! I was amazed that nope there isn't. *YAY* So making better meal choices and exercise fun helps it to become a lifestyle change, and that is what I want. Not another fad diet. Different food choices, controlled portions, and a mix up of exercises are the spice of this alteration.

    3. In supporting others I find support within and without. I tried Turbo Fire and while it was fun I do not feel like I am physically ready for it. I kicked my self pretty hard. Then while giving a friend some support I read what I told her and said 'WOW Misty take your own advice! 'If it hurts don't do it! When your fitness level gets where you are ready to try again then have at it'.' So I find sometimes I am harder on myself than I am on others. This helps me notice it more often.

    4. Emotional eating. This is not an easy thing to battle. I was glad to find I wasn't the only one battling it, but yet upset that others had to suffer the same way. So somethings need to be let go, others need to be worked out, but they all need closure of some sort and new arrivals need addressed immediately.

    I am still a work in progress, and have a long way to go! Thank you all for sharing your passion! Whether it be heated debate, fiery advice, opinionated statements, or that umph that says get up and go NOW! Thank you!!! :drinker:
  • GoldenGirl1979
    GoldenGirl1979 Posts: 716 Member
    ok, so i know i'm a day late... but yesterday, i didn't really feel like i had anything that was "working" that i could contribute :frown: i've been trying out a lot of different things w/my eating exercising... & i've been finding myself under my net calorie goal a lot @ the end of the day... i find that i restrict myself during the day... & then @ the end of the day (especially after exercising) i'm running around like a chicken w/my head cut off trying to eat calories that don't take me over my carbs, fat, sugar & sodium...

    well, yesterday... w/the help of this post, the overall msg board... & i guess me just having that "aha" moment... i figured out that i need to eat more snacks during the day, so that i can reach my net my calorie goal... i'd been bringing snacks to work for abt a week now, but apparently they weren't enough... so today, i have 2 a.m. snacks & a protein shake!! i'm a work in progress, but i think i'm getting it!!