You have 500 calories for alcohol. What do you get?



  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Well, the new Diet Schmirnoff Vodka is only 75cal. per a 1.5oz shot soooo... pretty F****** drunk!

    It sounds good but it's only 60 proof not 80. So basically your just paying more for watered down vodka.


    Ehhh, it tastes ok, and at least for me I take as many shots as the non-diet stuff. So for me at least, I get drunk enough taking the same amount of shots.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Yeah, I appreciate nice stuff too, however, it's my goal tonight, yup :p

    Heh, okay, fair enough. Have fun and be safe!
  • Barbs2222
    Barbs2222 Posts: 433 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Well, the new Diet Schmirnoff Vodka is only 75cal. per a 1.5oz shot soooo... pretty F****** drunk!

    It sounds good but it's only 60 proof not 80. So basically your just paying more for watered down vodka.


    Ehhh, it tastes ok, and at least for me I take as many shots as the non-diet stuff. So for me at least, I get drunk enough taking the same amount of shots.

    Thanks for the type check. Edited so as not to offend.

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I have 500 calories for alcohol? I get nachos instead.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member

    If you can get drunk in 500 calories, you're even more of a lightweight than I am. (And since I started watching calories and losing weight, I've become a serious lightweight. And I don't mean on the scale.)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm silly after 3 beers. When I drank more and weighed about 60 pounds more, I could hang a little better. Not anymore.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Well, the new Diet Schmirnoff Vodka is only 75cal. per a 1.5oz shot soooo... pretty F****** drunk!

    It sounds good but it's only 60 proof not 80. So basically you're just paying more for watered down vodka.
    Yes, paying vodka prices for water. Please don't. Buy real vodka and water it down. Or just drink a glass of water in between vodkas.

    (Korrecting others' grammer or spelling is agianst the rools. :( )

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Barbs2222 wrote: »
    Well, the new Diet Schmirnoff Vodka is only 75cal. per a 1.5oz shot soooo... pretty F****** drunk!

    It sounds good but it's only 60 proof not 80. So basically you're just paying more for watered down vodka.
    Yes, paying vodka prices for water. Please don't. Buy real vodka and water it down. Or just drink a glass of water in between vodkas.

    (Korrecting others' grammer or spelling is agianst the rools. :( )

    I didn't "attack" though. I may be interpreting it incorrectly, but I imagine it would be like "your opinion is dumb and you can't spell anyway" rather than just a simple *you're. If it is against the rules no matter how it's pointed out, I apologize for that but it was not meant to be a meanie-pants. I admit I am rather irked by spelling errors so... eh.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    edited February 2015
    amcook4 wrote: »
    Diet coke + rum

    This with anything, and after 5 of these who cares how many more you that point its party time....

    Personally, I only count alcohol that I drink when at home, so a couple of beers, glass or 2 wine ( I share a bottle with the wife over a meal) or the weekend cocktails......if I am going on a night out then they don't count, only the food......I don't care if that is cheating, its my way of enjoying point stressing over how many drinks you can have, I say have more, the next day you will feel that rough you will not eat as much, making up for the alcohol........ :#
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Miller Lite all the way
  • MustLoveCats21
    I don't drink alcohol. So with 500 calories, I would eat a 100grams of Lindt chocolate... :trollface:
  • Blind_Pilot
    Blind_Pilot Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 2015
    i had a bottle of rose wine last night that (according to mfp) is 501 calories x
  • kmccann357
    kmccann357 Posts: 91 Member
    All the gin and low cal tonic.
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    Ok so this thread got me thinking, so looked some stuff up.

    Found this site might be useful to all you alcoholics out there...

    This is my info


    Wish I had not now I looked at how bad have I really been with alcohol over the yrs......and wow some of my bad days when I drank a lot (in my young stupid adolescence) it does not dare thinking about what amount of calories I drank in a day.....(hence my beer belly on the left)

    This is not bragging / showing off or feeling sorry for myself in any way, this is just how I grew up, but I grew up in a working class town in a cold rainy town in Yorkshire, men are men round these parts and we all like to drink, I am also what you would class as a typical English football hooligan type (not actually a hooligan but its that sort of thing, I did used go to football with 20 to 50 mates being loud and obnoxious getting as drunk as possible most weekends, and every Friday night was a ritual to be out from 5pm till 2am after a hard weeks graft at work, stumble home with a kebab or a curry, then get up at 6 am to meet for the bus to the football, buy an 8 pack for the bus, and the day would start again, but this went on longer, drink yourself sober 3 times in the day....until you pass out and get carried home at midnight) with out exaggerating it would very easy be possible to drink 12 + pints of lager Sambuca / vodka / schnapps / shots here and there,(I have always had a very high tolerance to drink, easy to drink that much when you are out in pubs for 10 to 14 hrs a day too, you get used to it) and end up on bottles of *kitten* alcopops later or brandy and coke / southern comfort and ginger ales for the last 3 hours of the night..... and that 1 or 2 or 3 times every week for 10 or 15 yrs.... It was how we did things in my world, I still do from time to time, but no where near the quantity.....

    I am 41 now and thankfully I have calmed down to where I only go out now for special occasions with friends or to the odd footy game here and there (can never get the football out of my blood) I have a lovely wife and home and now I want to change the other way and lose the belly from all those yrs of neglect (I do not regret one of my days out I have enjoyed every minute of them and met some of the most amazing people in that time too)

    I lost 60lbs last time using MFP, now I am back for round 2, the last 20 to 40 (if I'm lucky) to go....been a long time coming, but I am getting rid of the alcohol related damage at last....

    My tipple of choice now is mainly Rum, I still have the odd lager, couple bottle at home before / with a meal, or wine with a meal etc, but mainly I drink Rum, with coke zero at least....or usually I have it with Diet ginger ale and either fresh pineapple or orange juice, a couple of big shots with them 2 or 3 a night is plenty for me now, and with me now working permanent nights I do not drink in the week at all, so once or twice a week with a meal is my limit now...... I was writing this reply it got me to wondering how much was actually in my cocktails that I make (bit of a famous thing of mine as it tastes like pop so you drink it fast in summer and it packs a punch...)

    Anyway....I ended up doing myself a chart for how much was in my drinks....make for interesting reading (for data geeks that is....see thread - - to see what I am like)

    Here is my summer cocktail recipe for anyone that's interested.....

  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    I now have it in my head to find the most alcoholic drink for the least calories.....thank OP....more spreadsheets to follow.....
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    Bourbon, rye, scotch...neat or on the rocks.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    fatjon73 wrote: »
    I now have it in my head to find the most alcoholic drink for the least calories.....thank OP....more spreadsheets to follow.....


    Something like 99.8% of calories from alcohol.

    ETA: Scroll about halfway down for a ranked list by calorie:alcohol ratio. Everclear is #1, then vodka.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    segacs wrote: »

    If you can get drunk in 500 calories, you're even more of a lightweight than I am. (And since I started watching calories and losing weight, I've become a serious lightweight. And I don't mean on the scale.)

    I am a one drink max girl. Even the last few sips in a bottle of beer are iffy for me.
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member