Should I avoid weighing myself while on my period?



  • Rashanti1
    Rashanti1 Posts: 108 Member
    Up to you. I just skip it. I turn into a water balloon during my period. No point in weighing myself when I already know there's going to be an increase due to water weight and hormones so I just keep it moving.
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member

    You weigh what you weigh when you weigh it.

    Denial or avoidance doesn't change the weight.

    Weigh. Record. Move on.

    Know that things go wonky at that time.

    No big deal.

    Easy to say when you haven't experienced pms :wink: . But seriously I agree, it really is no big deal. If you want to record water retention, go for it. It's a good little moral booster when it drops fast at the end ahaha
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    The numbers will not be a true reflection of your weight loss if taken during your TOM. In that case, Denial and Avoidance are not a bad thing. You can't do diddly squat about that number when you're holding in 3-5 pounds of water; no sense in recording it.
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »

    Doesn't matter. I compare my lowest every month to see my weight fluctuation. I don't need the bloat data.

    Denial and avoidance , FTW, it is, then!



    That's completely dumb.
    So the 10lbs I put on in the 4 days before my period I should track? Because otherwise I'm avoiding and denying the fact that I've put on weight?
    What about the 10lbs of water I piss out on the first two days of my period? I should count that as a loss right? Yay I lost 5lbs in a day!
    You know nothing Jon Snow.

    But seriously, I don't weigh myself in the week covering the few days before and first couple of days of menstruation, but that's because my water retention is particularly bad and I know the scale won't show anything.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I weigh everyday regardless of the circumstances. I like seeing the fluctuations month to month. It helps me know what's a normal fluctuation at that time of the month, versus "hey I really should be eating better. I must have had too much sodium.".
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I weigh myself and record it if I have my period on my normal weigh in day. I note that my period was going on and I know the period weight gain is normal for me and goes away.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Data is good. More data is better.

    I weigh daily. When it starts to fluctuate upwards, combined with my salty food cravings and my overall bad mood, I usually know TOM is on its way. I like seeing the trends, so I can put them into perspective.

    The nice part is the drop that usually happens once it's over. :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »

    Doesn't matter. I compare my lowest every month to see my weight fluctuation. I don't need the bloat data.

    Denial and avoidance , FTW, it is, then!



    That's completely dumb.
    So the 10lbs I put on in the 4 days before my period I should track? Because otherwise I'm avoiding and denying the fact that I've put on weight?
    What about the 10lbs of water I piss out on the first two days of my period? I should count that as a loss right? Yay I lost 5lbs in a day!
    You know nothing Jon Snow.

    But seriously, I don't weigh myself in the week covering the few days before and first couple of days of menstruation, but that's because my water retention is particularly bad and I know the scale won't show anything.

    This. But I guess we have to give him some slack, he's a man, he has no idea what it's like to have to gain 3 pounds in 2 days, then have to pee every 5 minutes and lose 1.5 pound of water weight in one day a couple days into your period (which is SO MUCH FUN I must add).

    I'm also curious about how it's denial and avoidance when I still compare my weight every month following my period. I weigh myself every day for 10 days then, and record the lowest. Is it my 'true' weight? Probably not. But it's the most accurate way of tracking my weight pattern, as it's the only number that doesn't depend on water retention (I typically get my lowest weight for two days).
  • eshults89
    eshults89 Posts: 45 Member
    I weighed myself last week (on it now), and had gained a couple of pounds. there seriously is NO WAY i gained weight. So, I have decided to stop weighing myself a week before and until a couple of days after.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Weigh yourself and expect that it may not reflect the real number. It is better to know how your body reacts to certain hormones. I weigh myself everyday and I know to expect an increase at certain times. Having nearly 3yrs of daily weight checks is how I can accurately tell if what the scale says is water weight or a dietary habit I need to fix.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I weighed myself, but didn't log it... well it hadn't changed so there was nothing to log anyway. I'm expecting a bit of a loss this week though!
  • txrn123
    txrn123 Posts: 47 Member
    edited February 2015
    Having that predicament this week. I was bummed cuz I was on a roll, lost 10 pounds since starting MFP on Jan 15. Then, poof, went the scale. Even though I KNOW this happens every month, I still pouted for a while...well, I'm obviously still pouting. I just try to remind myself that when it is over I will hopefully get to see the water retention AND actual weight loss subtracted from what I am seeing now! LOL, and I am so glad you started this thread cuz I wanted so bad to post my pouting on MFP but was worried people would say "Um, TMI....."
  • rnb1127
    rnb1127 Posts: 23 Member
    OR you can buy a scale that measures body fat and water weight so when it comes around to that time of month, you should see body fat lower but water weight increased and you don't freak out :)
  • PoisonIvy088
    If the number going up for a little while doesn't freak you out, you can still weigh. Personally I only weigh in once a month. I'm not too bothered with the scale. Actually I'm not bothered with it at all. But my trainer says we have to weigh and meassure once a month. ;)
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    well most women gain a bit while on or before their period. If you can't stand seeing a gain on the scale then aviod it. If not then track it, you may end up with a consistent trend and IMO it never hurts to know more things about you.