Confused. Mfp has dropped my calorie intake to 930 per day? Pls help



  • snakecake
    snakecake Posts: 19 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Have we ruled out user input error?

    There are alot of posts the past week asking about it---all newbies, so imagine how many aren't asking. I agree that it isn't safe, even if the MFPer is doing something wrong--the site should not go below 1200. Just my opinion. B)

    Yes agreed! Thanks for your imput.
  • snakecake
    snakecake Posts: 19 Member
    katab2014 wrote: »
    It happened to me but I discovered I'd set too high a goal for weekly weight loss

    Still should not go below 1200 calories per day.
  • snakecake
    snakecake Posts: 19 Member
    if you only want to lose should have your goal at 1.5 or 1lb a week and if you're working out 3 times a week, you should be eating at least 1400 and there are better calculators than mfp, you can always get your number and then change it on here manually...

    Yes ok. Thanks. I'm thinking about uping the calories Ana lowering the goals. I'm just worried I will screw it all up. I'm eating really healthy and I feel pretty satisfied when I was doing just the 1200 per day plus exercise
  • snakecake
    snakecake Posts: 19 Member
    Wow, that's crazy!! You should google a BMR calculator and get a better number and I agree with above posters and you should change your goal to 1 lb a week especially now that you are so close to your goal!

    Thank you. I will check that out ;)
  • snakecake
    snakecake Posts: 19 Member
    snakecake wrote: »
    Do .5lb/week. What you have is a glitch, and 2lbs/week is too aggressive for your goals.

    Can I ask you why is it too aggressive for my goals?

    The closer you get to your goal, the more your body wants to hold on to what it has. It knows it needs some weight there. Its quite easy to drop 2 pounds a week when you have 30, 40, 50 + pounds to lose. When you get down to 10 to 20 pounds, you have to really undereat or really exercise hard to do that it seems. Both of which can lead to issues - vitamin deficiencies if you aren't making sure you get all in that you need, injuries from overtraining, decreased performance exercising (because you're so stinking hungry), etc. Nevermind if you do that long enough, there are health consequences. .

    See this as a healthy lifestyle, not a diet. There is no finish line, no end point, no race. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to goal, just that you do. Trying to get there too fast leads to the inevitable falling off the wagon and regaining.

    Hi. I understand what you are saying. I think I have a good mind set. For the first time in a long time. I am eating very nutritious, vegan meals, plenty of greens and beans and nuts. I'm eating lots is smoothies and snacking in between meals. I understand 30lbs in 3 months may be rushed. I did however feel pretty good doing the 1200 calories per day with exercise. But I understand I don't want to harm my body in anyway. So when I change it to 1lb per week it resets it to 1400 calories per day. Funny tho when I still enter 2 lbs per week it now goes to 920!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    snakecake wrote: »
    Right. I'm confused. I do also understand as you loose weight it takes less energy to do fitness so you are not burning as much as you once were at a heavier weight...

    Is this a good mindset? How tall are you?
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    snakecake wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Let's back up a moment here. At 155lbs with 20 to go you should NOT be attempting to lose 2lbs per week.

    Change it to 1lb/week at least for a little longer, then go to 1/2lb per week when you get into your last 10. What you are trying to do is dangerous.

    So it's not ok to continue to drop 2lbs a week?

    Or this?!? Do you understand what your daily calories are in terms of BMR, activity, and exercise?

  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Honestly I don't trust what mfp gives anyone for goals. I never use their recommendation. There is zero percent chance 900 calories is a healthy goal for you. Look elsewhere on the internet for calorie calculators.
  • maries4441
    maries4441 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?
  • maries4441
    maries4441 Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry new to this, thought I had posted in the right place, Thanks
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    maries4441 wrote: »
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?

    how long have you been bedridden?
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    edited February 2015
    dbmata wrote: »
    maries4441 wrote: »
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?

    how long have you been bedridden?

    LOL, spoken like a boy, a tall boy.

    I'm a 5'6" laydee of a certain age, and my maintenance is only about 1600-1800, depending on how motivated I am to exercise. (Base TDEE is only 1500, I need to do extra for more, sad face) It only takes a few more years or a fewer inch or two, and you hit 1380.

    Tall (and young) Boys have all the luck.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    maries4441 wrote: »
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?

    Might be, might not be. The average French woman eats ~1650.
  • myfatass78
    myfatass78 Posts: 411 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    maries4441 wrote: »
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?

    Might be, might not be. The average French woman eats ~1650.

    Thats about what I eat each day regardless of exercise and I still lose weight.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    edited February 2015
    EWJLang wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    maries4441 wrote: »
    I have been given a total of 1380 for the day to maintain my weight, does anyone think that is to low ?

    how long have you been bedridden?

    LOL, spoken like a boy, a tall boy.

    I'm a 5'6" laydee of a certain age, and my maintenance is only about 1600-1800, depending on how motivated I am to exercise. (Base TDEE is only 1500, I need to do extra for more, sad face) It only takes a few more years or a fewer inch or two, and you hit 1380.

    Tall (and young) Boys have all the luck.
    Are you trying to be derisive?
    Even walking 1 mile a day will increase said low intake level by 100.