February Running Challenge



  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member

    2/1 –
    2/2 – 1 mile
    2/3 –
    2/4 – 1 mile
    2/5 -
    2/6 -
    2/7 -1 mile
    2/8 – 3.1 miles
    2/9 - .5 miles
    2/10 – 2.2 miles
    2/11 –
    2/12 – 1 mile
    2/13/ -
    2/14 – 1 mile
    2/15 –
    2/16 – 2.2 miles
    2/17 – 1 mile
    2/18 –
    2/19 – 1 mile

    Goal: 30
    Completed: 15
  • Beaches1960
    Beaches1960 Posts: 15 Member
    Been gone for a couple days but I did try to keep up on my exercise. and try to reach my 30 miles.
    Feb 7- 2.5miles
    Feb 8- rest
    Feb 9- 3.0 miles
    Feb 10- 2.5 miles
    Feb 11-2.5 miles
    Feb 12 bow-flex
    Feb 13- 2.5 miles
    Feb 14- rest
    Feb 15- 2.5 miles
    Feb 16 bow-flex
    Feb 17- 1 mile
    Feb 18 - 2 miles
    Feb 19 - 2 miles

    20.5 miles down 9.5 to go:)

  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    Feb 2....2.25
    Feb 3....6.33
    Feb 5....1.86
    Feb 10..5.85 (+ 4.47 ride but I'm not counting that towards my goal)
    Feb 11..2.4

    Feb 13..2.19
    Feb 14..2.05
    Feb 16..2.25
    Feb 17..6.00


  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    2/1 = 6.5 miles
    2/3 = strength training
    2/4 = 6.5 miles
    2/5 = strength training
    2/6 = 6.5 miles
    2/7 = 5.5 miles
    2/9 = 6.5 miles
    2/10 = strength training
    2/12 = strength training
    2/13 = 6.5 miles
    2/14 = 5 miles
    2/15 = 6 miles
    2/17 = 5 miles
    2/18 = 3 miles
    2/19 = strength training
    2/20 = 6.5 miles
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Aw, it's so nice to come across another with a similar situation. I still haven't gotten it in my head that I CAN'T pace like everyone else. I just keep trying. The AS doesn't sound any better than pars fractures. My sympathies. Thank you so much for the acknowledgement!

    I'll probably have a CT later this year to get a better picture of what's going on. I have an excellent surgeon on hold. I just don't what to give up running. I'm stubborn.

    Blessed miles to you! (And your poor SI joints)

    I had to google this and see exactly what it is. Wow is all I can say, I agree you are a tough one. The fact you are out there running is amazing. Take care of yourself!

    Me and/or LoneWolfRunner? Thanks and we both must be tough or equally obstinate. ;)

    And it's better to keep moving with our conditions. Sedentary means stiffness and achy pain.

    Both of you actually. :smile: Well you both definitely are moving.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 2/6 no running
    2/7 - 2.1 miles
    2/8 - 2.1 miles
    2/9 - PT day so I didn't run
    2/10 - 2.1 miles (amount allowed by PT)
    2/11 - 2.5 miles
    2/12 - 2.0 miles
    2/13 - PT - rest day
    2/14 - 3.5 miles (PT upped me to one 2 mi and one 3 mile run over the weekend)
    2/15 - 2.1 miles
    2/16 - PT - rest day
    2/17 - 2.8 miles (PT said I can start adding miles this week) It was 18 degrees at run time 8 degrees as the feel like temp.
    2/18 - I'm a baby and didn't run in the windy snow
    2/19 - 3.5 miles (8F feels like -3F)
    2/20 - 2.1 miles nice windless 18F hip started to hurt at just a little over a mile so I cut short a bit and headed home :frowning:

    24.8 miles out of 40

    I hope the bad weather we are supposed to get this afternoon doesn't get my PT appointment canceled.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Sorry you had pain. Hopefully you get to PT so he can check it out.

    Feb 1 - 27 mile bike ride.
    Feb 2 - 3 miles
    Feb 3 - strength training
    Feb 4 - 4 miles -
    Feb 5 - rest
    Feb 6 - 3.3 + strength training
    Feb 7 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 8 - sore from biking, so only did a 5 mile walk, not on ticker
    Feb 9 - 4 miles!
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 12 - 4.52
    Feb 13- rest -trainer cancelled. :(
    Feb 14 - 34 mile bike ride.
    Feb 15 - 42 mile bike ride.
    Feb 16- 4.51
    Feb 17 - strength training
    Feb 18 -4.62
    Feb 19 - 4.13
    Feb 20 - strength training

    Oh my, the month is closing in! I think I only have 3 days of running left since I'm biking on the weekend. But it looks like I should hit my goal since I am trying to increase mileage a little bit. Trying to only do 10% a week... because whenever I do a lot more I end up feeling pain.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom - Sorry you had pain. Hopefully you get to PT so he can check it out.

    Oh my, the month is closing in! I think I only have 3 days of running left since I'm biking on the weekend. But it looks like I should hit my goal since I am trying to increase mileage a little bit. Trying to only do 10% a week... because whenever I do a lot more I end up feeling pain.


    Thanks, I'm not concerned it has hurt before and some stretching and rest fixed it.

    You so have this!!

  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    edited February 2015
    Woot! 2nd day in a row, and still no flare-up of spine injury!!
    Fri 2/20 3.73 miles - Speed intervals 1 min, easy run 2min
    Thurs 2/19 2.67 miles - Easy run
    Sat 2/7 2 miles - Easy run
    Feb goal: 48 miles; 39.6 to go
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 5mi, race/pacing
    2 - Birthday, rest day
    3 - 8mi, fast finish
    4 - 10mi, easy
    5 - 9mi, 8x800m (Yasso 800s) at 6:40min/mi
    6 - 8.2mi, easy
    7 - 19.7mi, long/last 8 w/girl
    8 - Rest
    9 - 5mi, easy
    10 - 11.3mi, easy, doubles 8.3+3
    11 - 10mi, easy
    12 - 6mi, pyramid speed day
    13 - 9mi, easy, doubles 6+3
    14 - 6.3, 3.2mi, easy, + 5k race
    15 - Rest
    16 - 5mi, easy
    17 - 8mi, easy
    18 - 12mi, easy
    19 - 8mi, intervals (8x600M @6:00 pace, 200M rests)
    20 - 7mi, easy

    Feb Goal: 200mi

    Total: 147.5mi
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    My husband bought me a treadmill, so gimpy ankle be damned, I couldn't NOT run - I fail my goal for the month, so I'm not even going to add it to my ticker. 2 miles of running for me. Yay! I'm trying to take it easy and heal, but what is HE thinking?
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I swapped out my usual Friday short run for a bit longer 5 mile run. I wanted to get it in before snow comes tonight. I just had some Yaktrax arrive so I will try those out for a shorter run tomorrow.
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    I've been AWOL but I'm still running, looks like exciting things are happening here. The dog scare stories gave me the chills. The photo of Hobbes at the beach is the fantastic- he looks like the happiest pup ever! @Elise4270 and @LoneWolfRunner and a few others here who run through constant pain, I'm in awe of you. Your positive attitude must be your superpower.
    xivy77kedf3q.jpg By the way @Lesleycali I'd love to climb that huge boulder(?) I never see anything like that on my trails. This is trail running in February in NH.
    5n4iut4r5t5e.jpg@skippygirlsmom sorry about the pain in your hip but I just love your positive outlook. The snow on your roof is adorable, here people are actually climbing up and shoveling it off their roofs to prevent collapses. And my road is still just a road, though that's Uncanoonuc Mountain on the horizon.

    _Date___ Miles
    Feb 1 ___17.3 __long first run to start February off right
    Feb 2 ___ 3.5 __8°F another snowstorm
    Feb 3 ___ 5.2 __5°F
    Feb 4 ___ 3.1 __24:41 no where near a record but happy with it just the same.
    Feb 5 ___ 1.4 __streak high winds and snow
    Feb 6 ___ 3.1 __
    Feb 7 ___ 6.2 __ snowing again
    Feb 8 ___ 11.4 __12°F & more snow
    Feb 9 ___ 3.5 __ even more snow
    Feb 10 __ 8.1 __28°F here's that heat wave
    Feb 11 __ 3.6 __and a fun hike up Monadnock
    Feb 12 __ 6.1 __snowing again
    Feb 13 __ 3.1 __ 0°F when I started out -1°F 26 minutes later when I finished.
    Feb 14 __ 5.4 --11°F light snow
    Feb 15 __ 2.7 __ 11°F blowing snow 35mph wind gusts
    Feb 16 __ 1.3 __ 3°F streak
    Feb 17 __ 1.1 __ streak
    Feb 18 __ 6.6 __ 22°F and windy but sunny
    Feb 19 __ 4.0 __ snowing and a little hike up Pack Monadnock
    Feb 20 __ 5.3 __ 12°F & windy but the sun was shining.
    Month total= 101.8miles __48.2remaining


    Current Streak: 180days = 1122.6miles[/quote]

  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member
    2/1--- 10.1 miles, trail
    2/2--- 6 miles, trail
    2/3--- 5.2 miles, street
    2/4--- 5.8 miles, trail
    2/5--- Rest
    2/6--- 6.4 miles, trail
    2/7--- Rest
    2/8--- 13.5 miles, trail
    2/9--- 6.2 miles, trail
    2/10-- 6.1 miles, trail
    2/11-- 7.5 miles, trail
    2/12-- Rest
    2/13-- 7 miles, trail
    2/14-- Rest
    2/15-- 7.3 miles, trail
    2/16-- Rest
    2/17-- 1.5 miles, trail--with my 5 yr old <3
    2/18-- 9 miles, trail
    2/19-- 5 miles, trail

    97 miles done/ 130 goal
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2015
    @fabnine your street is pretty! The PT said the pain was from my hip being weak and said did you hurt it? I said yes in a race in December, so he gave me another exercise to help it. I love that he listens to me and works on what we discuss. He said to continue to add mileage as long as I'm not in pain.

    @Wendy1Fl‌ glad to see your back is good!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So the high today was some thing like 15 and I was an work at the highest. And I just didn't have intestinal fortitude to run outside after my lift inside.

    So this had to do.
    2.5 stead up and downhill work
    Last half mile was farlick sprints every tenth or so roughly.


    And damn. Look at them chubby cheeks! Lol

    That puts me at the following:
    2.12: twenty five min- flat
    2.15: thirty min (best guess)- hill
    2.20 thirty min - intervals/hills

    I'll take it. for a none running runner!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    02/01.... 4.60....... 4.60 - Trail run with hill repeats
    02/02.... 5.75......10.35
    02/03.... 0.00......10.35 - Strength training
    02/04.... 6.00......16.35 - Sore from ^ so 6 miles easy
    02/05.... 3.92......20.27 - Intervals + Strength training
    02/06.... 9.14......29.41 - Long run for the week
    02/07.... 0.00......29.41 - Rest
    02/08.... 2.06......31.47 - Dog Beach!
    02/09.... 5.53......37.00
    02/10.... 6.64......43.64 - + Strength training
    02/11.... 0.00......43.64
    02/12.... 6.83......50.47 - + Strength training
    02/13.... 5.52......55.99
    02/14...11.69......67.68 - hot morning for a long run. Already 80 when we returned home
    02/15.... 0.00......67.68 - Rest
    02/16.... 6.24......73.92
    02/17.... 4.95......78.87 - + Strength training
    02/18.... 6.22......85.09 - + Strength training
    02/19.... 5.96......91.05
    02/20.... 4.97......96.02


    Slow run today the cold (27 which is very cold for me) and the altitude change between Anaheim and Flagstaff really got to me. Had not even considered that a change in altitude would be an issue until it hurt to breathe!
    @fabnine‌ - love the pictures. The trail is beautiful, if impassable and your street looks so icy!
    @JoRocka‌ - watch out we may make you a runner yet! Nice workout on the treadmill!
    @skippygirlsmom‌ - glad the PT wants you to continue and has a solution for that little pain twinge!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @fabine love the pics too. That would be motivation to run! I don't miss the cold, but the snow is praceful. It usually just gets icy here (in southern oklahoma).
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for February

    2/1 REST DAY
    2/2 6.2 miles - 6.2
    2/3 7.16 miles - 13.36
    2/4 REST DAY
    2/5 7 miles - 20.36
    2/6 6.2 miles - 26.56
    2/7 15 miles - 41.56
    2/8 REST DAY
    2/9 9.5 miles 51.06
    2/10 8 miles 59.06
    2/11 6.2 miles - 65.26
    2/12 7.36 miles - 72.62
    2/13 6.2 miles - 78.82
    2/14 15 miles - 93.82
    2/15 REST DAY
    2/16 10 miles - 103.82
    2/17 8 miles - 111.82
    2/18 REST DAY
    2/19 8 miles - 119.82
    2/20 8.4 miles - 128.22


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @dfnewcombe A nice hot shower took care of that. Thank you very much!
    @JoRocka Glad to see you here.