Looking for buddies to help me stay consistent logging - laid back - close to same goals - 30/F

Hello! I'm looking for some MFP friends who are working on roughly the same goals for support and motivation. I'm not looking at anything intensive, just someone who uses MFP regularly that I can interact with on our feeds etc. or casual chat over messages if need be. :) Just looking for a reason to log into MFP other than logging food, it gets lonely on here without many interactive friends! I've been logging consistantly for the past 35 days and my goal is to make a 365 day streak.

Me: 30/Female/Canada

Weight Goals:
SW: 209
CW: 182
1st Goal: 170lb.
2nd Goal: 150lb
Final GW: 125-130lbs

Fitness Goals:
- Finish C25K and, later, Bridge to 10K (currently W4D2 of C25K)
- Finish a lifting program (currently working on New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stage 1)
- Get into a yoga / pilates morning routine before work (not started yet!)

Nutrition Goals
I average about 1300 calories daily, I suppose Paleo is the easiest way to describe how I eat, but it's not terribly strict. I don't eat grains or rice, and 95% of my diet is lean meat and whole vegetables, but I do have a treat with refined sugars every once in a while. I don't care how other people eat but if you're eating 800 calories a day I'm probably going to worry about you :)

Reading, travelling, swimming, running, knitting, TV (fave shows Breaking Bad / Walking Dead / Game of Thrones / The Good Wife / Scandal), learning new things

Hope to meet some people soon :)


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    You can add me if you like!

    We have some similar weight goals, although I plan to progress slowly (and may just maintain for awhile).

    I work out daily doing yoga and pilates, and some low impact cardio (like 5 mins to warm up). I like reading, video games, crochet, learning new things, all those TV shows.

    And might I suggest!


    Starts March 1, and would be a really fun way to start your pre-work yoga routine. I completed it on my own recently and highly recommend it, and this is a plan for several people to do it together. The first couple videos take a bit more time, but most are not too long (10-25 mins).
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Just added.

    815 streak today
    love reading, traveling, swimming, also like some of the same shows.
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks, added you both! :smiley:
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    I will add you! I'm 27/F, current weight 218, goal is 180 by end of summer. Then 150, possibly less if I feel it's possible! I'm new to tracking on MFP, although I downloaded the app years ago :/...just gave birth to my 3rd baby. He is 7 weeks old, and I'm just getting back to the gym for the first time in years. I've recently began a semi Paleo diet...I'm not super strict but anything I make is usually Paleo with the exception of some oats and rice occasionally. Good luck! You've already come along a way and that's inspiring to me :)
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2015
    Congrats on the baby wow!!! Sounds like you have accomplished so much in your 27 years, I am still trying to figure it all out at 30! Your diet sounds very similar to mine :) We can swap recipes! I accepted your friend request!
  • kitaemma
    kitaemma Posts: 40 Member
    You won me over with your interests! lol but I'm 6'1", 10 pounds from my goal weight but I also lift and eventually want to do a 10k. Yoga twice a week.
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    Wooowww 6'1" I'm jealous! 5'3" over here, my top cupboards are basically empty since I need a stepstool for everything :|
  • fostersu
    fostersu Posts: 327 Member
    I'm new here too! Feel free to add me. 31 and slowly gained 50 of the 70 lbs I once lost back again. :S time to reverse the trend!
  • Bexyf
    Bexyf Posts: 42 Member
    Hi only quick reply as feeding bubba....I am 30 with about 50lbs to lose. Feel free to add me xx log on every day x
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Add me if youd like! Im 30yo with a 38 day streak so far. Log everyday, under 1800 cal goal. Workout 4-5 days a week. I eat all sorts of foods though. I even allow myself starbucks everyday still (bad habit that I've drastically reduced).
    Sw 242
    Cw 223
    Gw 1- 199, 2- 160, 3- wont know until then

    Love ALL those shows too

    Anyone can friend me
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    You can add me if you like. I have similar goals and I LOVE knitting! I'm on a 62 days streak which is my longest ever and I'm trying to make it to 365 too. :smile:
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    yayy, added you guys!! Thanks!!!!
  • stephanie1x2
    stephanie1x2 Posts: 55 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey :) i have the same problem its hard to keep logging things as it get quite tedious after a while... im looking to get to the 150 lbs goal as well :D and having friends always helps motivate ya xx
  • plusquechose
    plusquechose Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same situation so I added you. I'm 165 now, down from 169 looking to get to 135. I do T25 and brazilian jiu jitsu.
  • msgetright70
    msgetright70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I looking for the same type of motivation!! We also weight about the same with the same goal. I'm Kimberly nice to meet you.
  • marisajopson15
    marisajopson15 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I will add you. I weight train & run 5 days a week. I have run small marathons (up to 14kms) so happy to give tips of reaching your 10km run. I want to lose 3-5kgs & just looking for similar people to give & receive motivation :)
  • mirki002
    mirki002 Posts: 47 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'll add you! Other similar gals on this feed feel free to add me as well. I'm 25, 5ft6.5. SW 182ish, CW 173.6. As far as eating habits, I eat 1500 calories per day during the week, and closer to 1800 on weekends. I am a pescetarian (the only meat that I eat is fish), and I also eat eggs and dairy. I completed C25K a couple years ago- it did wonders for me! I have run a couple of 5K races and I am doing an 8K next month and a 10K this summer. I'm also taking a body strength class at my gym once a week because I want to start doing more weight training but don't really know how to begin. Hope
    to find some similar friends for motivation here :-)
    Edit to add: my GW is 150-160, I will reevaluate if I want to lose more at that point.
  • gemaquaries
    gemaquaries Posts: 79 Member
    Hi! You can add me as well, i'm on here a lot and have similar goals. Im working on a 10 mile race and remember training for my first 5k. You got this!
  • cataclasma
    cataclasma Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm about 165lb, GW: 150-153lb. Starting off yet another weight loss effort - though I'd be happy if I just got fitter and healthier (the numbers aren't as important). Added you. :)
  • bmj2015
    bmj2015 Posts: 31 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi! I would be interested connecting with you, or any of the folks on this thread! (Females only please.)

    Me: 33/Female/Minneapolis

    Weight Goals: (I'm 5'4")
    SW: 140
    CW: 136
    1st Goal: 125
    2nd Goal: 120
    Final GW: 118-120

    Fitness Goals:
    - Get 10,000 steps daily on my FitBit. This is so satisfying to me for some reason, and it helps with my TDEE.
    - Be able to run 3-4 miles pretty easily by summer. I'm a very casual runner but I enjoy it.
    - Begin a lifting program. I don't know why I am so intimidated by this stuff.
    - I am a full-time yoga teacher, so I have many "yoga goals" revolving around specific poses and home-practice, but I don't need to go on about that here. :)

    Nutrition Goals
    Currently I am very careful to see that I end each day in a 500 cal deficit. I don't follow a specific type of diet, but I do try to cook dinner at home with whole foods around 5 night per week. I will say that my husband and I are both foodies, so I budget into my weekly calorie allowance ONE fancy dinner date out per week. I log it as a "cheat" or a "splurge" but really it is pretty carefully planned for.

    TRAVEL, reading, yoga, music (all genres but especially classical), writing letters, hoarding skincare and beauty products.

    Add me if you like!