Does any one think ww pro points is worse



  • dtracey4
    I do agree but I kept up with it cheated a bit and lost loads I used to exercise to eat more
  • freckles2002
    freckles2002 Posts: 55 Member
    My fitness pal in far superior to WW imo. Not counting calories in veggies and especially fruit leads people into a false sense of security. Also there are so many really knowledgable people here on map and its FREE!!!
  • jeneveg
    jeneveg Posts: 57 Member
    I did pro points and dropped 3st fairly easily. I then learnt to 'cheat' and would make massive bowls of no point curry and fruit salad and 'spend' my pps on wine or cake instead. Unsurprisingly I put 1.5st back on as although the meals had zero points they had a shed load of calories!!
  • dtracey4
    I am losing but it's slow
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    I was even a leader back in the day. Loved the old system, really do not like the new. 5 free servings of veggies only was great, and the plan eventually, sneakily, got you to eat healthily. This new plan. . .too easy to cheat it, no real way to figure out points on your own.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    I don't exactly understand how WW points work, just because because I know very little about it about it, but I've heard a lot grumbling about the newer system, what ever it may be, being less effective, so you're definitely not alone in your opinion. I have heard something about fruit not counting as points (I assume this is something new, because it's been grumbled about) so I imagine that can't be very helpful because I know I can easily eat 300+ calories of fruit on a normal day, and if I weren't counting calories and thought they wouldn't impede my weight loss goals in anyway I'd probably be tripling that number because fruit is awesome.

    This might be a silly question, but if the old WW way worked for you and the new doesn't, can you keep using the old way or is that somehow made impossible because of brand marketing or something? If it is impossible to use the old way, try the MFP, you're already on here anyway. Or welcome, if you're already using it/here/us.
  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    I guess I'm the anomaly in that I've been doing better on the new system than the old. Joined in 2005 and lasted about six months on it before it petered out eventually, don't even remember why. I've been on the current plan since November, and average just over 2lbs a week drop. It's not linear, but it's pretty steady!

    I don't know if I'm shifting to MFP entirely after this, but I'm currently double logging to see the actual calorie breakdowns of what I'm eating. As for the free fruits and vegetables on WW, if you take it with some common sense attached it works out fine. Anyone who eats their bodyweight in fruit because it's free is being pretty willfully blind to.. well, science.

    Vegetables makes more sense to me, in that it actually takes some effort to eat enough of them to cause problems. Again, common sense has to be applied.

    I do find WW meetings ridiculous though, and run through the online only option. I need neither a cheerleader nor someone trying to sell me crappy thin sliced dry bread on a weekly basis.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    There is a way to make fruit/veggies count as points. If you create your own recipes and add them as an ingredient it automatically assigns them a point value. I don't particularly like the new system either, but there are ways to get around the stupid aspects of it.
  • indunna
    indunna Posts: 221 Member
    Points are just a proxy for calories which might have made sense back in the day when calorie info was less available. And, yes, the new points are a worse proxy than the old points because by weighting "unhealthy" calories more heavily than "healthy" calories they give a distorted idea that by eating "healthy" one is somehow eating less and will magically lose weight. I quit about 3 weeks in when I kept finding myself having to go to places like MFP to figure out how many calories were in my food so I could rig my points to more realistically account for the calories in fruits, veggies, and high fiber foods.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    I dropped about 75 lbs on WW about 10 years ago (put 60 of it back on...imagine that?).
    In the system they had points were easy to figure out

    cals/50 + fat/12 -fiber(<=4)/5= points.

    I had spreadsheets for tracking, but then a few years back they made the point system needlessly complicated so I gave up, and joined MFP. The weight loss here is slow (to me), but it works when I work at it (imagine that!).
  • dtracey4
    Hi been at work thankyou too all that have posted comments about this subject
  • PollyPickpocket5
    There is a way to get points to show in MFP if you are curious or want to double track/use your own combination method.
  • dtracey4
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited February 2015
    I get 27 daily points and 49 weekly points + activity points. Tried it since Tuesday and I'm way over on points into the negative lol One day I'd used up my points but my calories on MFP were only around 1000.

    Nothing I eat seems to be on their database & it appears to be too low calorie for me.

    Much prefer MFP
  • dtracey4
    I know the old ww was so easy to understand and everyone no matter what size seem to be on same points don't get me wrong I had lost weight with w w propoints but it's alot harder
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    I don't know anything about the new program (I have previously lost- and regained- weight on other WW programs) but I have to take the opportunity to say this is why WW makes me angry. They have to constantly change their program in order to keep people paying, when losing weight is actually quite simple (not easy, just simple). I understand that they are a for-profit company, but it kind of makes me sick.
  • dtracey4
    Yes I agree with your point totally they change it so people get new books calculators and everything
  • PollyPickpocket5
    I'm away from my computer right now, but I'll share it later. You can search on here, as it was a previous thread. Just know, it does assign points to fruits and veggies if you enter it into MFP.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You are free to use 'old points' or reduce your Pro Points to a level where you lose at the speed you like.

    WW is a business (and a sucky one often) but I think their plans have all been better than the last, and they base changes on a lot of real world testing they do and also on the latest advances in the field. I think their plans are kind of genius, but people who don't join and get the education that goes with it (including those who just read the message boards or who do the online version but don't read the materials) usually don't understand it very well. It's really not an all you can eat banana buffet. And points aren't just based on calories. Compare the points in a 150 calorie beer to a 150 calorie chicken breast or salad.

    To the person who had a spreadsheet for old points, the new calcs are on wikipedia.
  • dtracey4
    I'm away from my computer right now, but I'll share it later. You can search on here, as it was a previous thread. Just know, it does assign points to fruits and veggies if you enter it into MFP.