27 years old & looking for weight loss friends

Hi All,

I'm really looking for a pal (or few!) to help keep motivated. I'm losing about 20 lbs, and am getting nowhere. I think having a team of support is so important, so if anyone is interested in being friends...

About me: 27 years old, living in Boston, aspiring fashion designer, trying to eat healthier, doing bikram, wants to get back into running (too much snow), has a bf who eats poorly/ doesn't exercise & doesn't gain weight, pear shaped and frustrated with my hips & thighs.

Whose in?



  • wendyjane86
    wendyjane86 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there! I'm totally in! :)

    I'm 28 and live in Michigan. While I have quite a bit more weight to lose then you, I'm also trying to get back into running (well jogging, technically lol). We also have too much snow to run but I got a treadmill a few months back fortunately so I'm just using that for now.

    I also have a boyfriend who eats poorly and doesn't exercise either and he is way skinnier than me so I totally understand your frustration!! We live together as well so it's even harder to stay on track with him always eating horrible right in front of me! :'(

    Anyway I'll send you a friend request!
  • I'm in! I have more weight to lose as well and have a husband that does work out but he can eat a bag of chips in one sitting! And won't gain weight. I'm 25 newly married and currently not working so weight loss is my job for now.
  • dsamaroo12
    dsamaroo12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm also in the Boston area! I'm totally in.
    I'm a huge yo yo dieter, so trying to find that balance/ trying to find friends who understand the struggle and will motivate!
  • jadowns
    jadowns Posts: 167 Member
    Hello, I'm 24 but support is the key to success! Add me :) My diary is open for all to see.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Hi there!
    I am in too! I'm 32 and I'm working towards losing about 20lbs too.
    My bf eats poorly also! It's like pulling teeth sometimes to get him to be active with me!
    I'm also looking for some more support if anyone wants to add me. I've been doing OK the past month and a half and would love to have more peeps to share it with!
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    You're welcome to add me! 25 years old with about 35 pounds left to go.
  • FritoGirl4life
    FritoGirl4life Posts: 25 Member
    28, in Oklahoma! Trying to lose 30 more pounds, already lost 10! Could use all the support and would love to support you as well!
  • Cantaloupe321
    Cantaloupe321 Posts: 53 Member
    28, Atlanta. I could use some more friends on here too. Trying to loose 17, lost 9 so far!
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    28 in ACT Australia! I'm originally from NH. Looking to look 10lbs, lost about 5. If I reach my 10lb goal, I want to lose another 10~
  • teresa__b
    teresa__b Posts: 2 Member
    27 in NYC, feel free to add me! I have 20 pounds to go :smiley:
  • TaraPrettyTeeth
    TaraPrettyTeeth Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking for friends! I am 29 and in upstate NY! Looking for more friends. :)
  • aubreyjordan
    aubreyjordan Posts: 276 Member
    25 in Orlando, looking to lose 22 more pounds. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • givenchyfit
    givenchyfit Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in!!! 34 yrs old and 210 lbs. I'd like to get down about 70 to 80 lbs. Would love any pals for motivation and support, so anyone please feel free to add me. You can do this! I just started using the friends feature this week and my motivation and desire to get fit has really taken off with more positive feedback.
  • lindsayjcode
    lindsayjcode Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in too! I have about 20 more to lose as well :) I'm from Nova Scotia, Canada. Feel free to add me as well!
  • kristynicole4
    kristynicole4 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm about 20-25 as well. 25 years old from Canada. Teacher, living in Ottawa, single and tired of bad dates. I have better eating habits during week but binge or go out for pints on weekends. I can force myself to the gym but low with power. Night snacker. I could use all the motivation I can get! Names Kristy. Anyone, add away!
  • bebabest1000
    bebabest1000 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too!! Anyone feel free to add me. I am looking for friends on here to motivate me and that I can motivate in return! :-)
  • Aviatorgirl2004
    Hey everyone! Im 33 living in MN. I want to lose about 20 lbs too. I was working out but quit the gym when i was moving in october and havent gone back yet. I struggle with the healthy eating part too when i go away for work. Im.not sure how to add people or anything, im new to the friends feature n posting part. But i wish everyone the best of luck and feel free to add me!
  • Eshacat84
    Eshacat84 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm in looking to lose 35lbs
  • dev8803
    dev8803 Posts: 4 Member
    hey there!! am 26 yrs old.. living in singapore.. i need to lose about 25lbs too to fit in the clothes i purchased hardly a year back.. its been a stressful year for me that made me snack on ben n jerries and pile on pounds.. especially around my hips and waist.. need all the motivation i could possibly get..
  • lishawicks
    lishawicks Posts: 3 Member
    Well everyone feel free to add me as well. I'm a recently single mother of three. And I seriously need to get back in shape. Oldest is 10 youngest is a few months and I'm turning 30 in June. So I am hoping to loose 20 lbs by then, so really need the motivation. So add me and I will keep you accountable and vice versa