

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    yeah, I lost something crazy like 5 pounds in the first weekend of dieting and my starting weight was only 140. It just comes off quickly in the beginning and then slowed down to more like a pound a week.
  • jquick25
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    yeah, I lost something crazy like 5 pounds in the first weekend of dieting and my starting weight was only 140. It just comes off quickly in the beginning and then slowed down to more like a pound a week.

    thanks :) makes me feel a bit better...bc i dont want to fall back in my old habits of retricting...to the point where its bad......good thing is when this tracking i can take it to the doc with me and they can see what i have been doing....pretty excited for that
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    jquick25 wrote: »
    i have already answered this question liftng4lis....its what the doc put me on....im just doing what he says...when i go back i will ask him again why....im trying to follow what they say bc i struggled in the past

    I see this, but that should be a base. You are earning more through exercise and you need to fuel the tank. You want to do something that is sustainable, thus a lifestyle change.
  • jquick25
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    jquick25 wrote: »
    i have already answered this question liftng4lis....its what the doc put me on....im just doing what he says...when i go back i will ask him again why....im trying to follow what they say bc i struggled in the past

    I see this, but that should be a base. You are earning more through exercise and you need to fuel the tank. You want to do something that is sustainable, thus a lifestyle change.

    so maybe add some snacks to eat back my calories? so i get at 1200 calories net?

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    jquick25 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    jquick25 wrote: »
    i have already answered this question liftng4lis....its what the doc put me on....im just doing what he says...when i go back i will ask him again why....im trying to follow what they say bc i struggled in the past

    I see this, but that should be a base. You are earning more through exercise and you need to fuel the tank. You want to do something that is sustainable, thus a lifestyle change.

    so maybe add some snacks to eat back my calories? so i get at 1200 calories net?

    Absolutely. You should be at 1200 and half your exercise calories, minimally!
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    1200 seems awfully low for someone your size. I am 245 and eat between 1700-1800 and have been losing steadily. If you don't want to go higher because of your doctor, then I would at least eat back your exercise calories.
    The first few weeks, the weight definitely comes off faster, especially if you have more to lose. It'll stabilize and slow down a bit as you keep going.
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 176 Member
    I also dropped 10 in the first 2 weeks, it was a nice kickstart. I am holding pretty steady at 1.5 lost per week now. I see you will be discussing questions with your doctor, that's good. Be informed and an active participant in making decisions about your health. You are paying for your doctor's services, ask for expanations until you are satisfied and don't feel hurried out of your appointment. Good luck to you!!!
  • jquick25
    thanks everyone for the positive help it means alot to me
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Your diary looks like you eat 850 to 1080 calories a day. I went back about a week and half. You are not eating your exercise calories.

    I am confused but isn't eating 850 to 1080 restricting?

    And dropping 1.5 pounds a day is impossible even if it is water and in order to do that, you would have to had stop eating all together and limiting fluid for many days...which when you start eating and drinking again it comes back..

    So eating 850 to 1080 would cause weight loss with exercise but 1.5 a day? Impossible...

  • jquick25
    gia07 wrote: »
    Your diary looks like you eat 850 to 1080 calories a day. I went back about a week and half. You are not eating your exercise calories.

    I am confused but isn't eating 850 to 1080 restricting?

    And dropping 1.5 pounds a day is impossible even if it is water and in order to do that, you would have to had stop eating all together and limiting fluid for many days...which when you start eating and drinking again it comes back..

    So eating 850 to 1080 would cause weight loss with exercise but 1.5 a day? Impossible...

    I think i need to add some snacks to get my calories up...because i eat three meals a day and its still under 1200 so i think starting today i am going to add some healthy snacks inbetween my meals to get it up
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    It kind of sounds like you started out way too aggressive, but anecdotally I can say yes it does happen, especially at first. I dropped a good 15 lbs my first two weeks (no big exercises other than what I normally do anyway, eating as close to the calories MFP gave me - 1700 at the time - as possible), it tapered off to about .5-1 lb/wk for quite a while, then in the last week it's shot back up to .5-1 lb/day (I've lost a pound since yesterday).

    However, you can also vary up to 5 lbs (up or down) within a day, especially if you're hormonal or exercising a lot (causing water build up/quick releases), due to meal volume (not meal calories -- volume as in weight), etc.

    So really, it's better to average weekly or even monthly rather than day-to-day. You could appear to lose a pound a day only to find at the end of the week you're only down a pound from same time last week, which can be really discouraging. You can also appear not to lose at all, but your clothes will keep getting more loose (just prior to my current sudden drop again I hadn't lost in over a week, but went down 1.5 pants sizes!). Losing weight is not at all linear, but so long as the trend is generally downward, you're good.

    I've been at it around 7.5 months and it's averaged all told to just under 2 lbs/wk.
  • tlw9903
    tlw9903 Posts: 8 Member
    niecey61 wrote: »
    Doctors usually have no idea how to lose weight. The 1200 calorie thing is a textbook number to go to. May see a Registered Dietician??
    Also, how are you working on your emotional eating?

    ^^^This is so true!!

    I am a registered dietitian and frequently see doctors handing out completely arbitrary numbers. Don't go by this. I would use what MFP tells you or calculate the TDEE method (or, see a RD!!! They can help you with the emotional eating aspect too).
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Your diary looks like you eat 850 to 1080 calories a day. I went back about a week and half. You are not eating your exercise calories.

    I am confused but isn't eating 850 to 1080 restricting?

    And dropping 1.5 pounds a day is impossible even if it is water and in order to do that, you would have to had stop eating all together and limiting fluid for many days...which when you start eating and drinking again it comes back..

    So eating 850 to 1080 would cause weight loss with exercise but 1.5 a day? Impossible...

    It's not impossible, especially at the beginning of the diet. She's lost 10lbs in 10 days which equates to a pound a day. I'd say losing that much in the first couple of weeks is fairly normal especially if you have a lot to lose. It will mostly be water, but a lot of people lose a stone or more in the first couple of weeks.

    I did on 1409 cal

  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Your diary looks like you eat 850 to 1080 calories a day. I went back about a week and half. You are not eating your exercise calories.

    I am confused but isn't eating 850 to 1080 restricting?

    And dropping 1.5 pounds a day is impossible even if it is water and in order to do that, you would have to had stop eating all together and limiting fluid for many days...which when you start eating and drinking again it comes back..

    So eating 850 to 1080 would cause weight loss with exercise but 1.5 a day? Impossible...

    It's not impossible, especially at the beginning of the diet. She's lost 10lbs in 10 days which equates to a pound a day. I'd say losing that much in the first couple of weeks is fairly normal especially if you have a lot to lose. It will mostly be water, but a lot of people lose a stone or more in the first couple of weeks.

    I did on 1409 cal

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    jquick25 wrote: »

    so maybe add some snacks to eat back my calories? so i get at 1200 calories net?

    YES. You should not net lower than 1200 on most days. Once in a while it's OK but you should strive for 1200 as your minimum net. Just be careful how much credit you give yourself for exercise - MFP gives an awful lot of points for really trivial exercise (i.e., it gives me like 300 calories for 30 minutes of bowling! Come on there is NO WAY! LOL)

    I don't always eat back my exercise calories but then again I am eating 1400-1525 per day. My goal is set at 1475. I may up it to 1525 just so it doesn't turn red when I go over. Sometimes I do eat them back, if I am either a) hungry, or b) really want a treat (like wine. wine, wine, wine..and now it's thin mint girl scout cookies.)

    The point is to do something sustainable, that doesn't make you miserable. Because then you'll be able to do it FOREVER.

    Fortunately for me I do not "stress" or "emotional" eat - I DON'T want to eat when I'm stressed or anxious or depressed - I just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate for a while. I tend to "graze snack" when I am watching TV or just bored - I've been known to eat an entire box of Froot Loops in one sitting, if I'm marathon watching Criminal Minds or something. :P

    Now if I want to do that I pour myself a bowl of Froot Loops or whatever, and count the calories, and realize I have to work that off. Totally makes me more willing to just sip water while watching Hotch and Morgan round up the bad guys....lol
  • rayrayfitz
    rayrayfitz Posts: 80 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    jquick25 wrote: »

    so maybe add some snacks to eat back my calories? so i get at 1200 calories net?

    YES. You should not net lower than 1200 on most days. Once in a while it's OK but you should strive for 1200 as your minimum net. Just be careful how much credit you give yourself for exercise - MFP gives an awful lot of points for really trivial exercise (i.e., it gives me like 300 calories for 30 minutes of bowling! Come on there is NO WAY! LOL)

    I don't always eat back my exercise calories but then again I am eating 1400-1525 per day. My goal is set at 1475. I may up it to 1525 just so it doesn't turn red when I go over. Sometimes I do eat them back, if I am either a) hungry, or b) really want a treat (like wine. wine, wine, wine..and now it's thin mint girl scout cookies.)

    The point is to do something sustainable, that doesn't make you miserable. Because then you'll be able to do it FOREVER.

    Fortunately for me I do not "stress" or "emotional" eat - I DON'T want to eat when I'm stressed or anxious or depressed - I just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate for a while. I tend to "graze snack" when I am watching TV or just bored - I've been known to eat an entire box of Froot Loops in one sitting, if I'm marathon watching Criminal Minds or something. :P

    Now if I want to do that I pour myself a bowl of Froot Loops or whatever, and count the calories, and realize I have to work that off. Totally makes me more willing to just sip water while watching Hotch and Morgan round up the bad guys....lol

    Might be worth saying it depends on the OP height.

    I'm 5'1 and when set to sedentary tells me I need 1000 cals. Which I posted about and don't understand as it tells you not to eat less than 1200. A couple of ppl said that MFP when completing diary says you should eat no lower than 1000-1200 cals so maybe MFP are lowering their calorie goals?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    jquick25 wrote: »
    i am 26 female and weigh 281 starting weight 291. I exercise 5 days a week for 30-40 min. I have a treadmill that you enter your weight in it and set the amount of time and it puts together a workout for you. Is the amount of calories they say i burn right?? I think it would be since you put in your weight.....but i am not sure....also i eat 1200 a day and i feel full if i dont i eat a bit more....is it normal to drop a pound to 1.5 in a day everyday? I want to do this the right way this time! btw my treadmill is killing my butt.....i walk on inclines most of the time but i try to run at a pace of 4.2 for at these 3 to 5 mins of the time. 2 weeks into the new lifestyle. thanks

    At first, it's normal to drop weight quickly; At 281 (congrats on 10 pounds gone! :D), you are okay losing weight quickly, but I advise that you do so under the doctor's supervision.

    You can eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight. In fact, I'd say 1200 is too few for you with your stated weight.

    As time goes on and you lose more weight, your goals will need to be adjusted too. As we get smaller, so do our caloric needs (there goes that myth I used to believe where smaller people could eat more calories. :neutral_face:)

    Two weeks is excellent, by the way. Keep it up!
  • jquick25
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    jquick25 wrote: »
    i am 26 female and weigh 281 starting weight 291. I exercise 5 days a week for 30-40 min. I have a treadmill that you enter your weight in it and set the amount of time and it puts together a workout for you. Is the amount of calories they say i burn right?? I think it would be since you put in your weight.....but i am not sure....also i eat 1200 a day and i feel full if i dont i eat a bit more....is it normal to drop a pound to 1.5 in a day everyday? I want to do this the right way this time! btw my treadmill is killing my butt.....i walk on inclines most of the time but i try to run at a pace of 4.2 for at these 3 to 5 mins of the time. 2 weeks into the new lifestyle. thanks

    At first, it's normal to drop weight quickly; At 281 (congrats on 10 pounds gone! :D), you are okay losing weight quickly, but I advise that you do so under the doctor's supervision.

    You can eat more than 1200 calories and still lose weight. In fact, I'd say 1200 is too few for you with your stated weight.

    As time goes on and you lose more weight, your goals will need to be adjusted too. As we get smaller, so do our caloric needs (there goes that myth I used to believe where smaller people could eat more calories. :neutral_face:)

    Two weeks is excellent, by the way. Keep it up!

    thank you for the postive feed back. I will do whatever ones and try to net 1200 at least..i will bring this all up to my doc next week.
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    jquick25 I just wanted to say that you have a great attitude and seem very positive and motivated. Keep it up!