Carbs are taking over!!!



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    Ok just redid my target diet and it bumped me up to 150g carbs, 40g fat and 60g protein. Is that better?

    If you are trying to follow a diet for diabetics, no. Because spacing your carbs throughout the day matters more than how many carbs total you eat. And type of sugars you eat matters too.
  • Gianfranco_R
    Gianfranco_R Posts: 1,297 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    I did speak to a dietitian.

    It seems you have to speak more.
    Also not a good idea to ask in the general forum.
    For support here on MFP:
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    Ok just redid my target diet and it bumped me up to 150g carbs, 40g fat and 60g protein. Is that better?

    For what it's worth, I had insulin resistance. I kept my carbs moderate, so 150g a day (broken up into 50 per meal). I successfully reversed my insulin resistance after losing 70 pounds.

    I'd recommend talking to your doctor about your diet before making any drastic changes.

    Good luck!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited February 2015
    You do not need to go into ketosis in order to deal with pre-diabetes. That is an extreme example of a low carb diet. I would suggest talking to a registered dietician or diabetes educator or at least visiting the ADA's meal planning section.

    I have PCOS and have found that eating lower carb has helped quite a bit. I've actually found that starting out pretty low (just checked and I averaged around 125 g/day) helped me when I was first losing weight and getting in shape. At that time, I ate as many fruits/veggies as I wanted (and yes, any kind of fruits/veggies) and limited grains and dessert-type sweets (ice cream, cake, etc.) to once a week. I also ate full fat and reduced fat (not fat free) dairy, which is a carb source. Over time, as I got into better shape, I've been able to add back carbs with no ill effects and my fasting blood sugar is down to 89. I now tend to eat much more in the "normal" or average range for carbs. My big focus is on overall calories and protein and I find that my fat and carbs land in a good spot.
  • HSThode
    It was a fasting glucose test all three times. I think I will talk to the dietitian again and go from there. Thanks everyone!!!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    Ok just redid my target diet and it bumped me up to 150g carbs, 40g fat and 60g protein. Is that better?

    Much. The protein is lower than I'd like to see, but 50 g of carbs per day was a bigger problem. The calories (1200 from my calculations) is also most likely lower than it needs to be, but that's another issue entirely. I hope you're eating back exercise calories, because 1200 is your NET calorie goal, not gross. If you burn 150 calories during your 30 minute workout, you should eat 1350 calories that day, which will bump up all of your macro goals accordingly.

    If you need to reduce carbs because your doctor told you to, then he or she is the one you should ask about grams per day. He likely won't tell you 50 g.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    i would see a dietician again and have them give you a plan to follow.
    a few things worth mentioning:
    -when you do eat carbs it is important to pair them with fats and proteins.
    -lowering your carb intake is not a magical weight loss trick. for the most part, doing so will result in a deficit you didnt have before (because a calorie deficit is whats needed for weight loss) and could cause you to lose some water weight.
    -if you do want to go low should do a lot of research on what you need to to do to be successful. authority nutrition..or wherever you found that carb info on not the place. not making sure you're getting enough, fat, sodium, magnesium, potassium, not good.
    -speaking of that google info you posted: you can't just get into ketosis by lowering your carbs to 50g a day. there are other things involved..and it might make you feel even worse. this is known as the keto flu. if you have never heard of the keto flu, don't know its causes, don't know how to remedy should not attempt the "diet."

    the only thing i can recommend doing, for sure, is to eat fats and proteins with your carbs.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    Ok just redid my target diet and it bumped me up to 150g carbs, 40g fat and 60g protein. Is that better?

    OP here is my suggestion ..

    enter your stats into MFP for one pound per week loss
    set your MFP custom macros to 30% carbs 35% protein 35% fats
    log everything you eat into MFP
    get a food scale and weigh all solids and as many liquids as possible

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    From Google Search:
    20-50 Grams Per Day
    This is where the metabolic benefits really start to kick in. This is the perfect range for people who need to lose weight fast, or are metabolically deranged and have obesity or diabetes.

    When eating less than 50 grams per day, your body will get into ketosis, supplying energy for the brain via so-called ketone bodies. This is likely to kill your appetite and cause you to lose weight automatically.

    OP if I was cutting carbs below 50 g/day that is when I would become deranged...

    You said you were diagnosed pre-diabetic, not diabetic, right? I think the approach you are taking, compliments of Dr. Google, which is probably only slightly more reliable than Dr. Oz, is way too extreme. Talk again with your doctor, see a registered dietician, make more moderate changes and you will likely still see improved results and have a better chance at sustainability.

    Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    I had a few high blood glucose readings. I did speak to a dietitian. No drugs. No meter. I was a carb junky!!! So, trying to get out but its everywhere!! I had a banana and a measured 1/2 cup greek yogurt for breakfast then logged it...BAM...carbs gone!! Really? And that is healthy eating! If that;s the case I feel sunk. What to do what to do? I eat eggs like a maniac.

    the problem here is that you have a perception that carbs are inherently an evil thing...they are not...yes, fruit is a are veggies. You can eat "healthy" and eat carbs.

    What you're talking about in RE to 50grams of carbs per day is a very low carb don't have to do that to be healthy and have a healthy diet...basically you've bought into the dogma that carbs are the devil.

    I eat a very well balanced and healthy diet and I eat upwards of 200 grams of carbs daily. You can check my diary and you will see that for the most part, I'm all about good livin' and having a nutritious diet.
  • HSThode
    You all are the best!!! Thank you so much!!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I'm prediabetic and when I started to go with cutting carbs, I shot for 35% carbs (just to start weening myself off of them), 30%fats, and 35% protein. Now I'm down to trying 30% carbs and 35% fats/35% protein.

    The first week or two is the hardest. Concentrate on hitting or going over your protein number and you will find that you can stay within the 35% carb range. That will be your main focus. Eventually your body and hunger signals won't be ruled by your lack of carbs. The veggies should be a lot of your carbs. I literally had to substitute my rice at dinner with a heaping mounds of broccoli or whatever veggie I cooked.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating a ton of eggs. This was my go-to snack when first lowering my carb intake.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    From Google Search:

    This made all kinds of alarm bells go off when I read it. Have you consulted your doctor or a dietitian? Unless recommended by a physician, I am very reluctant to take the uncontested advice of Dr. Google.
    HSThode wrote: »
    20-50 Grams Per Day
    This is where the metabolic benefits really start to kick in. This is the perfect range for people who need to lose weight fast, or are metabolically deranged and have obesity or diabetes.

    Again, unless recommended by a health professional to address the latter two, often times all of the "fast weight" you'll be losing is water weight. As soon as you're off of this 'diet', you're likely going to gain it all back.
    HSThode wrote: »
    When eating less than 50 grams per day, your body will get into ketosis, supplying energy for the brain via so-called ketone bodies. This is likely to kill your appetite and cause you to lose weight automatically.

    I can understand that the amount of information out there can be overwhelming; as such, please take my advice - there is no legitimately healthy diet out there that causes you to "lose weight automatically". Many diets offer empty assertions that you'll lose weight quickly, but I've yet to find one that can make the same assurances that you'll lose it healthily, or keep it off. As said by another poster above, a healthy caloric deficit is all it takes.

    Aside: with guidance from my doctor, I've lost 110lbs, and my BP has gone from 170/110 (on medication) to ~110/75 (no meds). This is on a diet of ~300g of carbs per day.
  • Liams_momma14
    Liams_momma14 Posts: 23 Member
    phogbear wrote: »
    Its probably 50 g, which is stage 1 of the Atkins diet. If that is what your doing then you can not have granola bars or fruit. If your doing the Atkins diet, then please go reread the induction phase because I'm not sure you understand it.

    Some ideas for snacks are cheese sticks (alone or wrapped in lunch meat), nuts (weigh out 2 oz), or the portable tuna packs (throwing out the crackers). These are all easy to carry around.

    Phase one induction is 20 g of net carbs not 50g
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Why are your carbs set so low??

    yes, please answer this...

    Yeah, 50 grams of carbs per day seems really low.

  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    HSThode wrote: »
    Ok just redid my target diet and it bumped me up to 150g carbs, 40g fat and 60g protein. Is that better?


    My dad is pre-diabetic and he was never put on anything that low by a doctor. Being pre-diabetic, I think you need to run any diet plan by your doctor and ask for a referral to a nutritionist/dietician who works with diabetics. There are nutritionists out there who teach classes, etc on how to cope with diabetes and the various stages, including pre-diabetic.