
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here and day 2 of "Juice Only" Realised yesterday I need 1 main meal, which is dinner and so lamb chops, mash and steamed veg today.
    I did lose 2 pound since yesterday, NOT surprised.
    I slept really well last night, due to herb teas instead of coffee and tea
    Mildred beagle also slept well
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon! What a great day so far! I took the kids to school for the first time in more than a week. It was so nice to see their happy little faces! Then I went to my studio for a couple of hours. I didn't do much, just sat at my desk and caught up on email. Then went to the grocery store and came home to rest and finish an audiobook.

    For those of you who enjoy audiobooks - and mysteries - I found a new author I like a lot. Louise Penny, and the book was "How the Light Gets In". It's set in Canada and I really enjoyed the way she described it, the French names and words, and very sweet descriptions of a big goofy dog. Good plot and good characters. I'm ready to move to the little town in the story, it was so beautiful, it brought me to tears. The only trouble is, I can't stop listening and do other things, once I get started. So, I guess it's perfect for me right now when I'm taking things easy. It's part of a series, and I wish I had started at the beginning, but oh well.

    Pip, I LOVE Yogi! If he ever turns up missing, don't come look at my house. ;)

    YannieJannie, you did the right thing at that meeting, by asking for quotes from other vendors. I hate it when you can just tell that a person is in it to line their own pockets.

    Speaking of caffeine... I stopped cold turkey about 35 years ago and STILL dream of the taste of Diet Pepsi. It's a hard thing to do! I was drinking two 2-liter bottles every day, plus every time I passed a convenience store I would stop for a 32ounce cup, so I had it bad. I took a weeks vacation and just stopped. I couldn't lift my head off the pillow for several days, it hurt so bad. That alone convinced me that caffeine was not my friend, and once I was clear of it, I was never tempted to go back. Now, the only caffeine I have is a small amount of chocolate once in a blue moon.

    Well, I have to get up and walk around. My butt has fallen asleep. Have a great evening!


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Busy day at work, especially since I WAS able to see the "50 Shades of Grey" screening last night, so it was late before I was able to fall asleep, so now I'm tired. Plus I ate popcorn, which flares my arthitis - but it was worth it. ;) I have not read to books, but I enjoyed the movie.

    I'm doing pretty good staying on track today. I plan to either do laps in my livingroom, or ride my Dad's bike tonight, since my knees could only handle 10 minutes during lunch.

    Tomorrow I see my Rheumatologist. Since I was so sick last month, I hope she doesn't change my meds already, because I don't want to compromise my immune system with a biologic. Hopefully she will just give me some pain med or sleeping med that is NOT ambien. If I sleep good at night, I can manage my pain during the day.

    Allison (and everyone in the NorthEast)- Sorry you are getting snow again. hugs to eveyone with bad weather.

    On the topic of toxic friends: I agree. I have some friends that we can "complain or vent " to each other then move on to happy subjects. But I used to have some that just sucked your soul right out. It's exhausting to be with these people, and I prefer to keep them in larger groups or smaller doses (never 1 on 1 if I can help it).

    Oops! It's after 5:00pm. Time to head for home, make supper for myself and DS, then watch Big Bang Theory and climb into bed before 8:00pm (at least that's my goal).

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda in N Ontario: You have my deep sympathy for the loss of your dear friend. I’m glad you’re now focused on improving your own health. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I never thought of myself as “fighting deterioration,” but that is exactly true. I’m making gains on it, too, although still a long way from perfect. I keep wondering about my bad knee and would like a magic wand to fix it. Where is Bones, aka Dr. McCoy from Star Trek, now that we need him? I’d love to have that fancy little gadget and put it right on the bad knee, and then I’d move on to other places. :bigsmile:

    Pat: Thanks for the link regarding food supplements. We have some items from those stores, but not the tested group. I wonder how much we can trust anything with those brands on them, and I seriously doubt their other brands & products contain what they claim. I love the picture of Yogi. Thanks for sharing.

    Carol in NC: Good luck with your DD. It sounds like she may need some guidance from a neutral source. I wonder whether she is ready to seek help yet. I’ll keep both of you in my prayers.

    Jolnec1: Welcome back.

    Alison: Two of my neighbors have parents in their nineties who are seriously declining. It is difficult to go through this part of the life of our elders, as I know from experience. Your DFIL is so lucky to have you in his life!

    Sylvia: I can knit and listen to an audiobook at the same time. I can also ride my bike on its trainer and listen at the same time. Unfortunately, I can get so hooked on the audiobook that real life slips into second place so I avoid listening when I need to pay attention to other things. I now listen much less often.

    I went to Zumba with my neighbor this morning. After that we went out to breakfast. Zumba was fun, but also frustrating to do only part of what everyone else is doing. Then I came home to a grumpy husband who had told me he didn’t want to go to breakfast with us before I left but was unhappy that I went without him. Sometimes you can’t win. He’s having a nap right now & I hope he wakes up in a better mood.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    edited February 2015
    smiley-sport017.gif Cherys, thank you for the tip on getting going with my weight lifting.

    :D pipcd, I love your dog

    :D I went out to lunch today with a friend who uses me as a sounding board for big decisions in her life. It was her day to celebrate six years of continuous sobriety and I wanted to do what she wanted to do for her celebration. We went to a little artisan deli and I found a vegetarian coconut curry soup that was perfect for my lunch. She bought lunch and we talked for almost two hours. The conversation was all positive and fun and full of laughter and joy. That's how I want to spend my life.

    :D I listen to audio books in the car and since I don't drive much or very far, it takes many weeks to finish a book. When I walk the dogs I listen to mp3 files of interviews with authors or talks by inspirational speakers. When I ride the exercise bike or do my strength training, I watch DVR recordings of favorite TV shows. I can knit while riding the exercise bike and watching TV (except figure skating because I don't ever want to look away from the screen).

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Evening,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Linda so sorry about your friend . Watching my sister suffer and die of breast cancer made me reassess choices I was making.

    Pip Yogi what a delight!

    Right now my goals are to take better care of my teeth. I have totally revamped the care of my teeth. Working on my breathing and posture. Getting enough sleep.

    We are in the deep freeze the next couple of weeks, but do not have the massive amounts of snow.

    Time for another garden picture to remind myself spring will soon be here.

    2015 word:Strength

    Just because I see the hook does not mean I have to bite.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.42min, 13.9amph, 3miles = 137cal

    spin - 43min, 86 average revolutions per min (how fast I was pedaling), 109average watts (power), 11-13gear, (1-24 gears) 18.3miles = 394cal

    bike ride gym 2 train station- 7.03min 12.1amph 1.4miles = 95cal

    bike ride train station 2 hm - 17.31min, 9.2amph, 2.7miles = 175cal

    total cal. 801

    That pic of yogi was when he was a bit younger... i agree, i LOVE his face, he's got the English lab face but the energy of an American lab which makes him a good running bud.iujx7c69e7kv.jpg

    here's a pic when he turned 1 this Jan. 18th. he's got his bday shirt on that says on the back, it's my birthday and i can bark if i want to.
  • bumblebeejec
    bumblebeejec Posts: 26 Member
    Hello All!

    pip: Love the picture of your "baby". Very pretty dog.

    cherys: Good advice...thanks.

    MNMargaret: A nice reminder of what lies ahead in a few short months.

    pip/Sylvia: Love the audio books. . . don't know what I would do without them at times. I enjoy legal mystery.

    Terri in Milwaukee: Getting old is not for the faint of heart, is it? Hope your rheumatologist gets it right tomorrow. Meds can really mess you up if they're not the right ones.
    DianaLovesCof: Congrats on the progress...you're an inspiration.

    Did my thing at the gym today. It's nothing compared to what some of you do, but for me it was quite a fete. I can tell a difference from last week already so I'm happy about that. Tomorrow I'm going to the pool exercise class again at 12 p.m. Really hope I can keep it up. Reading all that the women on this group do is incentive for me to keep going. So glad I found this group.

    So, stay well friends!

    Judy in PA
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri - Have I got a story about ambien! Like a lot of women that go through menopause I could not sleep at night. At the time I was still working and would go days without sleep. The Dr. Gave me ambien which helped me fall asleep right away. It did give me very strange vivid dreams. I took it for about a week. One morning I woke up and started to get ready for work. I went into my laundry closet to grab a shirt and noticed my dryer erupting with clothes, so many that they were pouring out of it. I freaked out thinking that I must have gotten up in the middle of the night and stuffed the dryer full or did laundry I didn't know or remember anything. I continued to get ready for work then could not find my keys. I was having extreme hot flashes at the time and would end up naked by morning. I pictured myself walking to my car naked in the under ground garage at my apartment. Hopefully this didn't happen, but...

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Swam laps for an hour today. Tomorrow the plan is to do Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD. Then we go to VA. I think I'm about packed except for the food that I want to take. I have my crochet that I'll do in the car all ready.

    Pat in OH
    - so sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you're better real soon

    Mary - what a wonderful NSV. To find that the shirts are too big! It certainly feels good when others notice your weight loss, huh? Which school does your husband work for? When I worked at the cafeteria in the middle/high school, I couldn't get over how poor the food was! How I wish I could do zumba! I do wish they'd have the aqua zumba. I took it once and it's just too hard on my knees. For some of your exerises how do you determine your calorie burn? Thanks for posting the different exercises you do. Gives me good ideas. What's the difference between zumba activate and zumba exhilirate? Is this a DVD that you have?

    Just did 2 more rows on the latch hook Christmas tree skirt that I'm making. Now for a "break" here and then I'll probably go back to it. Made some brownies for us to take to FL when we go, already have some chocolate chip cookies

    After exercising, stopped at Bi-Lo for the items on sale, then stopped in at Bells Outlet to see if they had any bras for me (they didn't), came home and had breakfast (don't worry, Lesley, I had a clementine before I left). Was on the computer a bit and then did some of my latchhook. Now taking a break and then I'll probably go back to it.

    Bought Vince some Chips Ahoy fudge cookies. Never seen them before, they were on sale and I had a coupon which they double. I just tried one. It's a bit disappointing. The picture on the bag shows lots of fudge but there really isn't all that much fudge, mostly cookie. Well...live and learn...and die a fool

    - I've been trying to smile more, mainly to have a better outlook on things. But it sure can't hurt from what you're saying the benefits will be. I've noticed a few wrinkles on the lower lips and want to avoid any more. I don't want to look like some ladies, all wrinkly and all. That's another reason why I always put sunscreen on my face

    - like Sharon said, I'll be sad when your trip is over

    Ok, I think I may have something confused. We have a bike at home which I refer to as a recumbant bike. It's stationary, you sit upright. Is this a recumbant bike?

    - I would say that it is wise not to run by yourself in the woods. What if something (god forbid) happened to you?

    - so glad you got your tooth fixed and didn't have to get a crown.

    Margaret - for the longest time I just had this "thing" against flossing. Then (I believe it was) katla mentioned the Reach flosser. Ever since then, I've had no problem at all doing it almost every night. What I realized that I didn't like was having to put my hand in my mouth. But with this Reach Flosser I don't have to so I have no problem at all using it.

    Linda - congrats on being the high loser. You're doing great!

    Pat - I remember reading that article a few days ago. Thanks for posting it for those who didn't see it

    Alison - I have an Android, too. So I just HAD to try out what you said. I remember using that to get to the pie chart of fat/carbs/protein, but for some reason I just never thought of the "community" section. Thanks for introducing me to it! Not sure, tho, why the phone app isn't syncing with my desktop. I KNOW that I've entered foods for today, yet they aren't showing up on my phone.

    - wtg on that loss. You're on your way, now. So sorry you lost your dog. I feel for ya. I think the people across the street from us have an Australian Shepard, or is it an Australian Sheepdog (do they even have those?). I know it's Australian something because I remember since he's from Australia. What a gentle dog that is!

    Vicki - you have 28 grandchildren! Boy, Christmas at your house must get pretty expensive. How wonderful. That one lady makes me uncomfortable just reading about her so I can understand why in person she makes you uncomfortable. Sounds like you're doing the right thing with your bible study.

    - So glad you came back

    jsnr -Jaelyn is so adorable

    Oh, no...I changed my meal settings so that everything goes under "all foods" and for the days I had already logged, it only kept the foods that I'd logged in under "breakfast". Oh well.....

    The one thing I don't like about audiobooks is that you can't just go back and re-listen to a part. Otherwise, I love them, especially for long trips

    pip - love Yogi. I can see why you love running with him

    Judy in PA
    - we're so glad you found us!

    Mary - your ambien story had me in stitches

    Michele in NC
  • vickeydorton
    vickeydorton Posts: 24 Member
    exercise at least 3 times a week at a gym- work 40 hours -
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Does anyone know why strength exercises don't have calories that they are burning on the MFP app? I know that you burn more than a normal amount. It only Asks for weight and reps and not calories like cardiovascular exercises do.


    Mary from Minnesota
    There is a listing in the cardio data base for strength training that gives calories...so enter your strength training as cardio using an amount of time you trained.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    Exermom - if you have a stationary recumbent bike your pedals R in front of u.So u r peddling in front of you. If you have a stationary bike your pedals are underneath you, like a bicycle.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Ok, I think I may have something confused. We have a bike at home which I refer to as a recumbant bike. It's stationary, you sit upright. Is this a recumbant bike?

    Michele in NC

    Michele, a recumbent bike is the one that that you can lean back on and your feet are more out in front of you...if you do a search on the internet for recumbent bikes, you'll see some pictures. The reason I can knit while riding my recumbent exercise bike is that there is a back to lean against and my feet are out in front of me so the yarn can't drop and get caught in the pedals.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele in NC - I bought a starter set and the activate is the first disc that takes the dance steps and puts them in a beginner exercise routine. It is only 45 minutes. Exhilarate is 60 minutes and is faster and more difficult I would say intermediate. I use a calorie app designed for Zumba that I googled. Then a calorie app for weight and exertion that I got on my phone. Which is very close to the average of 8.5 calories per minute that I found when I researched on line. Which is good enough for me since I don't eat my exercise calories. The smiling really works practice in the mirror and take before pictures then every 3 days and you will be amazed!

    Pipcd34 - love your dog! I am the proud GM of a chocolate lab, lab's are excellent animals and grandchildren. great t-shirt!

    Barbie - thanks for the feedback on strength exercise calories.

    Renae Maine - I will be thinking of you with all the shoveling. Take care and go easy!

    Heather - good job on your eating and exercise while you are away. Love your reports.

    Stefv710 - congratulations on your accomplishment! That is such a great feeling!

    MNMargaret - beautiful flowers! 5 more weeks hopefully and we'll be out of the freezer
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry got cut off again...maybe MFP is trying to tell me something!

    MNMargaret - beautiful flowers! 5 more weeks hopefully and we'll be out of the freezer
  • not2old2move
    not2old2move Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone!! I just joined mfp today and was reading through some of your posts. I am 61 years old living in north central Idaho. I grew up north of Seattle and have had a weight problem all my life. When I was 30 I started exercising and got addicted to it, I think. I would work out for an hour every am and again 1 hour in the pm. I lost 80 lbs which I loved. Then I finally got to go to college!! In school all day and working at night...no time to work out so I have gained it all back. Now I am retired and need to get back into my routine while I am still able to (bad knees run in the family). I have asthma so some days it is harder to exercise but I do what I can. I was on Spark People but did not find any inspiration or motivation there. Hopefully, I can find some people to talk to here and get some inspiration as well as give it. This group sounds like a friendly group!! Wishing you all the best and hoping to hear from some of you.

    Ginger, in Idaho
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    1 more time. ..
    MNMargaret - beautiful flowers! 5 more weeks hopefully and we'll be out of the freezer
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    MNMargaret - beautiful flowers! 5 more weeks hopefully and we'll be out of the freezer. I am glad we got some snow though it helps the people up here in tourist area. Have you ever been to the eelpout festival with those fish that looks like half eel?

    Katla - I have to modify some moves so I don't hurt my knees or back at times too. Good for you going and being there for your friend.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota