from an obese 230lbs to lean 168lbs 8-9%bf. whats your greatest success?

I've gone from an obese 230lbs to a lean 168lbs in a year. Went from doing nothing to lifting and training for the royal marines commandos. What's your greatest success?


  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
  • UDTsunamiSurfer
    UDTsunamiSurfer Posts: 21 Member
    If U don't post pictures it Never Happened... Just Sayin... Show Us!
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    What's your height? How many calories did you eat to get to your goals? Can you outline your exercise program if you have time. How much cardio? How much lifting? Etc. I've lost a lot of weight already but I'm about the same weight now you used to be, 227-230lbs depending on the day.
    I cant remember exactly what I did lifting wise but cardio I did around 30-45 minutes a day which was usually on the cross trainer as I found that burned more calories than running on a treadmill or going on the rowing machine diet wise thinking back it wasn't the most healthy/best choice but it mainly consisted of chicken and spinach three times a day id say I was taking in around 30g of fat, 200g of protein and 150-160 carbs. And as for lifting I can remember doing just that... lifting I just went to the gym and worked my *kitten* off haha didn't have a training programme or routine just went to the gym and gave it all I could and well done for losing the weight you have already lost keep up the hard work!

  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    If U don't post pictures it Never Happened... Just Sayin... Show Us!

    For some reason it won't let me paste it on here but if you really want proof go to my instagram which is mr_dopey_97 and have a look on there in the pic on the left I was at 200lbs which wasn't my biggest and on the right I was at 160lbs maybe less not to sure.
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    EAsh84 wrote: »
    Thankyou very much appreciated.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Nice job, man... really. Did you go through a bulk/cut cycle after your initial drop to get to where you are now?
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    edited February 2015
    I went from 262 to 164 in 14 months. Now doing a bulk to add muscle, up to 168-170.
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    dfranch wrote: »
    I went from 262 to 164 in 14 months. Now doing a bulk to add muscle, up to 168-170.
    Awesome job man keep up the hard work!
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    bwmalone wrote: »
    Nice job, man... really. Did you go through a bulk/cut cycle after your initial drop to get to where you are now?
    Yeah haha and yeah once I got to my lowest weight which was 160 lbs undertook a lean bulk got 170lbs and im now on a cut to get ripped for summer aha
  • UDTsunamiSurfer
    UDTsunamiSurfer Posts: 21 Member
    How long ago was ur accomplishment? This is definitely amazing but it's hard 2 believe u spent a year of ur life doing sumtin & u can't remember what u did... Was also wondering where the fat & carbs came from in ur macro "guesstimation" as chicken is lean & a whole pound of spinach has only 4 carbs... Way 2 get it done esp w/o a routine!
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Nice job, Darren. I was overweight, not obese at 5'9", 188 lbs. I'm just under 147 lbs as of this morning with bodyfat around 14%. I've been at it a little over 2 years. I lost 25 lbs, started cycling a lot, started eating more to fuel my cycling, gained 20 of those lost pounds back, then started working on losing weight again. I'm not cycling much anymore. Most of my exercise now is lifting/ strength training, along with a lot of walking using my Fitbit. I don't look as good as you with my shirt off, but I'm more than three times your age, so I'm giving myself a pass.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    edited February 2015
    Darren261 wrote: »
    dfranch wrote: »
    I went from 262 to 164 in 14 months. Now doing a bulk to add muscle, up to 168-170.
    Awesome job man keep up the hard work!
    Thanks, You too. I wish I had the definition you have, I'm still kinda skinny fat. I'm guessing I'm at least 20 years older than you are, maybe that has something to do with it.
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    dfranch wrote: »
    Darren261 wrote: »
    dfranch wrote: »
    I went from 262 to 164 in 14 months. Now doing a bulk to add muscle, up to 168-170.
    Awesome job man keep up the hard work!
    Thanks, You too. I wish I had the definition you have, I'm still kinda skinny fat. I'm guessing I'm at least 20 years older than you are, maybe that has something to do with it.
    Thankyou and keep going, keep motivated and keep putting in the work and you'll get there. Oh and im 18 aha.

  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    Nice job, Darren. I was overweight, not obese at 5'9", 188 lbs. I'm just under 147 lbs as of this morning with bodyfat around 14%. I've been at it a little over 2 years. I lost 25 lbs, started cycling a lot, started eating more to fuel my cycling, gained 20 of those lost pounds back, then started working on losing weight again. I'm not cycling much anymore. Most of my exercise now is lifting/ strength training, along with a lot of walking using my Fitbit. I don't look as good as you with my shirt off, but I'm more than three times your age, so I'm giving myself a pass.
    Awesome job! And to say your 3x ttimes my age with 14% body fat wow well done be putting me to shame soon ;) awesome job keep up the hard work very inspiring!
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    How long ago was ur accomplishment? This is definitely amazing but it's hard 2 believe u spent a year of ur life doing sumtin & u can't remember what u did... Was also wondering where the fat & carbs came from in ur macro "guesstimation" as chicken is lean & a whole pound of spinach has only 4 carbs... Way 2 get it done esp w/o a routine!
    I know its hard to believe haha but why would I lie about something like this? That's just a tad immature aha but yeah it was pure guesstimation as I was not tracking my macros then and the reason to why i cant remember is because I was not thinking about the present only about the future and my goals. I started training january 2014 for my holiday to magaluf and wanted to be in decent shape and I achieved my weight of 168lbs mid january 2015. Whether or not you beleive me thats down to you as I said check my instagram if you don't.
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Well done on the weight loss. Ignore the haters. I believe you. You're young and got that fast metabolism working for you.
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    happygalah wrote: »
    Well done on the weight loss. Ignore the haters. I believe you. You're young and got that fast metabolism working for you.
    Thank you, very much appreciated and hate only makes me work harder, I've had it all my life so im used to it haha just makes me want to prove them wrong.
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Well I did about the same thing and I do have a pic that I can post on here. You know what I didnt follow a program, and only tracked what I was eating for the last few months. The best I could tell you would be I did basic stuff with dumbbells. All I did was cut, I have never bulked, after I hit my goal weight I did what most people would call a recomp. Still I have to say my greatest success was learning how to deal with binge eating and how to deal with stress without turning to food. I am also trying to become a better person, I can still be a bit of a selfish a hole but I am working on it.

    The pics are about 2 years apart.
  • Darren261
    Darren261 Posts: 42 Member
    Well I did about the same thing and I do have a pic that I can post on here. You know what I didnt follow a program, and only tracked what I was eating for the last few months. The best I could tell you would be I did basic stuff with dumbbells. All I did was cut, I have never bulked, after I hit my goal weight I did what most people would call a recomp. Still I have to say my greatest success was learning how to deal with binge eating and how to deal with stress without turning to food. I am also trying to become a better person, I can still be a bit of a selfish a hole but I am working on it.

    The pics are about 2 years apart.
    Wow... Awesome there job man very happy for you! Great transformation absolutely awesome well done. Very inspirational and I personally never have a training programme either I just go to the gym and if its chest day for example I'll train chest don't need a programme as long as you know what your doing and you and me a prime example of that but yeah well done man keep up the hard work and make all kinds of gains! ;)
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