What's YOUR weakness when it comes to the opposite gender?



  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm usually hooked once I figure out that the dude isn't some domineering, self-absorbed, and/or uneducated buffoon.
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Eyes & Lips and a complete Nerd.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    Physically: I love beautiful Arab men.
    Personality: A wicked sense of humour and an unshakable determination to succeed in whatever they put their mind to.
  • BigBadWolf__
    BigBadWolf__ Posts: 158 Member
    maddyk91 wrote: »
    I'm usually hooked once I figure out that the dude isn't some domineering, self-absorbed, and/or uneducated buffoon.

    I guess its time for me to grab a book then
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member

    And strong forearms. It's weird.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    How about we not make the mods work on a Saturday, hmmmmmm? :p

    Thread has been cleaned. Have a happy VD.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member

    You as well! And thanks :)
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »

    How about we not make the mods work on a Saturday, hmmmmmm? :p

    Thread has been cleaned. Have a happy VD.

    You make me laugh so much.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i love when i grab her waist
    i pull her close
    i pick her up
    i batista bomb her
    i pin her
    and am declared the wwe champion
  • MezaEza
    MezaEza Posts: 267 Member
    Why do women not appreciate short guys.

    Height doesn't really play into it at all for me, honestly couldn't care if they're tall or short!

  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member

    And strong forearms. It's weird.

    Thanks, not everyone appreciates forearms
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Low standards. ;)
  • maggierenee88
    maggierenee88 Posts: 352 Member
    Sick flows and long eyelashes on men!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Strong hands and forearms with his shirt sleeves rolled back a few times. Swoon! :p I do also love a set of broad shoulders.
  • carlsonrobb
    carlsonrobb Posts: 914 Member
    Me, me, boy I am really close on these
  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    A better brain than mine that knows more than I do. Also a voice that knows how to tell me what to do, repeatedly even after its been done but raises a few octaves nonetheless!
    Wait a minute...this isn't the 'complain about what your wife does thread'.... :D
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    A better brain than mine that knows more than I do. Also a voice that knows how to tell me what to do, repeatedly even after its been done but raises a few octaves nonetheless!
    Wait a minute...this isn't the 'complain about what your wife does thread'.... :D

    Lol lucky woman, if you tolerate that
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Have a happy VD.

    Which Venereal Disease is the happy one again?
  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    Herpes, you dont need an umbrella for that one :D
  • donnawtm
    donnawtm Posts: 35 Member
    Arms! Its all about a man with big powerful arms
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