Ladies who LIFT & RUN....



  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    edited February 2015
    I started back at MFP at the end of December. Weight training is my priority but I added C25K training - I'm half way through and I haven't had much difficulty with it yet, although I feel it coming. I'm eating at a deficit but still seeing some good noobie gains which I'm hoping to keep up until I hit my goal weight and begin recomp (I'm only about 4lbs away).

    Feel free to add me!
  • Lorraine128
    Lorraine128 Posts: 236 Member
    xcalygrl wrote: »
    I'm a lifter and a runner. I usually run most days and lift 2-3 days a week (depending on how my schedule works out). I keep my runs short-ish (2-3.1 miles) and do them at lunch. I do my lifting after work (I'm currently doing Stronglifts 5x5). I also throw in one long day on the weekend where I cover 12-ish miles with my ruck on.

    This looks like the kind of routine I could follow. How long have you been doing the strong lifts 5x5 ?
  • iambold
    iambold Posts: 20 Member
    I've been running for yrs ,*** LOVE IT ***mostly been an outdoors runner, but recently started adding lifting, I like it, but I've recently learned that even though I can run ,'no problem for 3 hrs , the muscles I'm using newly in the gym are different to suit, so training many new areas to really get the most of me out of me. =0)*
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    Mostly a runner (in half-marathon training now), but I've begun Stronglifts and enjoying it so far! Aiming for three days running, three days lifting, per week, with some variation for a fourth running day as needed.
  • jessicamalskis
    jessicamalskis Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a cross country/track and field runner. I've been running since I was 12! I love lifting as well. I'm currently training for my first half marathon and would love to add you for support and motivation for one another :)
  • SarahKate2710
    SarahKate2710 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey all. I've been running and lifting for about a year now. Not really focusing on distance anymore, now I'm working on speed and getting better times. I do a split lift 3-4 times a week, HIIT 3x week after lifting sessions, and usually try for 2 longer runs.
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    esjones12 wrote: »
    I do obstacle course racing (aka mud runs) so I do trail running and lifting. I even *attempt* to run up hills/mountains while carrying heavy things!! Mostly endurance nontraditional training. Feel free to add me. I'm active and log 90-95% of everything.

    I just did my first trail run, sooo loved it. That's all I want to do now, lol.

    You're amazing running up hills with weight!
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    I do both, recreationally only.

    I came at it differently. I was lifting heavy for 6-7 mos before I started C25K. Glad I did it in that order, because getting up to 5K was pretty easy, and I was running 10K distances a week after finishing C25K.

    Wow, thats awesome!!!!
    Yeah I struggled with C25k, never occurred to me to lift first. I know now how much my runs improve with a lifting program.
  • Hello.

    I just started a 13 week (3x/wk) running program that will lead to 10K in May. Used the program before with success* (from book Beginning Runner's Handbook). *Success being me running at all. I'm not really into speed.

    I also love lifting and am finally back at it after a long time away. I am a single set person and do my own thing. It really helps me mentally.

    Read my profile and if you'd like to send a FR I'd love to accept!

    Best to you!

    ~M.C. Turtle
  • pearshapedmum
    pearshapedmum Posts: 131 Member
    I have had a bit of down time over the winter, but my preferred routine is to jog to the gym and back (about 3.5 miles each way) and do my weights at the gym twice a week. I was on lowish weights though, so did not find this an issue (squats - 45kg, deadlifts - 60kg) I also like to do a longer run on the weekend up to about 12 miles and then another weights session where I do about 30 mins cardio at the gym to warm through, such as the bike. This worked well for me and was giving me good results. I do all of my workouts in the mornings before breakfast/work
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am just coming back after a pregnancy where I gained more weight than I should have (3.5 months post-partum and I am still up 20 pounds). Prior to pregnancy I was in some of the best shape of my life even though I was still working towards my goal weight.

    I have been a runner for a while now. I did my first half marathon 6 years ago and have since run 30 half marathons in total. I am currently training for a half marathon in mid-April then I am doing another one in the middle of May.

    Shortly before I got pregnant I started incorporating strength training. I took a hiatus from strength training through most of my pregnancy but I am getting back into it now. In fact, I just set-up a power cage in my basement this past weekend and last night I did the first workout in the NROL4W program.

    I lift 2 times per week. I may bump it up to 3 times after my half marathon in May. I run an additional 2-3 times per week.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    I have done both for quite a while and fluctuate which I'm doing more of at any one time. Usually it's running though. I run trails, pavement, stairs... Anywhere! I try to log 25-35 miles/week and lift twice, yoga twice, swim once. I'm older so have a few pounds I can always lose but at the same time when I'm hitting 10 miles on trail I need fuel too. I'm at a healthy weight but have a little belly fat I would love to see gone. It's hard hitting that balance of losing fat, not muscle and also having the fuel you need for workouts. I'm trying to log my food to make sure I am getting enough protein. Would love more running friends!
  • I do both as well. It seems to be the time of year that will dictate which I do more of. Right now there's so much snow that it's impossible to run outside, so I'm lifting a lot more. In the summer, I cannot resist the lure of running the beach, so it's pretty much all I do. I try to mix it up better in Fall & Spring.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    I've been a runner for 9 months but have reintroduced lifting about three weeks ago. Looking to recomp my body & improve my mileage and times this year!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    IsaCaliBel wrote: »
    esjones12 wrote: »
    I do obstacle course racing (aka mud runs) so I do trail running and lifting. I even *attempt* to run up hills/mountains while carrying heavy things!! Mostly endurance nontraditional training. Feel free to add me. I'm active and log 90-95% of everything.

    I just did my first trail run, sooo loved it. That's all I want to do now, lol.

    You're amazing running up hills with weight!

    I pretty much refuse to run on pavement. I can do 10 miles of trails with no issues but not even a 5k without shin splints on pavement (and even the treadmill sometimes). Trails are way more fun too.

    Check out OCR Elite female athletes. They can run, jump, climb, crawl and lift heavy things. They kick @$$! Rose Wetzle, Corinna Coffin and Amelia Boone are good examples.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    I love to lift and run also. I've done a few 10k races, a 10 miler and a half marathon. I'm currently training for a 10 miler that's in April. I run about 3-4 days a week and then I lift 3 times a week. Sending you a friend request.
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    Loving this group! :smiley:
  • Hi, newbie here who wants to Run & Lift. I try to lift heavy 1-2x a week, lift lighter w/ more reps 2x week. I usually do HIIT but I'm trying to focus on running and maybe do 3x a week. I havent signed up for an event, but I'm doing a 12 week 10K training schedule.

    I think I'm really going to need some help because I went to do a 2 mile run today but my legs disagreed and I think it was because I did Bodypump (light to mod weights & crazy high reps! for 1 hr!) the night before.

    I'm new to running but I've managed to run 3.1 miles straight on a few occasions, I just have to be more consistent and build up.
  • jakelegs
    jakelegs Posts: 4 Member
    On my best weeks I run 3 times a week (one long), and do Stronglifts 5x5 3 times a week. Recently I have added yoga to the program, and like to do a session right after running or lifting. It's really been helping me gain flexibility, which helps with squatting and even my running pattern. Feel free to add me!
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    Also a noob runner/lifter! I try to lift twice a week and run twice a week, I'm currently doing strong lifts 5x5 and couch to 5k, and I signed up for a 5k race in June! Feel free to add me!