How obsessed have you become over this???



  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Now I have spreadsheet envy.
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Pfft I question the dedication and commitment of anyone who isn't weighing their poops to get an accurate in/out measurement.

    "If you're not weighing your poops, you're doing it wrong"

  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    edited February 2015
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Engineer to engineer, I totally get it. Spreadsheets are just fun! Some people have mentioned that your not living life if you track this much. But what's the difference between doing this or knitting? It's a hobby for us nerdy folk. As long as the spreadsheet isn't stressing you out or it's not hurting other parts of your life, I don't see the problem.

    You know, from a distance, this spreadsheet looks like a Gantt chart! I know it's not though. But it's cute.

    ^^ This and -

    I do the same. I love spreadsheets and attaching graphs so I can see the trendline. Its fun and keeps me motivated. It doesn't take that long to do. I still have time to exercise, socialize, and get all my life things done. Designing a fitness lifestyle should be about tailor fitting it to suit your personality. Nerdifying (yes I know thats not a word :) ) what you do makes perfect sense to me.

    High five on the spreadsheet! <3
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    edited February 2015
    Wow, impressive. I work with a lot of spreadsheets etc. and have known people to get utterly lost in them and become ineffective because they got bogged down in too much detail and lost sight of the real goal. Not saying its whats happening to you, just don't get lost ;)
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    My dad, also an engineer, uses a spreadsheet to record his weight (to get a general upward or downward trend). I find it funny because he isn't overweight... and never has been. I have a spreadsheet of my training schedule, run times/notes, and a trend chart for my minutes per mile since I started training for a half. It's useful to me to be able to see my improvement in chart form. :)

    I wouldn't track all my food in such a way, but it is definitely interesting and might be useful for nutrition studies. As long as it isn't making you anxious or unhappy, collect all the data!
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    I look forward to the hunger pangs, like a trophy.

    Awesome, I'm stealing this for motivation!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    edited February 2015
    Do you feel this is healthy and sustainable for you and your way of doing things? It wouldn't be for me--I got twitchy just thinking about tracking all that data, but I'm not an engineer. All this data collection might be what you need, in which case, have fun (???). I'm a little concerned,though, about the "I look forward to the hunger pangs, like a trophy" bit and the weighing yourself twice a day. Those sound potentially self-defeating.

    Also, I think my husband would stage an intervention if I got anywhere near that obsessed. He wants me to pay that much attention to HIM, not to my weight. :-)
  • MsBeverleyH
    MsBeverleyH Posts: 99 Member
    You do you best. If this makes you happy, do it!

    I love spreadsheets, and I've got a hand-written 'spreadsheet' of my weekly weigh-ins and measurements. I won't/can't judge!
  • thecharizardtamer
    thecharizardtamer Posts: 73 Member
    That trumps my graph paper where I filled in one single square for every hour that I didn't eat any sugar. Hey if it's helping you on the road to healthy.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    My view on this for me is motivation, I know I need to eat healthy, I know I need to excercise etc, but left to my own devices I cant be arsed, so last time I used MFP I found logging really helped, but I was not as rigerous then, Did not weigh, used generals or guesses, but then I wanted to lose alot, over a long time, to give me chance to keep it off, I had a car crash prior, that put me loads of extra timber on, and i needed it off, my goal was 15 stone from 22.5, so was alot to go, I managed to get to 17 stone, then I stopped, after 18 months, had familty things to take care of and I slipped, then another car crash (not a good history with cars) and put a stone back on, now I have the oppertunity to go on holiday for the first time in 8 yrs, so I want to shift a stone or 2 quickly, so I came back to MFP....

    This time, I started thinking right I want to lose alot quick (not my usual way of thinking , but once cant hurt) so I started weighing making sure I hit goals properly, I even go under most day to give me more chance, its from this that I have now started to analys all my intake, and realised I want to know how my system works, how my weight from day to day is affected by my eating, sleeping and working patterns, working nights, my pattern is all over from week to week, so for me I started to collect when I ate, and how much, I plan to do this for 3 to 6 months to give me data to see what and when to eat is best, rather than just eat and exsercise and not know how it affects me, I started weighting myself weekly, but then thought i want it daily, to see how I am over a week, I log it, I dont chase it, if I lose a lb in a week good, if not who gives, I want to be healthy not skinny, if I can keep it up for a few months at least, it gives me the info I need to understand how to continue this for years to come. If I continue with the spreadsheet then all well and good, more data as I get lighter and only started weighing myself twice a day this week, just to see the difference between am and pm, its interest that all, not obsessing, honestly

    I do not stress over *kitten* like this at all, there are far more serious thing to worry about other than my wright, I am not that type of person, I have been 18 - 20 stone for 25 yrs, my nickname is Fatjon, to my close friends for 25 yrs, so it does not worry me, I do it for motivation an knowledge, MFP is the part that really works for me, loging and keeping goals, when friends can see keeps me on track, and so far I am enjoying it.

    I am British, we have a dry sense of humour, and my post was meant to be light hearted and fun, I did not think some would think I really do need to be locked away for excel rehab.....

    P.S. anyone want my spreadsheet blueprint email for a will take your excercise calories in exchange ;) I thought it was an easy one, only add a few things each day, im happy it has also recieved such praise.....maybe I need to change my engineering job to a high paid pc jockey.....

    Been a great thread though, loving it so far.....
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    I don't think using a spreadsheet tool is obsessive. If you know how to use one and it helps you to monitor trends that you want to see, but can not see using another software application, then use the spreadsheet tool.

    ​I started a spreadsheet in October 2013 when I was still losing weight but approaching my goal weight and looking toward a strategy for maintenance. I reached my goal weight in December 2013. I wanted to know exactly how increasing my daily Calories by 100 Calories per day for a week or two was going to affect my maintenance. I also wanted to know how increasing my Calorie goal from a sedentary to a lightly active activity level would affect my maintenance. The major benefit was that I used the spreadsheet to keep a 7-day running average of Calories and Net Calories and compared that with my 7-day running average for weight, which I could not do on MFP. I maintained the spreadsheet for one year, but I haven't used it since October 2014.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    just in case anyone is wondering, as I see POOP has been mentioned a couple of times in this thread, just in case anyone is thinking that the brown squares in my spreadsheet are my poop weights then you are very wrong indeed......sick people....

    I work in a chocolte factory, so I have started to log how many sweets I eat while at work, to see how it affects my daily goal, as they can be easy to eat and add *kitten* loads I eat all night at work (tell me you would not sample all night at work given the chance) knowing what I eat will make me think twice about eating a cho while at work, stopping me so win win....

    For anyone that like SS's then the blue is liquid, green is food and orange is when I work out....logging my excercise this way lets me easily see when I am doing it, and gves me a kick up the *kitten* if i miss a few days with none, I have a plan to do something everythree days at least, more if I can, MFP only seeing a day ata time does not show me gaps as easy as my SS...
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    Hello all

    This is my second time using MFP, having used it 4 yrs ago to lose 60+ lbs I am back to try lose more, the first time round I logged religiously, but I did not weigh things, I guessed, or did the generics, I saw good gains then and I loved this site, recommend it to everyone, but this time round I have gone mad, I weigh everything, measure liquids, I'm making fruit and protein shakes, I'm weighing myself twice a day and logging everything not only in MFP but I have set up my own spreadsheet,6m00nnvzqrym.png

    where I log when I eat and what type of foods I eat, to try to understand my habits in time, I know this is not a quick road, so the more info I have the better I can make decisions for what's best. nerd hat on (I am an engineer, and my mantra is data collection) nerd hat off

    It is taking over my life at the moment but I am loving every minute of it, I look forward to the hunger pangs, like a trophy.

    I just hope I can keep it going for months at least if not succeed in the life change I am trying to get to for the rest of my time....

    Has anyone else found this journey take over this way??? or do I need to see my doctor for some medication to calm me down before I end up in a padded room licking

    If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. More power to you.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    This might appeal to you. I'm fairly obsessive with this app, but I think we have to be to be healthy. I eat the same breakfast and lunch every day to simplify my logging a bit. I got overly obsessive with quicken and had to dial it back a bit to a level I could maintain.
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    I pop on MFP on and off all day so I don't forget to log what I just ate or to read stuff. But definitely not exercise obsessed. I'm to old. I do @ 30-35 Minutes a day. Maybe if I get stronger I'll do more. :)
  • isabelle596
    isabelle596 Posts: 8 Member
    Not to trigger your (perceived) addiction but ... ;-). Do you have a fitbit or a Jawbone up? Now that's all the fun of data and charts, without the spreadsheet making. It will not weigh you automatically but it'll do pretty much everything else and synchs with MFP. I have a Jawbone up...And that's how i feed my data addiction.
  • MissFitAfrica
    MissFitAfrica Posts: 34 Member
    Wow an entire spreadsheet. Nice!
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    edited February 2015
    Not to trigger your (perceived) addiction but ... ;-). Do you have a fitbit or a Jawbone up? Now that's all the fun of data and charts, without the spreadsheet making. It will not weigh you automatically but it'll do pretty much everything else and synchs with MFP. I have a Jawbone up...And that's how i feed my data addiction.

    I have been looking at them, but not with my job, I work in a chocolate factory, it has strick regulations about what you can wear, so a watch is a no no. so would have to hide it, if i get caught I could get in serious troulbe, so for now I will just, but I am interested to know what my daily activity is like, now there lies the true data.......the key to full understanding for me (my inner nerd is bubbling now).....but is it worth losing my job for......unless I can get a job at a beer facotry or as a victoria secret tit tape applicator then I will stick to chocolate anyone knows if victoria secret are hiring please inbox me.....

    I can have my phone on me either while in uniform.....
  • librafitness3
    librafitness3 Posts: 7 Member
    I got very obsessive over a healthy diet and exercise a few years ago, it ended up landing me with an eating disorder that I'm still working through.

    Do what ya need, just listen to your mind and body and don't punish yourself :)