Rock Star Weight Loss Challenge Week 2 (Already in Progress)



  • akenesson
    akenesson Posts: 88 Member
    To everyone in the challenge, keep up the good work and keep on track!!! I'm really sorry I missed joining in with you all... But your successes are important and inspiring...

    Still hoping to get a spot from a drop, or maybe addition =)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    LJSpady- You're dad is definitely eye candy! :) My dad, though not as buff or "hot", is also running circles around me. He runs 3 miles a day, and I'm so jealous.

    I haven't been doing the best in the workout department this week. 2 of my kids had birthday parties, we're trying to get our house in order to put on the market, I got a teaching job for next fall and everything is just taking time away from that. I've luckily kept under my calories so that's good.

    I've seen a lot of things on the forums about zigzagging calories, so I think as of next week, I'm going to try that! Anybody else do that have any comments about it? I'd love to hear your opinions!
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    LJSpady--wow, you're dad is a hottie! Tell him he has new fans here.
  • Meekah44
    Meekah44 Posts: 34
    Good Job everyone!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member

    I've seen a lot of things on the forums about zigzagging calories, so I think as of next week, I'm going to try that! Anybody else do that have any comments about it? I'd love to hear your opinions!

    I zig zag my calories and it's working out pretty well for me. There's no real method to the madness (at least not for me) I'm just very strick to 1200-1500 cals for 3 days, do 1500-1700 for 2 days, and for the other 2 days (usually sat and sun) I eat whatever (within reason). I still log it all, which keeps me from going overboard. I will say that zig zagging is best when accompanied with regular working out. The point is to keep your body from going into starvation mode, but still burning a lot of calories.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    :drinker: just letting everyone know---- team DMB is gonna BRING IT this week--- we are all working out and eating well!!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    LJSpady--wow, you're dad is a hottie! Tell him he has new fans here.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    LJSpady- You're dad is definitely eye candy! :) My dad, though not as buff or "hot", is also running circles around me. He runs 3 miles a day, and I'm so jealous.

    I haven't been doing the best in the workout department this week. 2 of my kids had birthday parties, we're trying to get our house in order to put on the market, I got a teaching job for next fall and everything is just taking time away from that. I've luckily kept under my calories so that's good.

    I've seen a lot of things on the forums about zigzagging calories, so I think as of next week, I'm going to try that! Anybody else do that have any comments about it? I'd love to hear your opinions!

    They just took pictures today to put my house on the market. I could have killed my kids chasing them around the house trying them not to leave anything out. A picture perfect clutter free house is close to impossible with three kids! Good luck with yours!

  • Gonzawr
    Gonzawr Posts: 25
    Congrats to Gonzwar on his incredible loss. Super job everyone!
    Thanks a million, i can feel the difference already and love it!!!
  • Gonzawr
    Gonzawr Posts: 25
    Congratulations to everyone involved here, even if you didn't lose anything. You are here and hopefully making good healthy choices. I'm wondering though what some of us have been doing to lose the relatively large amounts in only one weeks time. I hope you aren't just out there starving and dehydrating yourselves. I posted a pretty sizable loss but it was due to me not weighing for a couple of weeks prior to the start. I'm not going to starve myself or be extreme in any way about my offloading my additional tonnage. I want that sh it to STAY off! It's supposed to be a FUN challenge, we've already had enough acrimony and for lack of a better term, bullsh!t going on here. I am all for good natured ribbing and teasing, but some were getting a little serious and venomous.
    Have fun, don't be a smiley-level1_don012.gif

    With that serious stuff said, Let's keep up the efforts! And yes, Team DMB ROCKS! For me, it's not so much about the name, it's more about the teammates. My teammates just kick *kitten*!

    Well I can't speak for anyone else but I am doing it in a very healthy way, counting calories, exercise, and plent of water. As I stated when I weighed in on Monday I am a Powerlifter who competes (or did) in the 308 weight class so I was purposely dieting high calories/protein and taking weight gain supps to stay in my desired weight class so my first few weeks will be big chunks then plateau out because I am shedding weight I have purposely been keeping on so my body is going to shed off what it wasn't meant to hold pretty quickly. I am making this big change in my life because the weight my body is holding is causing knee and heel problems. Also a good bit of me is muscle so i think the lightest I can get is about 250-260 and I would be under 8% Body fat so I will not be a serious threat for long, Lol!! Don't know much about the venomus trash talk so I have no comment there :- /
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    LJSpady- You're dad is definitely eye candy! :) My dad, though not as buff or "hot", is also running circles around me. He runs 3 miles a day, and I'm so jealous.

    I haven't been doing the best in the workout department this week. 2 of my kids had birthday parties, we're trying to get our house in order to put on the market, I got a teaching job for next fall and everything is just taking time away from that. I've luckily kept under my calories so that's good.

    I've seen a lot of things on the forums about zigzagging calories, so I think as of next week, I'm going to try that! Anybody else do that have any comments about it? I'd love to hear your opinions!

    They just took pictures today to put my house on the market. I could have killed my kids chasing them around the house trying them not to leave anything out. A picture perfect clutter free house is close to impossible with three kids! Good luck with yours!


    OMG. I don't know how we're going to get pictures with my 3 kiddos. It will be close to impossible. Ugh. We shall see! I have to organize my house first, and that will take awhile! Good luck to you in selling your house. I'm hoping it won't take long!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    There was a lot of things getting shoves in closets and the garage,lol. We have a lot of toys :)
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning Team Paramore. Hope everyone's doing great. I'm so excited about the weigh-in!! It's gonna be good stuff guys!

    Go out there and get your sweat on peoples!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    good morning everyone!! hope everyones drinking their wwater and eating healthy!!
    I am working 24 on, 8 off, 24 working out will be seldom if any in the next 2 days... good thing i had a good workout yesterday!! Im going to try to get at least a walk in sometime during both 24s...

  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I am WAY excited for the WI as well. I think I may have finally broken my 4 week yo-yoing plateau! I've hit new lows everyday this week! I'm going to post my official WI tomorrow as I realized I won't have access to my scale while I am on vacation this weekend.

    Can't wait!! Go Team Foo'd Fighters!

    What little steps are you taking towards your goal today?!?

    smooches xx
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    I am WAY excited for the WI as well. I think I may have finally broken my 4 week yo-yoing plateau! I've hit new lows everyday this week! I'm going to post my official WI tomorrow as I realized I won't have access to my scale while I am on vacation this weekend.

    Can't wait!! Go Team Foo'd Fighters!

    What little steps are you taking towards your goal today?!?

    smooches xx

    drinking a LOT of water. and cleaning the entire station, including the ambulance bay to burn some cals!!!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I am WAY excited for the WI as well. I think I may have finally broken my 4 week yo-yoing plateau! I've hit new lows everyday this week! I'm going to post my official WI tomorrow as I realized I won't have access to my scale while I am on vacation this weekend.

    Can't wait!! Go Team Foo'd Fighters!

    What little steps are you taking towards your goal today?!?

    smooches xx

    Cleaning like crazy! Base board scrubbing type cleaning! My oh-so-judgemental MIL will be here Saturday! WOOT!
  • shouts12
    shouts12 Posts: 87
    Hoping my ankle will let me play soccer tonight. That's a good workout!

    Go Foo(d) fighters!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Heading to zumba today! Trying to get back on the exercise train! Go Foo(d) Fighters!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    woohoo- got a compliment from a woman coworker this morning "Wow Tori you really look good. I noticed the other day when you were wearing the black lacy shirt how much weight you've lost. Keep it up girl"

    There is no motivation like a complimetn for me!!!

    (tooting my own horn):wink:
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