Not New but Back!

melissahatten73 Posts: 6
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am not new to MFP however it has been a long time since I was truly dedicated. I am on a mission to get healthy. Over the last several years I have made so many lifestyle changes. Ie Quit Smoking, Got foot surgery, got a hysterectomy, got married, becoming active and not sedentary.

I am looking forward to great success along the way.

Any tips on foods, exercise and losing weight after 40 are welcome!!


  • MaryT9277
    Welcome back sounds like you have had great success already!!
  • melissahatten73
    Thank you! I feel I have but much more to come. Life is good
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Melissa! Welcome back. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :) I'm a bit of a rah-rah cheerleader-y type friend, with a bit of suggestion giving/caring inquiry.

    Congrats on all that you've done to this point and wishing you every sort of good with your journey!