


  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all,
    I just had weigh in and I'm only down .4, but down is down, right?? I am at 131.6 and want to be 129 by christmas! These last few pounds are killers to get rid of!!
    Keep up the good work everyone! :smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm 167.5 Right now I'd love to be 164 by Chirstmas. Count me in!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Well, here are my updated stats!

    Starting weight: 271
    Current weight: 270

    I'm pretty sure I'm not going to reach my 10lb. goal because I actually gained then had to re-lose a couple of pounds . . . BUT, I am going to keep the numbers going down from now on!! :drinker:
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I am checking in.... I would have thought with being sick the past few days I would have lost some weight, but sadly no.
    I am still at 161.... Still 10 lbs away from my gaol. I did start exercising again today. I hadn't been able to for almost a week. I hink I had the flu. Body aches, hot and cold spells, and absolutely NO energy.... Today is the closest thing to normal I have felt in a little over a week. :ohwell:

    At least I have lost another 1/2 inch off of my butt.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hey, that half-inch off your butt is progress!! :laugh: I know I could use some loss there. Congratulations! :drinker:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Checking in...

    Started at 280
    Christmas Goal 270
    Currently at 277

    Happy losses everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Checking in...

    Started at 280
    Christmas Goal 270
    Currently at 277

    Happy losses everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Great Job Juliebean down 3lbs keep up the hard work!:wink:
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Check in: funny, I lost the .5 extra lbs I added last week. Not so good, the 8lbs for xmas is not going to happen so my new goal is 1 lb a week
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    Check in
    Start 179
    After ThanksG 179.5
    This week 177.5

    WHOO hoo -2
    2 down, 7.5 to go!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I'm at 141.2 now!!!!! :love:

    I only have 2 pounds to reach my goal!!!!! (actually only 1.3 since I just want to see 139 :laugh: )
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Love my new scales - 'cause they already went down!! So much easier to read, too! I seem to be on track for the HJCC, so will keep doing what I'm doing!

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • I am in~
    Weight loss 174 to 167 so far. My goal is 145 by July 2009 when I head off with my BF to the Fla Keys to scuba dive! Goal for Chirstmas 164.
  • Kateeliz
    Kateeliz Posts: 147 Member
    I am going to join kind of late :tongue:

    Starting Weight- 203lbs (Nov. 8th)
    Current Weight- 195 lbs(Dec. 8th) :happy:

    Christmas Goal- 189 lbs

    Goal for end of March (Germany Vaca!)- 165 :noway: Yeah right :bigsmile:
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I'm at 141.2 now!!!!! :love:

    I only have 2 pounds to reach my goal!!!!! (actually only 1.3 since I just want to see 139 :laugh: )

    Your doing so great! Good job!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Keep up the great work everybody...! :flowerforyou: Only 16 more days til Christmas! :drinker:
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    So, after only losing inches for awhile, I finally lost a pound. It may not seem like much, but I did a sort of jig this morning. I don't think I'll be able to meet my Christmas Challenge, but I'm not changing it yet.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    My x-mas goal was to be at 138 and well i just dont think im going to be making that. Im really not logging on that much due to the strict diet iam on now doc said i should be better in a couple of weeks and back to eating normal then. Right after the holidays it looks like better for me in some ways and sucks in others. I am trying to watch so that i dont gain which ive been doing ok. I have gained two pounds but im more the positve its water weight as i have added alot of salt to my diet and not to much water :( Hope everyone else is doing good. USM how are you coming along on your challege?
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Keep up the great work everybody...! :flowerforyou: Only 16 more days til Christmas! :drinker:

    16 more days?! Bah humbug. I still have some more Christmas presents to get. :grumble:

  • Just checking in ... 176 today, which is 1.2lbs down from when I weighed in a week ago. I know I won't reach my goal by Christmas, but I'll darned sure try! :)
  • andlofly
    andlofly Posts: 62 Member
    Doing good so far...

    Starting wt - 142
    Current wt - 138.5
    Goal wt - 137
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