Need to understand body fat %!



  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Strength training your legs won't make them look bulky, but it will help you maintain the muscle you have and your legs will look more shapely. Just losing weight (muscle mass will come off as part of that weight) will not get you shapely will get you skinny legs, There's a difference, imo
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So my BMR is 1297, and my TDEE is 1896. I eat 1600 calories a day and burn 200-300 calories 4-5 days a week. Basically, I'm just confused to 'if I'm doing it right' or not.

    if you're losing weight then yes, you're doing it right.

    for fat loss to reduce your bodyfat % you need to give some thought to your workout routine and protein intake.
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    My plan was to go for skinny legs, and then build the muscle. As last year, I went for muscle gain as well as fat loss, and I just built muscle on the fat... haha.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My plan was to go for skinny legs, and then build the muscle. As last year, I went for muscle gain as well as fat loss, and I just built muscle on the fat... haha.

    you cant build muscle and lose fat at the same time (other than a bit of newbie gains) its VERY hard for a woman to gain muscle so deliberately trying to lose muscle isnt recommended.
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    I'm not trying to lose it, I lost it by stopping working out for months on end. I'm trying to lose the fat, not muscle. I still do ab work/leg work, just not as much as cardio.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    It's hard to convince anyone who has a perception about their body, that it isn't so as far as others looking, but fwiw, your legs are not out of proportion at all from what I see. Continued weight loss without strength training will result in more muscle loss....maybe not much with only a 5lb goal, but there will be some if your bf is only 22% now....some of that 5lbs will have to be muscle....and as Tavistock says, it's hard to build back. You can maintain what you have easier than get it back once it's gone.
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    edited February 2015
    Ok thanks for the advice, I'll try and incorporate more strength workouts into my week alongside the cardio :) I really want to get into swimming, is that classed as cardio or strength also?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’m looking at your profile picture and you do not have big legs.

  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    From a side view they're pretty wide and covered in cellulite. I can pinch like several inches of fat on each one haha. Thanks for the concern but I don't have Body dysmorphic disorder!
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I’m looking at your profile picture and you do not have big legs.

    This. You have thin legs. You even have that coveted-by-some thigh gap. If you want legs like a Victoria's Secrets model, strap on some sky high heels and use photoshop like they do. ;)
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    I don't want skinny legs, I want the cellulite gone and a smidge less weight on them!!

    Fed up of people saying 'you don't need to lose weight'. I know I don't, but I'm trying to turn my health around for the better, so that in the long run I live a happy healthy life. Losing a bit of leg fat so that I don't look out of proportion is NOT a big deal people!!
  • marcolbmp
    marcolbmp Posts: 92 Member
    @katiejanecollins‌ First let me start by saying that if your profile picture is accurate, you look absolutely stunning. That being said, if you are trying to change the look of your legs, doing the same cardio/HIIT workout numerous times a week is not going to get you there.
    You should consider adding in strength training a few times a week. Exercises like squats, step-up lunges, dumbbell jump squats, abductor and adductor work will all get your legs looking very tight.

    All too often people focus specifically on cardio and end up looking much thinner, but not what they were hoping for. If you want to look like an athlete, train like one.

    For calories, check out the calculator on Scooby's Workshop, it's very accurate and has worked well for me, better than the MFP calculator.
    Also, don't factor in calories burned from strength training, only from your HIIT training.

    If you're interested, I'd be happy to share a few workouts I've used with other females that they had great success with.

    Good luck!
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you for your response marcolbmp, and for not judging me by my pic! I love squats, but my knee plays up a lot making it tricky :neutral_face: I'll look for an alternative!
  • GeorgiPorgi1989
    GeorgiPorgi1989 Posts: 30 Member
    From someone who is also small and has legs as problem areas, I understand how you're feeling.

    I think you are where I am about a year ago, doing a lot of cardio but not seeing the toned up results you want.

    Just a couple of things first, unfortunately cellulite is just a part of life for us women, there's no special exercises or creams or workouts which will get rid of that apart from trying to gain muscle which gives your skin to have a more 'smooth' appearance, if that makes any sense. Secondly, if you want to lose 'a smidge' of weight on your legs, that's fine, personal preference, however you can't spot reduce fat, you just have to do the calculations of calories in/calories out and add some exercise and fat will come off everywhere.

    But anyway, back to my original thought process, I believe you are where I was a year ago, one big thing has changed my life, my legs and my confidence. Lifting weights. And not just the odd light dumbell, I mean serious weights.

    On here are some amazing women who have shown that lifting weights works wonders, it helps strengthen your muscle, maintain or increase (depending on diet), seems to help the cellulite issue, gives shape to legs... it works completely differently to your cardio work outs.

    In a nutshell, cardio helps your calorie deficit and helps you to lose body fat however you might still seem to have areas of 'flab' or pockets of fat.

    Look up Stronglifts or other weight lifting begineers programs. I seriously can't recommend enough. Not only now do I have more confidence, shapely legs, arms, bum, abs... I also get a lot of praise in the gym, a lot from regulars in there, for how much weight I can lift!

    Do it, you won't regret it.
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you GeorgiPorgi1989, I'm so glad someone gets where I'm coming from! I've heard good things about weight lifting, just been scared that it'll bulk me up. Also, I never feel like I've worked out enough if I'm not sweating from a crazy cardio sessions - which I know is wrong. Do you have a before and after pic of your legs? Intrigued to see what weights can do!
  • GeorgiPorgi1989
    GeorgiPorgi1989 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't... for the simple reason I hardly used to take any photos of myself or legs (apart from face ones!) before I started as I reallllly didn't like myself. Being on here has made me wish I had taken more before photos so I can compare... That's probably why it's taken me a while to see differences because I'm just relying on my own memory rather than photographic evidence.

    But have a look on the forums on here, in the success stories, in fitness exercise, there's loads of women showing the positives of weight training.

    And trust me, you won't bulk up. Women aren't built that way. The only way you could bulk up is by serious serious lifting and meticuously watching your diet and every gram that goes into your mouth. For us every day folk, stick to a good diet, good amounts of protein, good few weight lifting sessions and trust me, you will see the world of difference.

    If you're part of a gym then go speak to a trainer, they'll be able to point you in the right direction.
  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    Fab thank you so much! I had peek at your diary and what you eat for breakfast is similar to me, but your lunches and dinners are far more nutritional in terms of protein etc! Might have to get me some steamed veg and chicken for lunch instead of my usual ham salad wrap and snack a jacks!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    edited February 2015
    Cellulite is genetic and there's not much you can do to "rid" yourself of it if your body weight is close to where it should be. Even thin females have cellulite.

    There are topical creams that help camoflauge them, but they are just temporary.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • katiejanecollins
    katiejanecollins Posts: 236 Member
    I never used to have it, it's just since I gained weight, which is what made me think it would go if I lost the weight! Maybe not... damn.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    I never used to have it, it's just since I gained weight, which is what made me think it would go if I lost the weight! Maybe not... damn.
    Research it. You'll find that it's at the cellular level and really the only TRUE way to rid yourself of it is surgery (removal). Now you can reduce it's appearance by having a lower body fat %, but unfortunately you can't target where you want fat to be lowered on the body by eating or exercise. Body fat is lost systematically so if you lose 1%, it comes from all over. So while you may lose some from your legs, you'll also lose some from your upper body too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
