Looking for Friends for support :)



  • Hello , my name is jeffrey and resently desided to start getting back into shape. I am 22 amd have fallen into a dark after high school. After a unfortunate break up i gave up and just gained and gained but im done i cant take being lazy any more. I look around and see couples everywhere and with my size now being over 300 pounds i cant bring forthe my confidence tAlk to any girls. And im ready to get back to being the Individual i used to be. And i kno this but for whatever reason i cant bring myself to get up and do somthing about it. So i need a group i need friends to modivate me to workout with me on skype or other means i am done being this way and im reaching out for help. Please could you assist me plz.
  • Gagirl79
    Gagirl79 Posts: 193 Member
    Great job on everyone's progress! I am also trying to lose 20-30 pounds. I am down almost 13 in 2015 but sometimes I lack motivation. I have a high stress job, a husband that is not always supportive and a 9 y/o daughter. Please feel free to add me!
    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Arghh..wont let me add anyone! Lol and i have 0 friends now so any help motivating would be appreciated!!
  • Supermom_of_8
    Supermom_of_8 Posts: 144 Member
    @cherylann11‌ thanks for adding me as a friend! Congrats on your weight loss! I look forward to chatting with you. @Gagirl79‌ & @espbilliards‌ I'll add you! @jeff7282‌ Pls add me as a friend. I can help! I have a son that's 22 & he went through something similar. I can help! :-)
  • Hi! Your family is beautiful. I sent a friend request. I am also looking for motivation to keep going. Last year I lost about 85lbs and emotions got the best of me and I gained back about 1/2. But determined to get it back off and keep it that way! Let's rock this!! Anyone else feel free to add me, the more motivation the better!
  • Supermom_of_8
    Supermom_of_8 Posts: 144 Member
    Thank you @dmk0973‌ for the compliments & thank you for adding me! I look forward to getting to know you. That is awesome what you lost! We'll work together on this! Support is key! :-)
  • Supermom_of_8
    Supermom_of_8 Posts: 144 Member
    It's amazing all the love & support I've gotten on here. Thank you for those that wanted to be friends. I'm enjoying getting to know each & everyone of you!! :smiley: