What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I realised the other day that my husband has much better self-control when it comes to food. If there is cake in the house, I will eat it. It will literally obsess my mind until it is gone. Whereas my husband can buy chocolate and then simply ignore it for days, weeks, months, etc...

However, if I am on a day off, I will eventually think 'I really should go out and exercise' whereas my husband will sit in his computer chair hour after hour with not the slightest inclination to do anything.

So my question is - what are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you great at ignoring cake, but can't walk past a piece of chocolate? Can you run for miles, but consume an entire large pizza in one sitting? Are you great at dieting, but the thought of exercising makes you want to cry? Or are you just all round brilliant at everything? I'm curious!


  • sophzhr
    sophzhr Posts: 96 Member
    Working out is the best part of my day - if I had the time, I'd want to spend so much more than 1 hr a day doing it...I know that for many people that kind of drive to workout isn't there, so I guess that's my strength :) My weakness though is like yours - if the food is there, I WANT IT. And I want it BAD. Oddly though, I can do amazingly at never feeling the urge to buy it in the shop. I rarely buy bad food myself, but can't stop myself from eating it once IT'S LOOKING RIGHT AT ME ;)
  • Arduinna4
    Arduinna4 Posts: 129 Member
    edited February 2015
    I read your post and it was like reading about me and my boyfriend! I have almost zero tolerance to food temptations but i will force myself to exercise even if i'm bored to death. I think its because i have a weight problem (and he doesnt) so he is not pressed by the need to lose weight. Sometimes of course seeing me exercise may lift him off the computer.
    My greatest strength is that i'm very enthusiastic and eager to try lots of different things but my biggest weakness is that i lose interest easily so i have to constantly find/invent new things to fuel my mental energy. (sorry if my english is wrong.)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    edited February 2015

    Very motivated when it comes to exercise. I commute an hour each way to work. I joined a gym in the city where I work and get up at 5am every day, Monday to Friday, so I can be there at 6:30am when they open. At least one day a week (sometimes as many as 3) I do pole classes after work, and at least one day a week (sometimes twice), I hit the gym after work. If I'm off work for a week, I make a point to go to the gym at least three times during that week, even though I wouldn't otherwise be making that commute. (The fact that I'm paying for the membership does factor into this!)

    Fairly disciplined in regards to diet. I think I have a good idea of what I can eat to maintain my weight and can work treats into that relatively easily. I don't really find myself losing control or giving in to certain foods when I don't want to.

    "Weaknesses": (I don't really see these as weaknesses. They might be things to improve upon. Or not. Whatever.)

    On the flip side of the exercise thing, I'm actually kind of lazy. Stairs can get effed, I'll use the lift, thanks.

    Due to work and exercise schedule, I don't get enough sleep. Bad times.

    And on the flip side of the diet stuff, I tend to feel a lot of guilt over eating certain things. This is tied to my past with disordered eating, I think. I can generally reason my way through it, but it does cause a fair bit of unhappiness at times.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Strengths: I am great at getting myself to work out. Especially now that I'm back on a training schedule. If I don't get the workouts in, it will show on race day!

    Weaknesses: Food of the sweet and the salty varities. I know I could just NOT buy it, but... it's nice to have around? I have an off switch when it comes to, say, chocolate, but chips/salty things? No way. I only buy the 1-2 serving bags anymore and plan to eat them on long run days. I can't have them around any other time or else I'd never lose any weight!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Strengths: deadlifts
    Weaknesses: Shoulder press and bench press. At least with the barbell.

    I don't consider my eating habits or exercise preferences/routine to be strengths or weaknesses. Me eating 5 slices of pizza on Feb 13 within my calories wasn't a weakness, it was just me fitting life into my caloric needs. For me to want to not move all day is also not a weakness, but simply me needing time to relax.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    My strength is that when I put my mind to something, it becomes all consuming. Unfortunately I usually can only be fanatical about one thing at a time so I tend to regress back and forth in my fitness goals as other interests/demands move up and down my cue/
  • QueerAbuela
    QueerAbuela Posts: 23 Member
    my strength is absolutely working out. The gym has become a second home to me now and I always look forward to my work out!

    my weakness is just like some of the things already said. I cannot resist chocolate. I started eating it in much smaller portions than I was before cause I think I would go crazy without it! Oh, and taco bell. taco bell is such an important part of my life so I had to just find the lowest calorie options when I can't resist a trip haha
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    My strength is getting things done. When I set my mind to something, I do it until it's complete. My weakness is on the other side of the same coin, I can set my mind to sitting on my butt!
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    Cake is my weakness..as you can see from my diary last week. Graduated with my Master's degree and my mom got me a cake. I had to eat it until it was gone..otherwise I was going to lose my entire mind. Devil's food deliciousness. I don't feel that way about any other food..I really don't even feel that way about any other type of cake..only Devil's food.

    My strength is not giving up and not going back to my old habits. There are so many times in the past year where I could've given up, where I've questioned myself and my ability to reach my goal..but the very next thought is that I can't quit, I can't give up. I'm not going to give up. This is hard, but going back to the way things were is even harder.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    My weaknesses are sugary foods and fried foods. I stay waaaay away from such things! I have become prediabetic which means that slipping up on sugary things can do me actual harm. :( My strength is that when I truly set my mind to something, I'll make it happen, even if I have to modify my methods or plans, I will keep going until I make it work.
  • gymbunny1_xo
    gymbunny1_xo Posts: 15 Member
    My weaknesses Are Mr kipling french fancies! Really have stop buying those... :B
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    edited February 2015
    I realised the other day that my husband has much better self-control when it comes to food. If there is cake in the house, I will eat it. It will literally obsess my mind until it is gone. Whereas my husband can buy chocolate and then simply ignore it for days, weeks, months, etc...

    However, if I am on a day off, I will eventually think 'I really should go out and exercise' whereas my husband will sit in his computer chair hour after hour with not the slightest inclination to do anything.

    So my question is - what are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you great at ignoring cake, but can't walk past a piece of chocolate? Can you run for miles, but consume an entire large pizza in one sitting? Are you great at dieting, but the thought of exercising makes you want to cry? Or are you just all round brilliant at everything? I'm curious!

    Both exercise and food (especially chips and nuts,also portion control) are weakness for me but MFP helps me a lot to overcome it also my self determination for success helps me.
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Strength: I like to eat healthy whole foods. I think this helps my motivation a lot. Also, there are some foods that don't tempt me, so if hubby wants a treat, I encourage him to get the things he likes that I don't eat (he is 6'2", 165lbs with clothes on, at night. Guy can't gain weight at all. The other day he came home with three large bags of chips for his treats. Not tempted by them at all!)

    Weakness: I have a hard time 'finding time' in my day to exercise, especially because I live in the country, and we've had a lot of extreme cold warnings this winter that limit my time outside. If there is junk in the house, I will (usually) eat it, since getting hubby to do the groceries this has changed though (he goes into town for work, and usually sticks to the list I give him)
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Strengths: I really enjoy exercise, and I enjoy a massive variety of 'healthy' foods which makes trying to eat better very easy really.

    Weaknesses: I comfort eat when stressed or lonely, and have put away 4000+ calories in a sitting before when I've felt really low.
  • itsclobberintime
    itsclobberintime Posts: 164 Member
    Strengths I am not so sure about.

    Weaknesses: I can easily lose motivation to work out. Especially when traveling. And my mood affects my diet pretty drastically. If I am feeling down I will often overeat, or if I'm stressed I'll barely eat at all.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Strength: I am very healthy
    Weakness: I am weak
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Strengths-Getting into the gym to lift, making dessert fit into my deficit daily
    Weaknesses-Can't make up my mind about my fitness goals, getting into the gym for cardio, keeping peanut butter in the house.
  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    Strength: I truly do enjoy healthy foods and often times look forward to eating big, tasty salads and such. BUT...

    Weakness: If unhealthy snacks, especially chips and chocolate are in the house, I cannot resist. I've gotten pretty good about not even buying them or I will get one single-serving package of whatever I'm craving and be happy with it. I guess that part of it is a strength :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Strengths- I think I have fairly good willpower when it comes to food. I plan and pre-log my meals and snacks consistantly. I am patient and realistic. I am positive about my progress and getting to my goal.
    Weakness- I tend to either do too easy of workouts or I overdo it. It would be better if I could be more in the middle with exercise.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Strength: if there's a class at the gym that I like and it's remotely possible for me to make it, I am so there. I would consider my skill set for using the MFP app to do logging and recipes a strength, too. LOL

    Weaknesses: still can't have certain foods in the house, they'll all get eaten. It's nice to have them for a while and then it's back to business: icecream, nuts, yogurt (even plain! I just squeeze honey into it haha), pastries... I also get bored/lazy with some of my meals and don't prepare them as often. Sometimes I get lazy or forget to stock the house nicely with the fruit I love to snack on. That's annoying