Honest opinion on muscular women?



  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    First of all, it's your body, do what you like with it.

    Now, to answer your question. IMHO, tone and definition is sexy as hell.

    Bodybuilder bulk is not my bag. But I'm sure some guys dig it.
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    thanks for answering the OP's question so directly!

    scroll up, I did
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    the only valid opinion on your body is your own.

    but can i interest you in an honest opinion on people that use centered justification for no reason?

    I hit it on accident on the tablet, don't get your knickers in a twist. So shall I give you my opinion on people who think it's relevant to pick up and mention such a thing

    well, don't make me beg

    Yeah don't make him beg!
  • iamaprincessx
    iamaprincessx Posts: 78 Member
    jarnold390 wrote: »
    I like my women with some meat on them. Leg muscle definition is super hot to me! Not going to lie,but too much on the biceps and triceps is a little much for me. Legs, butt, stomach, shoulders/back can all look good with some meat!

    Haha :) I would like some muscle definition on my arms but i'm getting nowhere! :(

    Aren't genetics a crazy thing when it comes to building muscle? Biceps and triceps come to me so easily. It's my chest and back that need work. I guess we always want what we don't have. ;)

    Haha I know, no matter how much I try I cannot increase the amount I can lift, i'm not asking for much just a bit of shape on my twig arms :'( haha xXx
  • baldben
    baldben Posts: 3 Member
    I think what turns guys off is masculinity, which I think is conveyed mostly in the upper body. Really muscular arms and shoulders is a turnoff for me, but muscle elsewhere is great, as is definition pretty much anywhere.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    Fine. I think it looks nice, but I don't think a body builder's physique is particularly attractive, no.
  • bornforbattles
    bornforbattles Posts: 63 Member
    Hello.... I have been losing body fat percentage and gaining muscle mass mostly on the thigh/bottom area. I feel fit and healthy but some family members have said that 'men don't like thick manly women'.. i'm not really 'thick' but want to hear some honest opinions because I think women with muscle tone and definition look great? Along with slender figures and curvy figures. Women what is your ideal body type for yourselves and men how do you prefer your women? Xo

    In all honesty, only weak men are intimidated by strong women. Personally I think muscle tone on women is hot, i'm a sucker for a nice back
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    I don't want a lot of muscle definition. I prefer a softer look. A little definition is okay in the legs, but I really don't like how muscular arms look on women, and I don't like defined abs on women. A flat stomach is good...a six pack is not something I would ever want. These are obviously just my personal tastes.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I like women at the gym, with defined muscles and without.

    ...so all women at the gym? You like them all.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    thanks for answering the OP's question so directly!

    scroll up, I did

    i caught that, then edited to a real answer, then decided i didn't care so i just left the Thanks!

    real answer is that none of what you think are real answers are answers at all. even the OP uses terms like slender, curvy, thick, manly, defintion....except if 10 people gave their definition of each of those terms you'd have 10 different descriptions of each one. try going on some online dating site and checking the box for X type body matches. you'll get a myriad of body types responding as slender, athletic, curvy, etc.

    and even then it doesn't matter. because if 100 people came in here and said they didn't like X body type, that still leaves 100,000 that didn't see or chose not to respond to the thread. so my answer IS a real answer. the only opinion that matters is that of the OP. everything else is just background noise
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    thanks for answering the OP's question so directly!

    scroll up, I did

    i caught that, then edited to a real answer, then decided i didn't care so i just left the Thanks!

    real answer is that none of what you think are real answers are answers at all. even the OP uses terms like slender, curvy, thick, manly, defintion....except if 10 people gave their definition of each of those terms you'd have 10 different descriptions of each one. try going on some online dating site and checking the box for X type body matches. you'll get a myriad of body types responding as slender, athletic, curvy, etc.

    and even then it doesn't matter. because if 100 people came in here and said they didn't like X body type, that still leaves 100,000 that didn't see or chose not to respond to the thread. so my answer IS a real answer. the only opinion that matters is that of the OP. everything else is just background noise

    That was a smart thing you said.
  • iamaprincessx
    iamaprincessx Posts: 78 Member
    Its great that people like all different kinds of shapes and sizes, its goes to show that everybody is perfect to somebody and everyone should love their body as someone else does x
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Muscle is good, would love to look like Nicole Wilkins (not contest prepped, her normal look) one day. I know most men think that is gross but I don't care.
    However, personally I don't find women who have that much muscle attractive. I prefer the larger lower body without the shoulders and biceps being noticeably muscular, like Michelle Lewin.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Sapporo wrote: »
    Muscle is good, would love to look like Nicole Wilkins (not contest prepped, her normal look) one day. I know most men think that is gross but I don't care.
    However, personally I don't find women who have that much muscle attractive. I prefer the larger lower body without the shoulders and biceps being noticeably muscular, like Michelle Lewin.

    I had to look her up. I got kind of flushed. But holy boob job.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    thanks for answering the OP's question so directly!

    scroll up, I did

    i caught that, then edited to a real answer, then decided i didn't care so i just left the Thanks!

    real answer is that none of what you think are real answers are answers at all. even the OP uses terms like slender, curvy, thick, manly, defintion....except if 10 people gave their definition of each of those terms you'd have 10 different descriptions of each one. try going on some online dating site and checking the box for X type body matches. you'll get a myriad of body types responding as slender, athletic, curvy, etc.

    and even then it doesn't matter. because if 100 people came in here and said they didn't like X body type, that still leaves 100,000 that didn't see or chose not to respond to the thread. so my answer IS a real answer. the only opinion that matters is that of the OP. everything else is just background noise

    That was a smart thing you said.

    once or twice a month that'll happen whether i mean to do it or not.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I love these threads where three quarters of the people refuse to answer the OP's question. instead of just saying "personally, I like this," everyone feels the need to make some comment about how she shouldn't care. Maybe she does care, maybe she doesn't, but she asked a really simple and straight forward question. I don't see why it's so hard to get straight answers.

    thanks for answering the OP's question so directly!

    scroll up, I did

    i caught that, then edited to a real answer, then decided i didn't care so i just left the Thanks!

    real answer is that none of what you think are real answers are answers at all. even the OP uses terms like slender, curvy, thick, manly, defintion....except if 10 people gave their definition of each of those terms you'd have 10 different descriptions of each one. try going on some online dating site and checking the box for X type body matches. you'll get a myriad of body types responding as slender, athletic, curvy, etc.

    and even then it doesn't matter. because if 100 people came in here and said they didn't like X body type, that still leaves 100,000 that didn't see or chose not to respond to the thread. so my answer IS a real answer. the only opinion that matters is that of the OP. everything else is just background noise

    That was a smart thing you said.

    once or twice a month that'll happen whether i mean to do it or not.

    Yeah I noticed
  • iamaprincessx
    iamaprincessx Posts: 78 Member
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    My dream shape <3


    She's beautiful. I'd like to look like that too. But I don't find her to be muscular.