Thread for Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, other?



  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member

    The hardest thing I've found is "Other people can deal with this? WHY CAN'T I?"

    I deal with these thoughts a lot too.
    What do others do?

  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    I stopped comparing myself to others. I try to use that energy to do what I can. I've been dieting for a month now. I have lost 16 lbs. My meds are metabolized better. My struggle it's that poison fast food. My mantra, if you can hold it in your hands, don't eat it.
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    Borderline Personality, Anxiety, and Seasonal Depression. Working out has definitely helped kick the SD, but anxiety and the BPD usually make me panicky about working out in front of people, and not want to even bother, because I'm just going to give up, and if I miss a day, I have to wait until the next week to start over, because schedules, and OCD, and AHHHH! It's a hard knock life, for us :P
  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    I stopped comparing myself to others. I try to use that energy to do what I can. I've been dieting for a month now. I have lost 16 lbs. My meds are metabolized better. My struggle it's that poison fast food. My mantra, if you can hold it in your hands, don't eat it.

    Good for you! And I'm a little confused on your mantra-- by that logic, the only things you could logically "eat" would be water and... well, cats... :P
  • I have Depression and anxiety and borderline personality disorder. With also Fibromyalgia. I thought it was about time I get myself in shape to help me physically and emotionally. Just started this past week and half working at gym, and dieting. Even quit smoking. All at once I think I am nut's! But I am just so tired of feeling so stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I need to start taking care of myself. I am also a stay at home mom so I am always taking care of the house and 2 kids, 2 dog's, a cat, and at times my significant other who work's a whole lot. Typing all of this even gives me anxiety and want to cry. Also a few other personal stressors in my life right now are going on. I think I need a friend! Don't have many. No really close friend's. Doing a lot on own.
  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    I stopped comparing myself to others. I try to use that energy to do what I can. I've been dieting for a month now. I have lost 16 lbs. My meds are metabolized better. My struggle it's that poison fast food. My mantra, if you can hold it in your hands, don't eat it.

    Good for you! And I'm a little confused on your mantra-- by that logic, the only things you could logically "eat" would be water and... well, cats... :P

    And toddlers, maybe.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Well I am A DHD and have some mild anxiety and underlying learning disorders. I end up feeling pissed off and stressed out most of the time because I dont get enough help around the house. My daughter has anxiety and my hubby has mental health issues that stress' s us all out. So that is my life right now. I dont do well with change and I need stability and right now we are going through changes and very little stability.
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    I have Depression and anxiety and borderline personality disorder. With also Fibromyalgia. I thought it was about time I get myself in shape to help me physically and emotionally. Just started this past week and half working at gym, and dieting. Even quit smoking. All at once I think I am nut's! But I am just so tired of feeling so stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I need to start taking care of myself. I am also a stay at home mom so I am always taking care of the house and 2 kids, 2 dog's, a cat, and at times my significant other who work's a whole lot. Typing all of this even gives me anxiety and want to cry. Also a few other personal stressors in my life right now are going on. I think I need a friend! Don't have many. No really close friend's. Doing a lot on own.

    Friend me, we can do this together! Anxiety, Depression, OCD here, such a struggle sometimes but have been doing better recently. Work (just went back after being at home with my children for 12 years), 3 children, 1 dog and also a husband who sometimes works too much! I find exercise helps with the feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed which in turn makes me eat better. I'm also noticing how eating badly can really effect my depression. One day at a time, I'm determined to get out of this cycle of unhealthy eating and depression!

  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I suffer from depression and take wellbutrin for it. I've been on other meds and all made me gain major weight. Since I'm obese anyway that didn't work. I've been on it for about 3 years now. It took a long time for me to be okay with the fact that I needed a pill everyday in order to be happy. I hated living on a pill so I would take it until I felt better and stop again. This went on for over a year. But since I've come to terms with it I take it twice a day like I'm supposed to.
  • I have Depression and anxiety and borderline personality disorder. With also Fibromyalgia. I thought it was about time I get myself in shape to help me physically and emotionally. Just started this past week and half working at gym, and dieting. Even quit smoking. All at once I think I am nut's! But I am just so tired of feeling so stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I need to start taking care of myself. I am also a stay at home mom so I am always taking care of the house and 2 kids, 2 dog's, a cat, and at times my significant other who work's a whole lot. Typing all of this even gives me anxiety and want to cry. Also a few other personal stressors in my life right now are going on. I think I need a friend! Don't have many. No really close friend's. Doing a lot on own.

    Friend me, we can do this together! Anxiety, Depression, OCD here, such a struggle sometimes but have been doing better recently. Work (just went back after being at home with my children for 12 years), 3 children, 1 dog and also a husband who sometimes works too much! I find exercise helps with the feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed which in turn makes me eat better. I'm also noticing how eating badly can really effect my depression. One day at a time, I'm determined to get out of this cycle of unhealthy eating and depression!
    Thanks! I sent request! Glad I am not the only one and can relate to someone. It's hard for some to understand how stressful it can be being a SAHM. The exercising seems to be helping and even the eating. Yes I am pretty achy a lot of the time but feeling a bit better emotionally. Makes me have something to focus on also other then the negativity. Feel very determined.
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Struggling with anxiety and depression for about 10 years...just started getting treatment for it recently after a drunken breakdown ended up with me going to the hospital. *sigh*

    I quit drinking a week ago, got a gym membership again, and trying to start taking better care of myself. I was very anti-medication at first, but I broke down and started taking Lexapro. Anyone have any experience with that med? I'm kinda concerned about gaining weight/being unable to lose...
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Yep, I have Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD. On Cymbalta for the Depression & Anxiety, it's my miracle drug, and I also take Adderall for my ADHD.

    The Adderall dampens my appetite a bit, but until I consciously began trying to lose weight it wasn't doing anything on its own for weight loss. It does help me stop my impulsive eating, and it makes it easier for me to be mindful of why I'm eating.

    The biggest thing for me losing weight has been to exercise more, and be VERY conscious of not just how many calories I am eating, but WHY I'm eating and stopping when I'm no longer hungry.

    I go by the theory that if nothing in particular sounds appealing, then I'm not as hungry as I think. I'll then go for a walk around the block, have a mug of tea (or a latte), and then think again about whether I'm really hungry.

    The regular exercise has been crucial in helping to manage my anxiety & depression. If I'm not taking care of myself by getting enough sleep & exercising at least twice a week I start to feel the effects on my mood.
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    Borderline Personality, Anxiety, and Seasonal Depression. Working out has definitely helped kick the SD, but anxiety and the BPD usually make me panicky about working out in front of people, and not want to even bother, because I'm just going to give up, and if I miss a day, I have to wait until the next week to start over, because schedules, and OCD, and AHHHH! It's a hard knock life, for us :P
    I think I'd have so much extra time if it weren't for my OCD and having to do everything just so!!!
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    So here goes, I don't talk to many people about my mental illness struggles and how it can complicate everything but ivd hit a really tough patch and could use some support from people like me.

    I'm 32 female married with one child. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in high school after a couple suicide attempts. 10 years ago I had an adult ADD diagnosis added on, 5 years ago experienced my first panic attack and received GAD on top of the rest. Just getting from one day to the next is sometimes a struggle.

    I'm currently taking:
    Wellbutrin XL and Adderall each morning
    Adderall at noon if needed that day
    Lorazepam as needed for panic attack.
    Was on Ambien for sleep but lately it's not helping at all. Tried Seroquel and had horrible side effects now on to Lunesta.

    My sleeping the last few months has been awful and that seems to throw everything else off too. So instead of loosing weight because I started exercising and watching my calorie intake my weight bounces around like a pinball and can't decide gain or lose which depresses me even more. Some of this is from the med side effects too as others I've been on have piled on more that 100 lbs through the years. But I'm no longer happy to let that be an excuse. I want to be fit, I want to be healthy, and I want to overcome periods of debilitating depression faster so I can live my life participating in it and not just watching from the sidelines.

    Thanks to all who take the time to read this horribly long post, just something I needed to get out there tonight!
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    Camigwen wrote: »
    So here goes, I don't talk to many people about my mental illness struggles and how it can complicate everything but ivd hit a really tough patch and could use some support from people like me.

    I'm 32 female married with one child. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in high school after a couple suicide attempts. 10 years ago I had an adult ADD diagnosis added on, 5 years ago experienced my first panic attack and received GAD on top of the rest. Just getting from one day to the next is sometimes a struggle.

    I'm currently taking:
    Wellbutrin XL and Adderall each morning
    Adderall at noon if needed that day
    Lorazepam as needed for panic attack.
    Was on Ambien for sleep but lately it's not helping at all. Tried Seroquel and had horrible side effects now on to Lunesta.

    My sleeping the last few months has been awful and that seems to throw everything else off too. So instead of loosing weight because I started exercising and watching my calorie intake my weight bounces around like a pinball and can't decide gain or lose which depresses me even more. Some of this is from the med side effects too as others I've been on have piled on more that 100 lbs through the years. But I'm no longer happy to let that be an excuse. I want to be fit, I want to be healthy, and I want to overcome periods of debilitating depression faster so I can live my life participating in it and not just watching from the sidelines.

    Thanks to all who take the time to read this horribly long post, just something I needed to get out there tonight!

    Hang in there, things will get better! I'm really trying to focus on eating as healthy as possible with fresh food and extra protein and have been amazed how much better I feel. I seem to mess up on the weekends when I get overwhelmed with everything going on but will just keep trying to improve.
    I'm on a whole bunch of meds but luckily they seem to be working well for me at this point for the most part.
    I haven't been online much the past couple of days or would have responded earlier. Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    Chronic anxiety, intermittent (finally! :)) depression, and somewhat under control BDD here. I tend to react to things that stress me out (like my weight) with total avoidance, probably so I can not have to think about it. But you can only avoid stuff for so long, and when things come to a head I have a tendency to react by overcompensating and not eating enough. I don't starve myself anymore, but not-eating-enough isn't exactly a sustainable solution.

    I have a big vacation coming up, so I'm fairly desperate to loose some weight before I'm expected to hang out with people in a swimsuit. Ugh. :(

    Does anyone else have a phobia of the gym? All I can think of when I'm there is how much I'm sweating and how terrible and out of shape I am compaired to everyone else

    I hate the gym, I always feel like everyone is staring and laughing at me. I know that's not true but it keeps me from going every time.

    Finally found a very small place a few blocks from home and am hoping to check it out in the next couple weeks. Find someplace you are confirtable asking for help and are not afraid to show up at alone. Or get some good equipment or videos for home use.

    Hang in there, I'm told this does get easier eventually☺️
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    edises1 wrote: »
    I have lost 14 pounds in the last 14 days. I needed to lose a total of 57 lbs. I knew I would drop a few pounds quickly, but not this fast. I'm eating 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Should I be concerned at this point in losing weight too fast?

    I lost 10 lbs my first week and then things slowed to a crawl. If the loss doesn't slow down over the next week may want to look at increasing your calories. Healthy loss should be between 1-2 lbs a week after the initial water weight drop.

    Also search for a BMR calculator, there are some great ones I found looking through MFP articles, should help you get an idea for how many calories are right for you.
  • Camigwen
    Camigwen Posts: 41 Member
    Hang in there, things will get better! I'm really trying to focus on eating as healthy as possible with fresh food and extra protein and have been amazed how much better I feel. I seem to mess up on the weekends when I get overwhelmed with everything going on but will just keep trying to improve.
    I'm on a whole bunch of meds but luckily they seem to be working well for me at this point for the most part.
    I haven't been online much the past couple of days or would have responded earlier. Feel free to friend me if you want.

    Sent you a FR. I like how much better my depression gets when I exercise and eat well. Just wishing I could get my sleep back in line as it seems to make everything worse at the same rate food/exercise makes it better. Thought Lunesta might be the answer as it worked well all last week but took 3mg last night (thank god I work from home) and went to bed at 1030 was still awake at 430a.

    How I envy those who can just lay down and fall asleep
  • stellerceramics
    stellerceramics Posts: 5 Member
    In response to the sleeping post- its the one thing that has the power to make me dance on that line of a manic episode. I find that what works for me are the herbal teas designed to help sleep. Both traditional medicinals and yogi brand teas make good ones. They seem kind of expensive, but totally worth the benifits of a good nights sleep. I would suggest consulting your md about any potentially dangerous drug interactions if you're on meds.

  • czander1968
    czander1968 Posts: 10 Member
    Anxiety disorder here and on 60mg Cymbalta and .25 Xanax as needed. I was a group fitness instructor when all of this started 13 years ago after losing my Mom when she was 54 to pancreatic cancer. I also have bouts of PVC's pre ventricular heart contractions that are harmless but very scary. I have gained 55lbs and lost 16lbs in the last year or so. Exercise takes a lot of effort for me confidence wise. I have to tell myself it won't kill me only make me better! I have lost only 5lbs or so since Feb. 27th. I am 46 and I know it's going to be hard but dang!!