Low Carb Healthy Fats anyone?

I have been encouraged to give this a go because of reported health benefits, as well as much needed weight loss. The testimonials I have read gave me a kick start. This is totally different way of eating to me but one that appeals. Only half a dozen days in, but so far, so good. Not expecting miracles, but I have been gluten intolerant for a few years so this concept just takes it further. I am looking for others who are trying a similar lifestyle, and hope we can share ideas and recipes?


  • Sounds like something my daughter is trying. Two of her kids are gluten intollerant so she had to make some changes and she's trying to keep her food in with the kids.
  • Eileen_T
    Eileen_T Posts: 26 Member
    It certainly makes it easier if you can cook the same for the family. I just cook for 2 now, but my husband eats a conventional diet so it might be a challenge unless I can convince him to give it a try!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Some authors suggest low carbohydrate foods with fat sources emphasizing MUFA and n-3 PUFA (e.g., omega-3 eggs, avocado, salmon, sardines, meat, poultry, olive oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds) although there was little if any detriment in a higher saturated fat approach.
  • Eileen_T
    Eileen_T Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, its a totally different mindset to what I grew up with, and despite being reassured that coconut oil & butter (aaarghh sat fat) is not bad, I have to continue to do the research to convince myself. I know my body feels better eating this way.
  • Eileen_T
    Eileen_T Posts: 26 Member
    I will go and check them out, thank you! I have been easing into this for 6 days now. I was gluten intolerant so have modified my diet over tbe past 3 years. However, I have now eliminated g.f. cereals and breads, and reduced other carbs, though I still have a little way to go. Today is day 6 and I woke with a really yucky taste in my mouth, and having a little flop. Someone please tell me that this is normal and will go away!
  • The metallic taste is normal on a low carb diet. Not much to combat it... Keep drinking lots of water. I have had great success with low carb diets over the years but had been so hard for me to maintain... I have a huge sweet tooth!
  • Eileen_T
    Eileen_T Posts: 26 Member
    I will eat sweet things if they are in front of me, but I dont crave them. Actually I dont snack much either, so I am lucky that way. My major problem is inactivity. Arthritic knees restrict me to walking mostly. I just need the energy to do more of it.