Has your mood changed since exercising.



  • FourthChakra
    FourthChakra Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2015
    I feel left out as I experience no good feelings after working out. I end up with this apprehensive feeling as I'm doing it, and this feeling of, "Aw crap, I have to do this all again tomorrow" after. :(
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    Antidepressant med dosage cut in half since I began my excercise and healthy eating regimen
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    Its great isn't it ? Im out walking every day now even though I've always made the excuse that I don't have time. I now find the time every opportunity I can.
    "]I've been very motivated to get out and walk at least 2-3 times a week, and work out at least once but hopefully twice, which is far beyond what I had been doing for quite some time. I find it totally therapeutic to put on some good music, my HRM, FitBit, and rack up those steps!

    The extra motivation comes from this site, folks like YOU here in the forums :D , and the INCREDIBLE food database for calorie tracking, which has FAR exceeded my expectations. I used to pay $$ for yearly subscriptions to another calorie tracking site, but I am beyond impressed with the quality of MFP and the resources here. [/quote]

  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
  • I felt better the first day I started. Very much! I look forward to my swim days!! And I get very cranky when I miss them. I had to miss Tuesday because of knee injury and bronchitis. I let my knee rest over night and said to hell with the bronchitis and went Wednesday and Thursday. I just did not want to skip.
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    I feel left out as I experience no good feelings after working out. I end up with this apprehensive feeling as I'm doing it, and this feeling of, "Aw crap, I have to do this all again tomorrow" after. :(

    Oh no. Don't feel left out. Everyone gets something different out of it. How long have you been at it? It was a week or so before I felt good about it. Keep at it. You owe it to yourself xxxxxx

  • lovethelatte
    lovethelatte Posts: 4 Member
    I've been tracking my steps too and doing about 10,000 even if it's just walking in front of the TV to get them! I am sleeping much better since doing this.
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes I walk whilst watching TV too.
  • Much much much much less stressed. I actually look forward to the sweat and feel great after!!!!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Yes!! Lifting makes me a much pleasanter person. If I'm a tad crabbit, my daughters send me to lift :smiley:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yes! When I'm running 20+ miles a week, my stress levels are way lower and I'm just generally happier. When I'm only running 10 miles a week or less (see: injuries or post-race season slump), I start to get really cranky and negative. Running is most definitely a necessary mood stabilizer for me!
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    I have noticed an extreme change in my moods due to exercise. Also, I sleep much better too. It is like my body punishes me with bad sleep if I don't workout.
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    Yep! I'm not as moody and just feel better in general. I'm finally getting to where I look forward to doing it and feel bad when I slack off.
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    Running 20 miles pheew just about walking g 4-5 miles.
  • Absolutely YES! I realized I feel psychologically unhappy if I don't workout every single day, because in the days when I don't workout I tend to binge, therefore I feel guilty and upset with myself. Working out makes me feel SO GOOD.
  • veronicakelly351
    veronicakelly351 Posts: 22 Member
    Struggled today and lapsed a little :-( back on it tomorrow
  • blueridgeloner
    blueridgeloner Posts: 56 Member
    YES!! Exercising and losing weight has helped me immensely. I still have bad spells, but I have been able to get off of the 2 meds I hated taking worse than anything, both for anxiety and panic attacks.
  • IllBeBack1Day
    IllBeBack1Day Posts: 982 Member
    Working out is the best medicine and drug
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Right now? Dead tired!
    Serously, I don't know. I enjoy being outside more, because I have more energy, because everything is easier, because I'm stronger and lighter. Because I spend more time outside, I feel more energized and relaxed as well. I also feel good about myself because I'm doing something positive, and that affects my confidence and mood.
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    Yes, and for the better!