Would you log gardening as exersize?



  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member

    Mowing the lawn, walking around in a decreasing square for 20mins. Not really getting the heart poundig so no.

    Digging a giant garden where your sweating an diggin for 2 hours then yeah probably record it.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Anything I did (like housework, yard work) on a regular basis while getting fat I don't log. When I went up to my moms at Thanksgiving and hauled brush and downed trees on her front acreage for 8-10 hours on two days I counted it (though I cut the calories burned given by MFP in 1/3).
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    It depends. Put your activity level in as lightly or moderately active to account for your cleaning work. Gardening can be logged as exercise, but only if you are digging, doing heavy lifting, pitch forking stuff rather than just being on hands and knees weeding or standing around watering things. If your gardening is very strenuous, sweat- and sore muscle-inducing work, then log more than half of that time-- last spring when I was putting in my garden and working hard for hours at a time, I only logged some of it and ended up losing a bunch more weight than I meant to. Of course, if you're not at your goal, losing a little faster than planned for a short time is no big deal!
  • ChickenLittle1121
    ChickenLittle1121 Posts: 32 Member
    I think it really depends on how vigorous the gardening was, and how out of routine it is for you. If, say, you were planting a new garden, and digging for hours and whatnot, and it's something you don't usually do, then I'd log it (but likely only half of what MFP says). If you did all that, but it's an everyday thing for you, then you should probably include that activity in your "activity level" thing under your profile settings, and not log it separately.

    As an example, I spent 45 minutes today digging my car out of 16 inches of snow. That, thankfully, is not an everyday thing for me, so I logged it as half that amount of time, just to give me a little confidence boost! :)
  • pjcfrancis
    pjcfrancis Posts: 121 Member
    Gardening can be really good exercise, if you are doing something vigorous like digging a garden, but if you're kneeling and weeding, probably not so. My yard is very steep so hauling the weeds and debris to the compost area at the end of the yard is like climbing two flights of stairs.