Here are the 7 weight loss blocking foods:



  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
  • TaraTipp
    TaraTipp Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the tips! :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I apoligize people. I will never post under the forums again. I wasn't expecting so many responses. I for one understand that you can still lose weight by eating all of these foods but it's one step above that I was trying to get @. Yes, I eat all of the foods listed and have still kept off my 75lbs for over 2.5 years. However, I am not getting any where by trying to out train a bad diet. These foods are slowly becoming elimated especially the processed foods from my diet so that I can reach my goals. No, I did not personally write up this list. I happened to find it and thought it would be nice to share. I am sorry that I am not a doctor. I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!

    Don't be daft. I think your posts are generally great. You posted a home made protein bar recipe a while back which has saved me £££.

    The list was pretty good because yes, the more quantities of the foods listed in your original list that an individual consumes the less efficient their fat loss routine will be. Including those foods won't stop fat loss (in fact you could argue this is because they are only partial rather than total blocks ;) but it will certainly help maximise results if you keep them in check.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Eating 2-3 slices of bread at a time? That seems so high...

    does she mean a week?? lol

    2-3 slices of bread isn't high, unless you're on an Atkins type diet...

    I usually 2-4 slices a day of seeded (brown) bread....
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I apoligize people. I will never post under the forums again. I wasn't expecting so many responses. I for one understand that you can still lose weight by eating all of these foods but it's one step above that I was trying to get @. Yes, I eat all of the foods listed and have still kept off my 75lbs for over 2.5 years. However, I am not getting any where by trying to out train a bad diet. These foods are slowly becoming elimated especially the processed foods from my diet so that I can reach my goals. No, I did not personally write up this list. I happened to find it and thought it would be nice to share. I am sorry that I am not a doctor. I just thought other people would find this a reminder to stop adding them to their grocery list. I am sorry for any inconvince this has had to any of your days. Have a wonderful life!

    No matter what you post, you will have people disagreeing....the great part of an open discussion like this. Dont take it personally.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    NOT ALL MILK IS CREATED EQUAAL. It is unsafe farming practices that has created the need for pasturization. Not the milk itself.

    Sorry, but quite a bit of your post is incorrect. I'm living across from a large dairy farm, the cows are allowed to frolic in a huge pasture, as do many dairy cows, most of your post was animal rights agenda BS. Yes, there are farms like you mentioned, but they're not in the majority, it's too much work and inspectors won't like seeing cattle living in filth, etc. Many farms also have installed ways of disinfecting the teats before milking occurs

    Pasterurization was created back in the 1800s. Believe cattle were raised on huge spans of land at that time, it was cheaper.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Looking at the list, the only ones I keep clear of are 3 and 5, and don’t appear to be doing too bad in losing the weight. It is all about moderation with the odd treat.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Awesome post :) Thanks for sharing!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Saving to read for later.