T25 starting March 1?

I'm starting T25 tomorrow and I'd love to have an accountability buddy or two. Anyone else starting then?


  • Demogorgan
    Demogorgan Posts: 2 Member
    I have just ordered this and should be here in a week or so, i would love to have someone to be accountable to as well.
  • ahanksa
    ahanksa Posts: 10 Member
    I plan on starting tomorrow...lets do it!
  • snowboardRN
    snowboardRN Posts: 25 Member
    I was going back and forth on T25 and P90x3. I tend to go with what I know though, and having had previous success with P90x I went with the P90x3.
    Good luck!!! Stick with it and be sure to share your progress :-)
  • EdieLynnC
    EdieLynnC Posts: 3 Member
    Demogorgan wrote: »
    I have just ordered this and should be here in a week or so, i would love to have someone to be accountable to as well.

  • ka2befree
    ka2befree Posts: 1 Member
    Support is always a positivezI tried T25 for the first time yesterday. I completed the Core segment. Focus and stay with it you will results. That's my goal.
  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    I'm a week into Beta round, stick with it the results are fantastic!
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Tomorrow is my day 1 :-)
  • I'm starting on the 2nd of March so happy to have someone else for motivation :)
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    I actually decided to start tomorrow also since the schedule starts on a Monday. Taking my measurements tonight.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just finished 60 days of Insanity Max 30 and was looking for another workout to do. I completed T-25 a year ago, but this time I have Gama as well that came in the mail a week ago.

    I'll start Focus T-25 tomorrow on March 2'nd. :)
  • Just completed T25 cardio
  • cocobongo
    cocobongo Posts: 186 Member
    How is everyone's first T25 day of the week going?

    I'm having to double up as got behind on Fri! Just done Beta Core Cardio having a quick break and then starting Dynamic Core!
  • texasleeny
    texasleeny Posts: 4 Member
    I just started T25 this morning. I loved the first workout. I can't wait to keep going!
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    Got up at 4:30 to get my first workout in. So impressed! Great workout and I love that it's just 25 minutes. I am really feeling it in my legs! How did everyone else do today?
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    I have completed alpha and this is my last week of beta then heading to gamma. I have lost a total of 23.5lbs and I believe I am at 16" down overall. The results are amazing and it does work!!! Stick to it :)
  • varaidzo21
    varaidzo21 Posts: 7 Member
    I started it this morning. Really enjoyed the first cardio workout. I look forward to seeing great results for everyone. I took some body shots and weighed in. I'm hoping to see some good results at the end of March.
  • varaidzo21
    varaidzo21 Posts: 7 Member
    I have completed alpha and this is my last week of beta then heading to gamma. I have lost a total of 23.5lbs and I believe I am at 16" down overall. The results are amazing and it does work!!! Stick to it :)

    Wow! Congrats on your amazing results!
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    varaidzo21 wrote: »
    I have completed alpha and this is my last week of beta then heading to gamma. I have lost a total of 23.5lbs and I believe I am at 16" down overall. The results are amazing and it does work!!! Stick to it :)

    Wow! Congrats on your amazing results!

    Thanks! It's been tough but I did it. Also, the entire time I have done the modified version (I am busty and there is no way I can jump that much) so it is still an amazing workout. I kind of felt defeated at the beginning, not being able to do the regular workout but modified rocks body results as well! All I can say, is STICK TO IT! Don't stop! It does work. I also am eating lower carb/higher protein and basing my calories on MFP's suggestions. Also, i try to walk 4km (45 minutes) a night. Some weeks I suck at getting the walking in, but most of the time I do it :)
  • dez11qt56
    dez11qt56 Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm starting T25 today! Good luck everyone!
  • AbsterBee
    AbsterBee Posts: 22 Member
    I'm restarting today!