How Much Do You Believe?



  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member

    The first time I lost weight, I only kept it off for about 6 months - hadn't gotten rid of clothes, thank god.
    The second time, I kept it off for 7 years and had gotten rid of everything. Had to re-buy, but that's ok. Everything would have been out of style anyway.
    This is the third time. I've been in maintenance for about 2 years. This time, I kept only my favorites and the most expensive pieces; the things I'd be sad not to have if I need them again.

    I know myself by now. If I get injured, or overstressed, or just get goddamned sick and tired of stopping myself from eating and drinking what I want every single waking hour of every single day, I may gain weight again. May as well be prepared.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I got rid of mine while I was still losing...I didn't wait until maintenance to do so.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    in order to make room for all my cute new clothes I had to get rid of them along the way. I still have some favorite fatties around, sweatshirts and pants, but gosh, they are so heavy, I am slowly letting those go too.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have been getting rid of them as I go, for I have no plans to go back. That and the slightly ridiculous side of me knows that IF for any reason I did gain again, what I HAD would no longer be fashionable and I wouldn't want to wear it anyway. No matter what your weight, there's nothing like wearing out of date clothing to make you feel just a little bit worse.
  • pap3rw1ngs
    pap3rw1ngs Posts: 58 Member
    To be honest, I didn't have particularly nice clothes anyway when I was a bigger size and only a few items in each size so I happily and quickly got rid of them as they got too big.
  • jessdunn40
    I was going to wait until my size 8 fit more comfortably( I hate really tight jeans that I can not breathe in when I sit), but I have a bunch that are way to big so tonight they go bye, bye. :smiley:
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,491 Member
    I donated everything once I could no longer wear them without looking ridiculous or showing too much skin (darned V-necks!). Lol. Most of the purging happened before I reached goal. I think my husband sort of freaked out when he saw the size of the donation bags I was preparing. All he said was he admired my resolve. :). I did keep a few of the nicer things that I plan to have altered (if possible). There was a time when I had three pants and five shirts and that's it. I've bought a bit more since then, but for now, my closet looks pretty sparse.

    I currently have two pairs of jeans, two sweatshirts, two 3/4 length sleeved shirts, my work khakis and work polo. They are all too big but I am holding out for warmer weather.

  • Papatoad194
    Papatoad194 Posts: 251 Member
    In the last 5 years I have tossed clothes. I have a slim wardrobe because I interact with Professional on a daily basis. as soon as I do look silly. These will go and I will spend good money on nice fitting clothes. These will be donated to the local thrift and shelters.
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I donated items as my weight loss progressed from a size 12-2. Then I spent a nice chunk of change on a new wardrobe. That was 5+ years ago and I'm never going back!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I went from a 22/24 to an 8/10. With the exception of one pair of pants I wore at my biggest (gotta keep them around for comparison purposes!), I donated everything that is a 16 and above.

    I kept sizes 12 and 14 - why? If I get pregnant, have a health issue, or some crisis comes up, I accept that I might go up a size. So far I haven't needed to touch them (2.5 years at goal weight).
  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    Got rid of them as I was transitioning seasons - as I go through my clothes I have a goodwill bag close at hand. No turning back!!
  • Jolinia
    Jolinia Posts: 846 Member
    I got rid of most of them and when I hit 110 again I am getting rid of the three pair of pants I kept. No going back this time unless I want to go around naked!
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    I've been getting rid of mine as I went along. Like some commenters, I didn't love the clothes I had when I was bigger, they were what was available, rather than what I would have liked. I tend to keep one size bigger, just in case, but if I wear them, I just get annoyed that they fall down or that they don't show off my new shape! It's expensive to replace as you go though- I've been selling my nicer stuff on eBay. I'm looking forward to finding out my final size, working out what suits me at that size and being able to invest properly in my wardrobe over the next few years.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited February 2015
    They're expensive. I altered my favorites immediately. I slowly gave away my other pants or retired them for weekend or gardening wear. I belt my favorite blouses and sweaters and invested in scarves and some great jewelry to make them really take off. I bought skinny pants at Goodwill immediately, slowly bought good ones as they came on sale.

    After a year, I started to seriously give away anything that didn't fit that I didn't love or didn't use for gardening. I have slowly bought skinny basics like camisoles and tees and wear my really nice but now too big shirts and blouses over them like jackets - sometimes bloused with belts, sometimes lose, sometimes with scarves or necklaces. I also really, really got into dressing kind of kicky. It's been fun and not terribly costly.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I don't even like the kind of clothes I use to wear so it is easy to give them up. I use to never wear anything fitted and I don't think I have had a tshirt on since I lost the weight. I never wear stretch pants now, I wear jeans around the house so didn't mind giving them up. My shirts are more fitted, heck even my sweat shirts are fitted compared to big sloppy ones.
  • jane837
    jane837 Posts: 68 Member
    I donated/sold my clothes periodically as they became too big -- the only leftovers I have are a couple of pairs of pajama pants that are one size too large (which I plan to replace next time I go clothes shopping), and an oversized sweatshirt that I will wear forever because it's cozy. ;)

    As much as I love clothes shopping, I have done FAR too much of it in the last 3-4 years to keep up with my changing size. I'm glad to be maintaining so I can start using that money for other things.
  • jcim1ru
    jcim1ru Posts: 40 Member
    Gone, donated, sold, consigned, given to friends - OUT OF MY CLOSET FOREVER!

    The moment they were something I would not consider wearing they were goners. It was my statement to myself of never going back. No "fat pants", no "slouch clothes" - even my gardening clothes went in the trash and I went to Goodwill and splurged a whole $5 on replacements - IF I couldn't find suitable replacements by raiding my two son's closets from the clothes they wore in middle school or high school and left behind when they headed off to college.

    I wear plenty of my 2 sons hand-me-up t-shirts and I have stolen the younger sons hand-me-up Levis for gardening and even capris and shorts (he prefers the 514 cut).
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I had a whole bunch of clothes from high school hiding out in the basement of my parent's house. They were all 14/16 size shirts and pants from Lane Bryant. I'm currently a size 22/24. The idea was that I was hoping eventually to fit back into those clothes. Seeing as it's been 9 years since I graduated high school, I figured when I get back down to that size I'm going to want all new clothes anyway, so I had my mom dump them.

    I think I'll take the suggestion someone else mentioned of keeping sizes one size up, and then once I'm two sizes too small I'll donate them.
  • Annanna91
    Annanna91 Posts: 54 Member
    I always bag up my old clothes and put them in a clothing bank which then goes to charity. I can understand why people hold on to their bigger clothes, but I'm just like "heck, I want my wardrobe full of nice clothes I can actually wear."

    For me, I just look at old photos to see how far I've come.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I bagged up the 14/12s as soon as I fit back in to size 10... I am now a size 6/and sometimes 8's and the 10's are gone. I bought a "capsule wardrobe of basics" and follow Project 333. (google it). I am committed to getting to a work and business casual wardrobe of less than 33 garments. No need to keep old baggy clothes that make me feel dowdy.