Weight loss in your 30's



  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    holly55555 wrote: »
    It's always harder the older you get! I could eat whatever I wanted at 18 and not gain a pound.

    Now at 24, I have to count and monitor every little calorie to get those last 15 lbs off and it is a painfully slow process.

    24? really sounds like you're making excuses for this. 24 is young.

    when i was 24, there was no myfitnesspal to make it extremely easy.
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    I never tired in my 20's. Didn't need to. I didn't even notice my weight going up until 32.

    Seriously, I don't find it THAT hard even now. Maybe I'm strange.

    Same here. Must be a cat thing ;)
    This is actually my first time dieting - I couldn't be bothered to before and besides, I love cheesecake. But, yeah, I'm actually kind of amazed by how the weight has just melted off so far.

  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I personally don't find it any harder now at 37 than it was in my 20's, actually for me it's easier to find the time to go to the gym. We eat out a lot less now than we did when I was in my 20's as well. Yes it takes work, yes for some it's harder than for others in general. However even if I was giving scientific proof that it's harder to lose now that I am 37 I would disregard it. It gives us an excuse to give up and is mentally self defeating. I am not going to buy into it. I can do this, I will do this. Any other mentality is not something I am willing to entertain.
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Those of you saying that it's no more difficult in your 30's, were you quite overweight? According to my BMI I am not overweight now nor was I ever in my 20's. Just finding it more difficult to stay at the lowere end of healthy Bmi in my 30's. Maybe we just aren't meant to be as thin in our 30's? Or could we be putting on muscle mass?
    To give you an idea the first 3 photos are of me in my 20's and the next 3 are me nowd40ujgfpv458.jpg
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    These are me now at 33 and about 20 pounds heavier 6z076e7c3lx3.jpg
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg

    Look the same!
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg

    Look the same!

    Nope, I'm 20 pounds heavier
  • dontjinxit
    dontjinxit Posts: 82 Member
    All I know is that I've just hit the weight I was when I was an active teen, but I doubt I'll ever have that waistline again. I'm still 3 inches away from that, despite being the same weight I was then. I keep thinking my organs are bigger now, if that isn't totally absurd.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg

    Look the same!

    Nope, I'm 20 pounds heavier

    Can't tell!
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg

    Look the same!

    Nope, I'm 20 pounds heavier

    Can't tell!

    I don't know what is happening then ! Lol
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Oops that didn't post correctly. These are me in my 20'stvtmnnhkt2cy.jpg

    Look the same!

    Nope, I'm 20 pounds heavier

    Can't tell!

    I don't know what is happening then ! Lol

    Me either! It's your body lol
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    edited February 2015
    Those of you saying that it's no more difficult in your 30's, were you quite overweight? According to my BMI I am not overweight now nor was I ever in my 20's. Just finding it more difficult to stay at the lowere end of healthy Bmi in my 30's. Maybe we just aren't meant to be as thin in our 30's? Or could we be putting on muscle mass?

    nope, I've never been overweight a day in my life according to bmi. I got within 5 pounds of overweight in my 30's and then stopped making excuses. I currently weigh 103 pounds which is around what I weighed in high school and then slowly gained in my 20's and 30's. I just found mfp in my late 30's, stopped making excuses and it was super easy to lose the weight.

    You are not putting on muscle mass unless you are putting a lot of effort into doing that. Muscle mass doesn't just appear out of thin air.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    dontjinxit wrote: »
    All I know is that I've just hit the weight I was when I was an active teen, but I doubt I'll ever have that waistline again. I'm still 3 inches away from that, despite being the same weight I was then. I keep thinking my organs are bigger now, if that isn't totally absurd.

    Bwahaha this is how I feel. Once upon a time I had a vaguely hourglass figure. Now I'm a total block, despite being in the best shape and close to the lowest sustained still-healthy weight of my life. I look down and I'm like, "I guess my lungs got bigger? Go team?"

    ETA: I've never found weight loss particularly "difficult" or "easy." Once I decide I need to lose weight, it's simply a matter of sticking to a calorie deficit. Historically, I have been pretty good at that; turns out I still am. I think in high school I edged up into an overweight BMI, but only barely. It's all been bouncing around in the normal range or occasionally skating below (hence the reference to sustained *healthy* weight. I do not look good when I am underweight and do not wish to return there.)
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    Those of you saying that it's no more difficult in your 30's, were you quite overweight? According to my BMI I am not overweight now nor was I ever in my 20's. Just finding it more difficult to stay at the lowere end of healthy Bmi in my 30's. Maybe we just aren't meant to be as thin in our 30's? Or could we be putting on muscle mass?
    I jumped into this thread late, but I find it odd that you think this makes that much of a difference. It's not like aging works differently if you're "quite overweight."

    I would fall under the "quite overweight" category because I have a lot to lose. But - wouldn't that make it even harder if I've spent almost all of my life fat?

    In any case, fwiw, I was put on my first diet at 7, and other than a short period of time at 4 years old, I've always been overweight/obese and I would gain weight year after year. My dad - God rest his soul - would say that it would be harder to lose weight as I got older - he said that to motivate me to diet when I was a kid. Needless to say, it didn't work.

    I am now 33 years old and using my MFP tracker, I have lost more weight and a greater percentage of weight than I ever had with every single diet, exercise program, "new way of eating," or "lifestyle change" I have ever tried - ever.

    Maybe I can see age being a significant factor in at a more advanced age - maybe - when you have lost a great deal of muscle mass, but in your 30s? I don't think 30 is really that old.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    40's = definitely harder.
  • Jankatherton
    Jankatherton Posts: 70 Member
    Those of you saying that it's no more difficult in your 30's, were you quite overweight? According to my BMI I am not overweight now nor was I ever in my 20's. Just finding it more difficult to stay at the lowere end of healthy Bmi in my 30's. Maybe we just aren't meant to be as thin in our 30's? Or could we be putting on muscle mass?
    I jumped into this thread late, but I find it odd that you think this makes that much of a difference. It's not like aging works differently if you're "quite overweight."

    I would fall under the "quite overweight" category because I have a lot to lose. But - wouldn't that make it even harder if I've spent almost all of my life fat?

    In any case, fwiw, I was put on my first diet at 7, and other than a short period of time at 4 years old, I've always been overweight/obese and I would gain weight year after year. My dad - God rest his soul - would say that it would be harder to lose weight as I got older - he said that to motivate me to diet when I was a kid. Needless to say, it didn't work.

    I am now 33 years old and using my MFP tracker, I have lost more weight and a greater percentage of weight than I ever had with every single diet, exercise program, "new way of eating," or "lifestyle change" I have ever tried - ever.

    Maybe I can see age being a significant factor in at a more advanced age - maybe - when you have lost a great deal of muscle mass, but in your 30s? I don't think 30 is really that old.

    The reason I thought it would make more of a difference if someone is more overweight is because the last 10-15 pounds are known as being more difficult to lose..
  • eatsyork
    eatsyork Posts: 71 Member
    I have found it easier this go through. I lost 80 lbs when I was 25 and it was pretty hard work (then again I was eating raw vegan and felt like I was starving to death). I've lost 62 lbs in the last few months at 31 and it's melting off.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    This is what gave me my big push to lose weight. I'm 28 and i think it only gets harder! But you can definitely do it, it just takes time.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    kbanzhaf wrote: »
    If you think it is hard in the 30s, wait until the 50s! LOL
    I do think it is harder to lose and maintain weight loss the older we get.....unless we truly modify the amount we eat. I lost weight much more easily in my 40s than now trying to "re-lose" it in my 50s.

    I hear ya -- Thank goodness I’m only 61…

    Photo success page - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10080664/lost-191-lbs-photos-success-after-999-failures/p1
