Guys like heavier girls?



  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    Well, the size 14 girl would have more curves, so that is what the guys are probably attracted to. THe size 6 girl would not be able to have the curvy hips and larger breasts that the 14 girl would have. Even my 14 year old daughter has mentioned that the girls at her school who have the curves get more attention than the girls who are very thin. Too bad that my curves are more like ROLLS! :laugh:

    I get your point, but I am almost in a 6 now, and I am 36DD. Always have been.

    LMAO!!!!!!! Too funny at the end, but its nature. Men are attracted to women with breeding body types. Its in their biology.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I keep commenting and deleting but this time I am leaving it!

    I am 5'10 and now, thanks for MFP, a size 4!! I look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! And most importantly, feel amazing. My DH is an amazing man but he and I are both happier with me now than when I was on my weight loss journey. Some men do like "thicker" girls but can we all really be honest with ourselves that most of those guys could probably never land a girl like me in the first place (this is the part I keep deleting :devil: )

    But ultimtely, all that matters if how YOU feel. If I was happy when I was a size 12, 10, 8 or whatever, then I would have stopped. But I wasn't. And no, I am not a bag of bones. I have a nice high booty, normal size boobies (for now) and a nice hourglass shape. I'm happy and I'm now maintaining.

    But then again, I was only fat for 2.5 years so this struggle has not been a lifetime fight for me.

    Just be happy with yourself! :heart:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    This just made my heart sink.

    I want to be be thin for me but... you know... I'm a single gal

    you have nice curves...... but you are doing this for YOU... not for us guys!
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    Some men do like "thicker" girls but can we all really be honest with ourselves that most of those guys could probably never land a girl like me in the first place (this is the part I keep deleting :devil: )

    no I don't think I can agree with this over generalization. :noway: it's a big world. good for you that you are where you want to be, happy and that you got the courage to say what you wanted to. :flowerforyou:
  • clickin
    clickin Posts: 3 Member
    Skinny or fluffy it really just depends on the girl. If she has good self-esteem and is happy with herself. The most important qualities in a girl is a head on her shoulders, confidence, and self-esteem. Don't get me wrong looks are always important but just as we all know that physical appearances can change for better or worse it's the person on the inside that really makes the whole person concept. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous (at first) girls that after listening to them for 10 seconds I wouldn’t give them the time of day. Their actions made them ugly. They just didn't encompass the whole person concept.

    I like my girl to be happy. Bottom line!!!!!

    Now if we are talking superficially speaking: +15lbs from skinny with respectable breasts are all that's really required.

  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I've always been more physically attracted to "thicker" girls. Thin girls just don't generally look good to me. It doesn't seem to be the norm in my social circle, but it's how I've always been. In fact, I've been known to say things like "She was hot before she lost all that weight" or "She's put on a few pounds...she's looking really good." :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I think I can end this discussion now.........

    Big, small, thin, curvy, blonde, brunette, redhead, bald..... Ladies..... y'all are all gorgeous..... This topic would be never ending and it surely can not be generalized by saying "guys only like heavier girls. Thats like saying all people from Arkansas marry their cousins! its just not true. We know some of them dont! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Kidding, Kidding..... I love my Arkansas friends!! I have a lot of family from Arkansas..... wait.. now that I think about it..... that could explain a LOT........ :noway: :noway:

    But before I get off the subject further.....

    Men may have personal preferences, whether its thick or thin .....from an A-Cup to a DD -Cup, ......small tight booty to a bit larger and rounder booty ---- we love you all!!! Thats the physical aspect ....... as far as personality goes.... have a great personality, be nice to us, make us feel good about ourselves, let us be right now and then... MAYBE win an argument here and there....and dont be a b*tch and we will find each and every one of you irresistible!!!

    I need a drink now!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Some men do like "thicker" girls but can we all really be honest with ourselves that most of those guys could probably never land a girl like me in the first place (this is the part I keep deleting :devil: )

    Better yet, let's all be really honest and admit that our own experience simply cannot be generalized out across most people accurately. It's hard to say if someone 'could' get you when they would have no interest in doing so. From your opinion of men who like women who have fuller figures, why would they want to "land" you?

    You clearly think being skinnier is somehow better. That's fine for you. That's a fine way to live. But when you try to paint the rest of the world with the same broad brush you end up making mistakes. Those of us who think the ideal figure more closely resembles art from antiquity than catwalk models of 2011 are not wrong, or somehow "settling."
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    In my personal opinion, I think yes, guys prefer curves, but healthy curves, and the definition of healthy curves is different for every body. But here's what I think is probably more true: Guys prefer CONFIDENCE!!! A girl can be any size, and if she exudes confidence in herself, she will be attractive. She can be any size, and if she is self-deprecating and self-conscious, guys will probably overlook her. And it works in photos too, not just once you get to know someone. Body language speaks volumes, regardless of size.

    I know I'm in the minority here, but being very shy, quiet, and lacking in self-confidence myself, I've always found those same traits attractive in a girl. Don't get me wrong: Confidence is a great thing, and I wish I had more of it. But I've always been drawn to girls who are a bit more withdrawn and unsure of themselves. (Sure, the self-deprecating thing can get old after a while, but it's definitely a trait that I'm drawn to initially. I guess it just strikes me as a trait in common that's easy to spot.)

  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Marilyn Monroe is one person we usually hold out as a bombshell. Guess what? She was size 14.

    Statistically, "skinny minis" have just as many healthy problems as overweight person.

    "big girls" are the way to go.

    But thanks for reminding everyone that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we should be happy with ourselves.

    Healthy should be the goal, not a size.

    - Eva

    Well Said. I have heard several men say that they prefer a woman who has something to hold onto as opposed to feeling ribs or bones sticking out everywhere. My husband loves me the way that I am, though I want to be healthier for myself and my children in the future. I don't think i would have an issue at all if it weren't society's view of people who are overweight. I would have been a babe during the Renassaince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a sign of fertility, good health and wealth. Again, society impacted the "norm." I am not saying we should give into that but i think it affects how people view themselves and not fitting into a "mold" makes you feel like a failure or bad about yourself. Healthy not skinny is the best way to go! That's what I am moving toward for ME!!!!

  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    Marilyn Monroe is one person we usually hold out as a bombshell. Guess what? She was size 14.

    Statistically, "skinny minis" have just as many healthy problems as overweight person.

    "big girls" are the way to go.

    But thanks for reminding everyone that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we should be happy with ourselves.

    Healthy should be the goal, not a size.

    - Eva

    Well Said. I have heard several men say that they prefer a woman who has something to hold onto as opposed to feeling ribs or bones sticking out everywhere. My husband loves me the way that I am, though I want to be healthier for myself and my children in the future. I don't think i would have an issue at all if it weren't society's view of people who are overweight. I would have been a babe during the Renassaince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a sign of fertility, good health and wealth. Again, society impacted the "norm." I am not saying we should give into that but i think it affects how people view themselves and not fitting into a "mold" makes you feel like a failure or bad about yourself. Healthy not skinny is the best way to go! That's what I am moving toward for ME!!!!

    The perpetually repeated rumor that Marilyn Monroe was a size 16, or 14 (or even 12) is misleading. Observe:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    The perpetually repeated rumor that Marilyn Monroe was a size 16, or 14 (or even 12) is misleading. Observe:
    Interesting... thanks for the link...
  • [
    Well, the size 14 girl would have more curves, so that is what the guys are probably attracted to. THe size 6 girl would not be able to have the curvy hips and larger breasts that the 14 girl would have. Even my 14 year old daughter has mentioned that the girls at her school who have the curves get more attention than the girls who are very thin. Too bad that my curves are more like ROLLS! :laugh:

    i've always said that I've seen Clydesdale with smaller hips than mine!! hee hee
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Wow, h3h, you really can't take a joke can you!!!! You people need to lighten up!
  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
    I asked my husband this. he felt it was a loaded question, but gave the answer that size 14 is not considered big. If you take a person that is 5'2" and a 5'8" girl that weigh the same and wear the same size, the answer is going to be a lot different. He thinks you should do a poll on that.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Well, the size 14 girl would have more curves, so that is what the guys are probably attracted to. THe size 6 girl would not be able to have the curvy hips and larger breasts that the 14 girl would have. Even my 14 year old daughter has mentioned that the girls at her school who have the curves get more attention than the girls who are very thin. Too bad that my curves are more like ROLLS! :laugh:

    I get your point, but I am almost in a 6 now, and I am 36DD. Always have been.

    Yep! My 36DD are what gets the attention!!!
    For me the smaller my waist is, the bigger my boobs look!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Wow, h3h, you really can't take a joke can you!!!! You people need to lighten up!

    Wow, you totally fell for it. My response to YOU was the joke. Learn to take a joke.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Guys like curves...

    I thought guys liked boobs...

    we like curvy boobies.

    meat man meat I like my weoman to have meat on her bones. not to be able to poke me with boney hips butts elbows. not someone I thik I would break.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    h3h, duley noted!!! :laugh:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I think I can end this discussion now.........

    Big, small, thin, curvy, blonde, brunette, redhead, bald..... Ladies..... y'all are all gorgeous..... This topic would be never ending and it surely can not be generalized by saying "guys only like heavier girls. Thats like saying all people from Arkansas marry their cousins! its just not true. We know some of them dont! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Kidding, Kidding..... I love my Arkansas friends!! I have a lot of family from Arkansas..... wait.. now that I think about it..... that could explain a LOT........ :noway: :noway:

    But before I get off the subject further.....

    Men may have personal preferences, whether its thick or thin .....from an A-Cup to a DD -Cup, ......small tight booty to a bit larger and rounder booty ---- we love you all!!! Thats the physical aspect ....... as far as personality goes.... have a great personality, be nice to us, make us feel good about ourselves, let us be right now and then... MAYBE win an argument here and there....and dont be a b*tch and we will find each and every one of you irresistible!!!

    I need a drink now!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !!

    well said! thank you!
This discussion has been closed.